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What would you do if you won the lottery?

If you won a $50 million lottery (and could keep it all...meaning, you didn't have to pay a tax on it), what would you do with it and why?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd buy a house (so I don't have to rent anymore), put away an extremely large sum for both of my children's education and some play money for them, take a LONG vacation somewhere nice and warm, give to some charities, and probably get a tummy tuck or something to that effect (I hate my bulge in my belly).

    What would you do with it?

  • 1 decade ago

    I would put myself through college. That would give me the knowledge I'd need to put the money to good use.

    I would also hire a personal trainer to whip me into shape, a stock broker to increase my wealth, an accountant to keep my financial affairs in order, and a nutritionist to help me plan my meals.

    I would put my two weeks notice in at my job and buy eveyone a lobster and steak lunch on my last day. Then I'd buy each member of my family a modest house (modest enough to do the upkeep themselves) and a nice car in the area of their choosing.

    Then I'd buy my own house and car: A nice log cabin home in Virginia Beach in a forest close to the shore with a smaller cabin for my parents and in-laws down the road, and a Beige 1956 Cadillac, updated with all the options and a wicked stereo system.

    Lastly, I'd donate $100,000 a piece to the following:

    The International Al Jolson Society

    Sex Addicts Anonymous

    Muscular Distrophy Association

    Boy Scouts of America

    Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

    The American Episcopal Curch

    The American Film Institute

    The Libertarian Party of Virginia

    Oh, and I'd buy a really tasty sandwich from Subway and all the old Star Wars, He-Man, Transformers, and GI Joe action figures and playsets I had as a kid.

    Oh, and I'd pay Ashton Kutcher to let me sleep with Demi Moore, just like in that movie with Robert Redford.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, i would put a bit towards college for me and my sister (chump change compared with 50 large). then, i'd move out to Hawai'i, and live the good life. i would set up a savings account to accumulate some cash, get a job as a sailing/surfing instructor, and add to the pot. i would definitely buy a nice car or three, i would donate a million to varying charities (that's a given), ad spend parts of the money creating the ultimate paintball field. i would tour the world (best warm vacation spots) just for the fun of it (and because i could), and probably buy a private island...turn it into the world's biggest theme park or an awesome retreat for middle-class families. y'know that song by Ludacris, "Pimpin all over the world"? you know that song by Ja rule "Livin' it Up"? those would be me. come to think of it, i might just buy a private army and take over France (they're long overdue for a short person to take over again).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Half would go to various charities 25 million, 1/4 to my relatives (12 million)and I'd keep the remaining 1/8 to pay off my bills and help my friends pay off their bills (six million). I'd bank the remaining 1/8 (6 million) to live off of for the rest of my life.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would make sure that my children would have a huge nest egg. I would make sure that every person in my extended family would have a house with nothing to pay and a new vehicle. I'm not talking about a million dollar house but the house of their dreams. My family is so loving and caring, they would be like no we can't accept. I love my family so much. I don't want them to want for anything. And of course I would help out with needy families and children in American. We can't let our country go --just because we want to save others. There are alot of kids just within a mile or so who need help. Give them a fighting chance--show other families how to take care of themselves so they dont have to rely on aid forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    well I would tithe the first 5 mil. to my church because i was always taught that you give 10% of your salary or earnings to charity.

    then I would have a house built from scratch in Vegas. no more than 5 mil. that includes furnishings.

    I would take 1 million and invest in other real estate. ( flip that house kind of deal).

    The rest I would just live off of the interest.

  • 1 decade ago

    First thing - take my family out to eat, we would discuss all the things we will do.

    let my parents quit work and retire.

    Start my own business

    buy a house car

    pay off bills


    1 nice day of shopping

    but 50 million - thats a lot

    Def tons of shopping eating out cars etc etc tavel

    donate to help people

    Id probably start my own little human society.

    Go to school

    send my brother to school

    Pay off my parents bills

    have the biggest dinner with my family and close Friends

    find someone who deserves some and share the wealth.

    donate to foster homes and group homes

    Send my parents on a vacation

    take a vacation myself

  • 1 decade ago

    buy a modest home in a nice neighborhood, pay for my daughters college education and take a vacation. Everyone needs an anchor, a place to call home.. I am tired of moving every couple of years. I want my daughter to have a college education so she doesnt have to struggle like I did and I havent had a vacation in over 10 years... I am dying to go to the beach.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Pay off all my debts

    2) Pay off all my mother's debts

    3) finish renovating my house, then give it to my Sister-in-law

    4) Buy or have built another house (a modest one) near by

    5) Take the whole Fam-Damily (including in-laws) on a 2 week vacation

    6) Invest in my retirement & for the kids education

    7) Donate 10% of what's left to various Charities (consider it the equivalent of paying taxes...)

    8) Now decide what I really want to do with my money!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably donate 10% of it, and then I'd stop working and enjoyt the good things in life without worrying. But My children would still have to work, and I'd do part time to keep me in reality.

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