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Signs of good luck, signs of bad luck?

Even if you aren't superstitious, are there any things you have encountered that you associate with good luck or bad? Any superstitions you really believe in, based on experience?

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    A four leaf clover

    A bird pooing on you

    7 of anything coming at once

    Lucky horseshoe

    A naked woman at the helm of a ship

    Your clothes being caught on a bush

    A new moon

    Sneezing 3 times before breakfast

    Your hair being cut during a storm

    Sleeping on unironed sheets

    Carrying an acorn in your pocket

    Whistleing in the dark

    Finding a penny and picking it up

    A ladybird

    A bluebird

    Carrying a rabbit's foot.

    Crickets chirping

    Putting on your clothes inside out

    Picking up a pin

    Seeing Bats flying overhead at nightfall

    Walking in the rain


    A black cat crossing your path

    Spilling salt

    Breaking a mirror

    A horse sweating

    Walking under ladders

    Dropping a knife and picking it up

    Giving an empty purse

    Milk curdling

    Putting a hat on the bed

    Taking off your wedding ring

    Seeing an owl during the day

    Opening an umbrella indoors

    Killing a seagull

    Bread not rising

    Killing a cricket

    Putting your left foot on the floor first up when you get out of bed

    Putting shoes on a table

    I was born on Friday 13th so I don't class that as an unlucky day for me. I do however follow some of the above and try to counteract them if I can. If I drop and knife or a glove in my house. I always leave it on the floor and ask somebody else to pick it up for me. The same with spilling salt. If I do I throw some over my shoulder.

    All of them are old wives tales that have travelled through the centuries from the days of when they used to burn people as witches. These omens of good and bad luck have stayed with us and have been passed from generation to generation. They have never died out. It makes you wonder if there is some truth in them after all.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Good Luck Signs

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In tinnitus, the sounds a person hears are actually perceptions. Since there's no actual source, they are often referred to as "phantom noises". I read that about 8% of all people in the US suffer from tinnitus so you are not the only one who hears these strange noises.

    Tinnitus is actually not a disease. It is actually a symptom of a problem that is rooted deep, somewhere within your body. The problem could be a simple one like an infection in the ear, or even simpler, such as ear wax. Just clear the wax and get the infection treated, and the noises could go away. In some people, it could even be the result of a side-effect of a drug they took. Or it could be more complicated.

    If you want to know more about this condition and wnat to learn how to solve naturally your problems with these annoying noises you should read this ebook:

    It helped me a lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hi, if a bird poos on you then it is meant to be a sign of good luck,

    if you drop a knife then a man comes to your door, if you put red and white flowers together you will hear of a death soon, if kids and animals take a dislike to someone then he isn't to be trusted, if cows lie down it will rain, if there are a lot of midgets out at night it will be a warm day the next day. if a black cat crosses your path you will have luck, but if a black cat follows you there will be a death, if you save your childs baby teeth and when they are older and have toothache you throw one of the teeth in a stream or river and it is meant to cure the toothache....these are just a few superstitions hope they help

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  • 1 decade ago

    Good and bad luck come in 3's

  • 1 decade ago

    Some signs of good luck : right palm itching= money coming your way, left eye jumping= some good news, right eye jumping= bad news, nose itching=someone is looking for you, birds flying into your house or white birds landing on your house= a sign of death.

    Source(s): childhood
  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's bad luck to spill salt and not throw it over your left shoulder. I was raised by superstitious grandmother, so lots of things are bad and good. It's also considered bad luck (Karma) to have a front door that faces your back door. The good luck can come in the front and escape right out the back. Wind chimes keep away the evil spirits (I have 3 outside doors and 3 chimes). The list could go on and on and on and on.

    Source(s): Black cats........good to own, bad to cross your path (if not yours)
  • 1 decade ago

    Good luck and bad luck are when you are at one of the extreme ends of a normal statistical distribution.

    I won £88 on the UK lottery last month on 4 numbers - is that good luck? or bad luck that I didnt get a fifth or sixth number?

  • When an airplane engine shuts off during flight, that's a sign of bad luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's unlucky to get run over by a number 13 bus. Especially if it's on a Friday - with no 'R' in the month.

    Seriously - I think it's lucky to find clumps of moss on the pavement - not growing there - just dropped there. Happens all the time - saw 3 yesterday and one already today. Doing tomorrow's Euromillions lottery on the back of these good omens

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