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Why the world is silent while Israel is killing innocent civilians including women and children?

Israel is killing daily tens of civilians in Gaza and the west Bank. The hypocrites in Europe and America are applying sanctions on the Palestinian government because its lead by Hamas -though democrately elected!- why the so called civilised world keeps silent while the terrorist state is slaughtering civilians daily. What would be the reaction if it is Hamas or Palestinians who are killing Israeli. What does the world expect from the Israeli violence? more extremists will be created as people loose their homes, children, parents...etc Israel is the main reason behind world terrorism but as usual the west letting its poodle get away with everything.


To Common sense: The murderers today are the same suspects who moved from east Europe, America, Russia...and kicked Palestinians out of their homes in 1948, created 6 wars since they occupied the land, killed thousands of civilians in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt...the same people who consider themselves democratic while they are the biggest terrorists on EARTH! Israel has been using chemical, biological weapons in most of its war supplied by USA. Israel is stealing lands since 1948, it does not mean because you are a catholic that you have to live in the Vatican or a Muslim to live in Mecca or a Jew to live in Palestine!

Israel is an evil state created and survived through violence and it will not last forever!

Update 2:

If Bush decides who is terrorist and who is not then anything go! The Palestinians are not terrorists they are freedom fighters to liberates their land, Something you can not see if you are the thief who steal the land. The one who wants the Palestinians to put down their weapons and then what? Israel will give them their lands that occupied since 1948, free their prisoners, rebuild their houses and apologise for the 50 years of torture and killing!!!! RUBBISH!

Update 3:

Evil C: Never trust an Arab!! only a desert RAT can say that! we usually step on desret rats!

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So many times Israel got away with murder because US has vetoed every single sanctions against it...So it is because of the support of US and the silence of UN...This is their idea of justice...

    While Israel's crimes are called "self defense",the Palestinians fighting for liberty will be called "terrorists"...because they don't have the full support of the most powerful country in the world:USA...

    Of course.if Israel can't blame this one on Hamas(although I am sure they will find some reason to,'cos they always do),it will be called just a "mistake"...No one will ever accuse Israel of deliberately killing civilians.even if they do...

    We saw what the reaction at the Israelis deaths are:they have to transform all into an international tragedy...Everyone must know that they still "suffer"...while 18 Palestinians who were sleeping in their beds are murdered it's not so important...'cos they were kille in "self defense",'cos Israel has the right to "defend" itself against unarmed civilians...

  • 1 decade ago

    The world press isn't interested in the fact that every day Israel has to defend herself against the rockets conveniently lobbed from land given up by them in many cases. Why do you expect Israel to lay down her arms and not the Palestinians? If Hamas laid down their arms there may be peace but if Israel laid down their arms they would be overrun and destroyed which is the avowed intent of Hamas. Was Israel behind all the terrorist attack as you would have us believe - get your facts sorted out from the propoganda.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could not agree more, Israel is becoming as terroristic as everyone else over there. they said they bombed in response to palestinians launching homemade small rockets into Israel, but I am not so sure anymore. I have been saying for a long time that. I am an american, of european descent, and I believe Israel to be as bad as the terrorists they are dealing with.

    On the other hand, even though Hamas was elected LEGALLY, they need to come INTO THE WORLD community with a different mindset. No one in the west wants to deal with people that blow people up. No one in the west will deal with a goverment that stands for terrorism, that includes Syria, and Iran!!!!! I believe that the Palestinians have a right to exist right along side the Israelis. That means RESPECTING each other, and co-existing together. after all.....all Israelis and all Palestinians bleed red blood.

    can ANYONE in the middle east put their religious and cultural differences aside and co-exist?? We do it every day in the US.

    Everyone is mad over the territory the Israelis have (from the 6 day war), but they were attacked remember? and keeping booty is a custom of war, even in the middle east. They have given part of the land back, Palestine has had find a way for Hamas to come into the world, not viewed as a terroristic goverment....and deal with Israel and the world.

    remember....violence only begets violence, and BOTH Israel and Palestine are guilty. The US and the world does not like what is going on over there......but we do support Israels right to is part of OUR religion. We respect your religion, please respect ours. ps please email me

  • keny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Have hope things are changing i know exactly which appaling dissgusting thing your talking about .Its been shown on Tv on and of all day since this morning and beleive me their is NO kind of sympathy comeing for Isreal on this one no one in their right mind could see this as anything but a sick and cowerdly act . Israel is showing its true colours to the world now

    Source(s): your right tinkerbell 7 women and 10 children and one a six month old baby (are they the ugly people without souls )i don`t think so
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  • Jadis
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why is the world silent about the many attacks against innocent Israeli women and children? Why was Israel condemned for the recent Lebanon situation when Hezbollah started the whole thing?

    You guys need to quit blaming everything wrong in your lives on Israel and America and straighten out your own country. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've seen Palestinians burning the American flag, and yet you have the audacity to complain that we quit giving you money?!? I think America has shown a lot of support for Palestine - we just refuse to allow you to wipe Israel off the map.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it does no longer, and now men and ladies folk are finally establishing to look this conflict from a sparkling perspective. the undeniable fact that the U.S. seems to be an unconditional "chum of Israel" is absurd. We, of direction will idly sit down via making use of till we've some subject to benefit or lose, this conflict has been happening for a protracted time, what ought to Palestinians have fairly much rather complete so in a diverse way this time, that ought to justify this? no longer something, yet i'll declare that Israel is completely following via skill of with u.s.'s occasion of energy and theory that bombing and killing many innocents is justified if we are concentrated on "terrorists". what's maximum shameful, is that of all communities Israel must be conscious and soft of genocide, and that's strictly what's going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    In answer to part of your question "What would be the reaction if it is Hamas or Palestinians who are killing Israeli.", I have yet to see a mass protest in Trafalgar Square against this...As soon as Israel defends itself against terrorists, the usual suspects (Socialist Workers Party, "Respect", various groups claiming to represent Muslims), can't get on the streets quick enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Israel as we all know from the words of the united nations has acted as a terrorist state and still does to this day .

    Without America condemning the Israeli government and people for the actions they have taken only the rest of the world can see the crimes Israel commits .

    Many people and governments around the world see Israel as a terrorist state bent on the destruction of palestine and all of its people .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel is defending herself against homocidal fanatics & terrorists who hide behind women & children....

    If every Muslim laid down his arms today, there would be lasting peace in the Mid East tomorrow..

    If every Israeli laid down his arms today, Israel would be destroyed and all Jews murdered by the end of the month..

    No one with any intellectual honesty can deny this..


    Who are the murderers in the Mid East ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel is not a terrorist state. Hamas are terrorists.

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