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do you think it's okay for girls to go hunting?

do you know any that hunt?

if you're a girl and hunt where are you from and how long have you been hunting?

37 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bound here:

    When I was a kid, I couldn't wait until I was 12 and I could start hunting with my father. Now, my husband and I are looking forward to the day when our little girl (now 10 months old) is old enough to go hunting with us.

    I believe that it's more than okay for girls to go hunting... that is, if that is something that they want to do. We do look forward to the time when our daughter is old enough to go hunting with us, but if she decides that it's not something she wants to do, that will be fine with us.

    Our daughter will learn the ability to fend for herself, appreciation for the balance of nature and the value of a good shotgun! We shoot and will hunt together, which means she is getting good quality time with her father and I. She is learning to be safe, to be a part of nature (rather than just a spectator), she is learning respect for the animal that she is going to hunt and she is learning our family values... all this and a freezer full of meat, to boot!

    As a quick aside... yes, hunting means that if we're fortunate enough some furry or feathery critter is going to be gracing our dinner table. The way we hunt, the taking of a deer is much more humane than the way a cow, for example, is kept and slaughtered to be sold at your local grocery store... just something for people to think about before they bash hunters then go shopping for hamburger.

    We hunt to put meat in the freezer, not to hear a gun go bang. (If we just feel like shooting, we all head out to the range!)

    Yes, I think it's more than "okay" for girls to go hunting and I can't wait until our daughter is old enough to head out to the woods one early morning with her father and I and her very own Remington and bring home a whole new view of the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know why it wouldn't be. I just got my license this spring and so far I've gotten my turkey, which was a blast, me and my friend (who's also a girl) got together and spent the weekend turkey hunting. We'll never forget it. I'm also going for my deer, I haven't seen any bucks so I'll take my doe (I'm under 16, I can shoot a doe). It's a wonderful thing being out in the woods in nature. The only problem I think of with hunting is the unnatural hours you have to wake up. Who wakes up at 5:00!! (OK, lots of people do, but no 13 year olds do!). But all in all I love it. Oh BTW I'm in Washington state. I also do 4-H shooting Sports with .177 air guns. That's a blast. Anyway, That's my little view in the whole thing. BTW to all the people who think no one should hunt, most everyone who hunts EATS the thing they shoot. It's how they live, many people just eat the meat they shoot. Is it anymore wrong to kill a cow to eat?? It's the same thing, only one you have to go out in to the outdoors and hunt and the other you just buy from the grocery store. And don't say deer are defenseless, because if the were everyone who went hunting for them would get one. In reality in Washington state the success rate is about 20%. There's another 80% of hunter who don't get a deer. They have instinct, and that keeps them alive. **OK I'm done with my rant now, lol. I just get really annoyed by people who say all that stuff**

  • 1 decade ago

    There's a lot of women/girls that hunt. I am a huntress. I live in Minnesota and I've been hunting for about 15 years now. I use to be against hunting, but when I went out for the first time, due to my b/f at the time telling me I wouldn't make a good hunter because I was a girl, I figured I would show him I could hunt, I found that I enjoyed it very much.

    I have a whole different way of hunting though and actually stalk the animal I'm after. I do not ambush them or ply them with food. But if one happens to come my way and makes a mistake....

    I eat everything I kill and use every part that I can. If I only hunted to kill I would be ashamed of myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Been hunting since I was young, I still love it! I am entered in a Big Game Hunt Thanksgiving weekend in North Carolina, big cash prizes for the largest buck & doe killed, last year out of 200 hunters we had only about 10 women, this year I hope alot more, More women should hunt, there is nothing like it!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is definitely ok for women to hunt. My GrandMother hunts still to this day. I have taken my daughter hunting and she loves it as well. Hunting is not simply about the kill. Hunting is about experiencing the great outdoors in the full elements. Watching teh sun rise in the distant horizon, hearing a turkey call from its roost.Hear leaf rustelings and watch a small fox move along in search of its morning meal. Then a deer calmly walks from the tree line. Its nose held high searching the wind currents for a scent of danger. Its tail flicking as if in caution then as it relaxes it begins to graze upon tender shoots of grass and acorns. Then others appear into the open. I have watched thousands of deer. And when the opportunity comes to harvest one we use the meat for our nourishment and I tan the hides for several different applications. So wether you are a man or a woman the great outdoors is for both.

  • 1 decade ago

    absolutely... I know a few... and my neice has been going hunting with my brother shince she was 4... now, she's becoming a teenager and can't wait to get her hunting license... as for places to hunt and what to hunt, that depends on where you live. if you are hunting for the first time, hook up with a friend or family member who hunts and go along with them... make sure you take a hunter safety course... required in most states to get a hunting permit... remember, it's not about the kill. it's about enjoying the vast natural beauty around us and appreciating what nature has to offer. good luck and happy hunting!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm from a smaller town and a lot of the girls hunt. In fact my girlfriend and I both got deer this hunting season. I know girls that would go fishing or shooting rifles or bows, rather than go to dinner and a movie. I know girls that have bows in the trunks of their car.

    So yes I think it 's great for girls to go hunting.

    And yes I know plenty who hunt, and are really good at it too.

    Well good luck.

  • Chris
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Heck yes!! I'm female, and have been hunting for quite a few yrs now. I've hunted in Alaska, Texas (which was a joke--the deer are so tiny!!) and Ohio, not to mention Colorado. If you can hunt, gut, skin and clean your kill, you will never go hungry!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Heck ya. It will give you self confidance, a different perspective on nature and the world and give you lots of time to think. There are lots of good things that come from hunting besides aquiring food and there's no good reason why women can't enjoy this great oppertunity too. P.S. My sister drew a buffalo permit in Montana this year and she's really excited about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it's ok for girls to hunt if they want to. I have grown up in South Louisiana hunting with my mom and grandmother.

    I'm taking my 10 yr old girl and my wife on their first hunting trips next week.(Deer hunting)

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