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who do you think are the freaks in american society today ?

What group or individuals is it that really iritates you? not just personal a group. 5 reasons why and explain them.thanxxx.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I could take the obvious shot at the homophobic and hateful, but that's an easy one. Too easy. Plus, I don't think there are any more real 'freaks' in American society- either someone is pure evil (rapists, practicing pedophiles, murderers, etc.) or someone who is understood and accepted as different (i.e. there are no more freak shows in circuses- it's politically incorrect and we know they are human beings).

    As for groups that irritate me, how about radical lesbian feminists? The ones who coined the term 'off our backs', who called women who enjoyed and didn't help vilify pornography 'perverts', who called butch-femme relationships invalid attempts to mimick heterosexual couples, who called women who enjoyed S/M and being sexually submissive a perversion and anti-feminist act, who denounced any woman who wanted to be a little housewife and mother and enjoyed that, who politically attacked actual men themselves with their words, rather than the patriarchy (which is a very different thing), thus earning the lesbian icon as 'man-haters', who turn sex into a political thing (as in 'we surpassed the love of men' instead of 'I like screwing women'), who accuse FtM's of transitioning to men in order to get male privilege, who say things like 'women should/act look like women' and condemn butch women. I like lesbians, and I'm okay with feminists, but these radicals, who espouse theory over reality and are so very hateful and exclusive are awful. I hate them/they irritate me because:

    1) Lesbians already get enough flak; they know what it's like to be persecuted, discriminated, and excluded. So what do these people do- turn around and do the same thing- despicable.

    2) They caused a huge step backwards in terms of women's sexuality, both gay and straight, by politically defining the correct desires a woman should have. And that's just awful.

    3) They earned lesbians the name 'man-hater' and ideologically persuaded a lot of women to feel that way- something that we still have trouble shaking off, which is sad.

    4) As I said before, they act as if lesbianism is a political choice rather than a sexual orientation, and you should choose who you sleep with as a statement/message rather than because you love that person and they turn you on. The idea still persists- you hear straight women say 'I'm so sick of men, should I become a lesbian?'- more confusion over what GLBT really is.

    5) They do nothing but criticize and nitpick instead of doing what feminists should be doing- helping to make the world better/more equal for women, and what lesbians should be doing- enjoying and loving other women.

  • 4 years ago

    LOL. ok. the position to commence. formerly you come back on the following performing all mature and smart, and speaking about how stupid others are, have a glance at your self. The Jerry springer instruct and Maury instruct are literally not genuine. and no matter if or not they the position, theirs not something incorrect with ingesting an smoking weed. you're a ideal party of ways society is goin downhill, purely because you have not any friends and do not favor to flow outdoors and characteristic interesting, perhaps smoke a joint and funnel a pair beers, doesn't recommend everybody else could wade through. give up attempting to rework everybody into conformist f*gas that do not recognize the thanks to have interesting. formerly you brush aside my remark study heavily, because it really is how that is. Have a very good day.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    American society is made up of human beings, and human beings are a very diverse and varied lot. The term "freak", as used by you, is a meaningless insult used by bigots to denigrate and give offense to their targets of choice. I would have to say that the people who offend me are the ones who use words like "freak" to describe other people. It came into popular usage, the origin of the term, as far as I've been able to find, is unknown, with the old "Freak Shows", which displayed people with birth defects as entertainment, and was in no way a mark of respect. It's rude, insulting, bigoted, offensive, and judgmental. That's five.

  • 1 decade ago

    I should warn you this response is coming to you from Canada,

    This is an easy one:


    (President Bush-whacked is a great place to start the hate process)


    (The government gives them free drugs, but will bust a person who smokes a little weed)


    (This should be at the top, but the other two do rank higher)


    (People who can't accept differences, but have to judge in their own 'kangaroo kourts')


    (Borderline Pretentious, Borderline Arrogant, yet still a category of its own)

    The order ? Hmmm, that would pretty-well sum it up. I believe I don't have to give '5' explanations for each, because I believe the descriptions speak louder by summing it all up into one brief little sentence.

    Thanks, that was quite therapeutic.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Klu Klux Klan, because they think they are the supreme race, and they are racist pigs, they have persecuted the African Americans far too long especially after forcing them into slavery and taking them away from their homeland.... What's next.. the true native americans? These people need to be gathered up and sent adrift out in the open sea to disappear....and they use the cross as their symbol....they should be using the pitch fork to show they are going to hell... I wouldn't be surprised if they have control of our United States Government which is why it is going down hill and no longer admired by the rest of the world....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evangelical Christians

    1. Their Hypocrisy is staggering

    2. Their hateful use of the Bible to selectively condemn

    3. Their stunning ignorance of the Human condition as it relates to human relationships

    4. Their inability to accept that sex is normal and healthy, not evil and dirty

    5. Their crass and boorish behaviour in the face of calm and rational discourse

    Explanation: As a man who studied the Bible and was a Seminarian, I find that these "Christians" are anything but. Their actions and words are not even close to being Christ Like and yet proclaim their way to be supreme. Such arrogance is appalling and very irritating.

  • 1 decade ago

    Freaks are the christians that come on here and try to tell the Gay, Bis, Lesbians, and Transexuals that they are wrong. What do they think theyre doing anyway. This is exactly why I am not Christian.

    1. They dont lead people to Christ like the want to, the repel him, who wants to hear "Your gay your wrong God dosnet like gays your an abomination your not loved Ill pray for you God Bless" wow. I DONT! Think about what your saying.

    2. They are rude and incociterate - didnt god say to love one another and love bears all things?

    3. They are no better than racist, the kkk, or Hitler himself.

    4. They whine whine whine thats all they do

    5. The make the Intellegent Christians (whom i appriecate kudos to you guys i love ya) look like idiots.

  • 1 decade ago

    The freaks in today's society are the people that are not tolerant of differences. And that goes for EVERYONE!

  • Spyder
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    homework assignment? bible thumpers are the freaks in american society figure out the 5 reasons yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    The freaks are the people like you who classify and name people like you do.

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