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Christians: Why do some of us completely bash homosexuals.....?

while not saying anything to the heterosexual who is not married and fornicating?

I know not everyone is like that, but it seems that some of us really preach against homosexuals but say nothing to the straight fornicator.

My bible tells me that both sins are equally evil in the eyes of God. Along with lying, cheating, stealing, murder, etc. (James 2:10-11)

So why do some of us hold one sin more evil than the other?

Are we being prejudiced to certain sins while tolerating a degree of others?

Your thoughts...?


** Wow, you guys all gave some really great answers. I am very impressed so far.

I think there is a HUGE misunderstanding of the Christian perspective because of people like Phelps and the like (as someone mentioned).

It's unfortunate that these false prophets have the biggest pulpits.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it is because it is constantly being shoved down our throats, it gag's us!! I mean , yes we speak out against all sexual sin, but the gay revolution tries to protect and project and promote themselves and their sin as something we MUST accept and approve of, or else we are "biggoted" You don't have that occuring with adultry or fornication! THAT is why it happens. NO People like having things rubbed in their face. If Gays kept thier sin private, as others do, well then I would keep my opinion private also!

  • 1 decade ago

    You certainly have a point. Fornication is condemned by the Bible, too.

    I would like to understand what the word "bash" is supposed to mean. I tend to say things like: "God has spoken through the Bible and stated that homosexuality is wrong." I have never been mean to any of the homosexuals I have known. They certainly have rights as individuals. But I will not and can not accept gay marriage and the homosexual adoption of children. On Judgement Day I have to answer to God about what I have been willing to support. I have from time to time spoken out (in a gentle way) against fornication, but I have never been mean to someone that I know was a fornicator.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right, all sins are equal in God's eyes, except for the unforgiveable sin of not believing in Him. I guess homosexuality scares a lot of people, the whole issue of whether or not it is genetic. There in lies the issue-are they choosing to be this way with no care as to what the bible teaches? Have they confessed their sins and asked for forgiveness. Before I was married, I fornicated. It was wrong. I have asked God for forgiveness and have not fornicated or committed adultery since getting married. I sinned, I confessed, I am forgiven. That is the difference. Has the homosexual confessed and asked for forgiveness and stopped the sin?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Excellent question, and you are right on target.

    First of all, let me say that *anyone*, especially anyone who bashes gays in any way and calls themself a Christian is not. I believe that people who do this, like Fred Phelps and his congregation, aren't Christians at all because they do not have the love of Christ in them.

    And it's also true, as you stated, that while homosexuality *is* evil as the Bible tells us, fornicating is just as evil. And why some Christians seem so ignorant about this, I really couldn't tell you. I don't know, but I congratulate you for being mature enough in the faith to realize that.

    As Christians, we are to love one another, yet at the same time, being careful not to let the sins of others--be it lying, stealing, murder, homosexuality, etc.--contaminate us so that we become like that person, even to the point of tolerating their sins. Jesus told believers to love one another, but he never said *anything* about tolerating their sins. As believers, we must be imitators of God and follow in the footsteps of our Savior.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sin is a Sin , If a sinner can repent about his/her sin then its the important fact. According to the bible homosexuality is a sin. Yes in the eyes of the God any sin is equal. but in the eyes of men I think people look at things(sins) differently,that why a killer can get a execution or a life sentence and another law breaker can get a jail sentence. Gods law and judgement is different to humans, if you are a sinner at the end of Gods Judgement day what ever the degree of the sin is that person go to hell according to the bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont support either. And even though as a human i see some sins as greater than other as a christian i know that god detests them all the same. Homosexuality is an abomonation, i didnt say that god did. I think the reason you may feel this way is that homosexuality is a current "hot topic" because of society trying to legitimize it rather than seeing it for the sin that it is. before the 60s you saw people behave this way about extramarital sex, now we have accepted it as a alternative lifestyle we turn the other way instead of condemning it ...homosexuality and its movement today is no different.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first off a Christan is not to judge others .

    the people who cause harm to gay people are not behaving in a Christan manner .

    the other thing is that even people who don't believe in religion will take part in gay bashing this is due to a number of things but they

    mostly pick people to bash that are different then what the norm is .this can be seen most clearly in young school children in the play ground . we all have most likely seen that a kid that is different in some way say a nerd . or the only one in class to wear glasses or limp . as adults we sure know it wrong but as children i do think we know its wrong but we are influenced by the desire to be in the majority to a great extent

  • 1 decade ago

    God made man and God gave man a brain to use the way he/she sees fit. People bash others because their lifestyles don't fit right alongside their life, because they are different and some people are afraid of difference. My God is a loving and forgiving God, if I do wrong and ask for him to forgive me he will, so I know that all of us can ask forgiveness be granted an entrance to Heaven and our sins what ever they may be will be forgiven. Please don't think I believe homosexuality is a sin, because I don't, I think everyone deserves the right to be happy and if that is with someone of the same sex....SO BE IT.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is true that is our nature to think that way if you compare someone stealing a candy bar to someone murdering a baby the murdering the baby sounds worse but in Gods eyes they are equal. That is our narrow mind

  • 1 decade ago

    You are EXACTLY right, and I always make sure to include that ALL sexual sin is wrong in the sight of the Lord, such as rape, incest, fornication, adultery, and homosexuality. It's all sin, and it's all black in God's eyes.

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