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Do Muslims agree with Aslam Abdullah Phd. who says that Osama Bin Laden has distorted Islam?

He says that he has twisted Islam for his own personal agenda and should be despised by all Muslims.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This muslim woman agrees. WHo the heck is Bin Laden to force women into marriage with strange men when Islam says a woman must give her permission? WHo is bin laden to deny us the right to education when Islam says we are obligated to obtain the highest education possible and that fathers must give their daughters the highest education they possibly can? Who is bin laden to keep women inside of their homes all of the time when a woman is allowed to work and do with her earnings as she so chooses? bin laden is a LOSER. I hope he's caught soon and shot.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am not an osama bin laden fan by any means...but having said that...even if v assume that osama has benn behind the major bombings n kilings ariound the world...i dont belive that he is the biggest or the most horrible terrorist this world has ever seen!!! i dont think that he is serving the muslim ummah right if h had done these things...this is clearly not tolerated in islam if he did those things..but dont u guys think that pesident bush is even a more serious killer n a terrorist than osama??? havent there been million killed in iraq?? 90% or even more were u guys know that 2 millions childrn died in iraq even before USA steped into iraq...the children died coz the life saving medicnes wre not allowed 2 reach iraq through USA...who feels that israel is not comiting terrorism? what do they have 2 say on killing several hundred n thousand inncocent palestinian people...whats happening in chiichnia..whats goin on in kkashmir?? isnt it all terrorism??? is osama still a bigger terrorist than any of these US, indian,israeli army?? i am afraid....makin nine eleven an xcuse to ruin millions of life is not justifid...!!! u agree or not but the west has the agends to eradicate islam whihc is not gonna happen ever

  • JJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Disagree.. No one person can destroy Islam..look what's happening around the world ..Islam is blamed for all the terrorists actions ..pressure from every where condemning Islam..this is not a new trend .people and nations been against Islam for 100's of years ..

    because of that Islam is growing day by day getting stronger by the day...Muslims uniting and bonding in all walks of life ..

    I was watching a program about Islam in turkey on BBC2

    for many years people of turkey was looking towards west

    wanting to be part of western world ..join the EU...But that is all changing .majority of the people of turkey

    don't want this now ..they don't want to join the EU...

    they started to look at east now ..because of the pressure put on Islam by the rest of the world ..Muslims do stick together matter what.

    And let's face it the West want nothing to do with Islam

    in any event Islam has to get to gather and form there own trading markets ..and this will happen ..when there are strong leaders to take them forward .....

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought that too..

    Until someone came up with a tape that had the recordings of Osama saying he wasnt responsible for the WTC horrors.

    And the whole tape thing was made up.

    Thats when I thought....weve discriminated a man and judged him, solely by what the media feeds us.

    And its sad because the media is all weve got.

    One morning I woke up and read a horrible news in the local newspaper here. It contained a friend of my dads and his family. The newspaper claimed they beat up a journalist and her daughter.

    I was horrified..and you know what? I believed it!

    We called them up to ask them why theyd done such a thing and it turns out they actually HELPED the people who claimed they got beaten up by my dads friend.

    And they were going to go to court and do a public broadcast that it was a lie.

    And I was so ashamed I actually believed they could do such a thing. I knew them personally for many years, but it never occured to me that they wouldnt have done what the newspaper said they did. Just because I thought, the media speaks the truth all the time.

    If Osama is responsible for WTC and the like then let him rot in his place...but I cannot be sure of anything I read or see on TV anymore.


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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not Muslim, but I know that Osama Bin Laden is a terrorist and a criminal and has opposed everything true religion stands for. All true followers of the Prophet Mohummed and of Messiah Jesus should despise his actions.

    Pray for peace in the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Islam is not based on any individuals or group of ppl. Islam is an international religion and there are many Muslims who do not even know who is Bin Laden is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That sounds reasonable to me. Although I am not a Muslim, I would bet a large amount of money that most Muslims would agree with this as well.

    As is usually the case, a small minority of nutters spoil things for everyone else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bin Laden does not represent my faith, neither represent me and my people. Bin laden believe in his own idea. and he has hurt islam indeed. and many muslims think that he works against Islam and muslims.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bin Laden is only using my religion, Islam.

    Islam is not about violence. It's about love and respect.

  • 1 decade ago

    No i do not agree.Anyone mans actions cannot reflect the beliefs of an entire faith.Every faith has produced people that have carried out crimes for there personal agenda.

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