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how did steroids get a bad wrap?

im under 25. ive taken 2 cycles. cycles of usually 8 - 10 week long injections of testosterone, or another steroid like deca, at 500mg a week. what i dont understand is why people hate them so much. the "roid rage" is ridiculous. I've never experienced anything close to it. they give u a sense of well being not anger. growing and being healthy is what taking them is for. u cant take them and expect to get muscles. u have to work out and eat right or you'll never grow. it takes dedication. it dosent shrink ur dick, it shirnks ur balls only if u are on a cycle thats extremely long or with doses like a gram of testosterone a week. u can take nolvadex to avoid the side effects caused by excess estrogen. gyno, high blood pressure. its not abuse of drugs its use of them to increase protein synthesis, and therefore an increase in lean body mass aka muscles. when u come off the cycle u take nolvadex with helps with recovery of your natural testosterone production. i dont see the problem?

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I guess it effects everyone differently.

  • S H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just because you fail to do your homework and research the LONG term effects of steroids, doesn't mean it's not harmful. As well as the increase amount of short term effects, long term effects can hinder your lifestyle drastically as you age. You harm your internal organs and they have the potential to fail you as you grow older.

  • 1 decade ago

    you basically answered your own question, if you use it in the right way, there "should not" be anything to worry about. the problem is, is that people don't use it as intended.... they misuse it. and that is what all the debates are about. i use it myself, without any side effects.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bull, it shrinks your dick, makes your hair fallout and is bad for your bones and heart.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't you build muscles the "old fashion" working out.

    Re:'s cheating...PERIOD.

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