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What's a good Red wine to add to my collection that is priced between 25.00 - 50.00?

This would be a bottle for a special occassion that wont be opened for 10 years. I also prefer Merlot, but any red whine would be fine.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Paloma is widely considred to be the best American Merlot, and was Wine Spectator's Wine of the Year just a couple years back. It's hard to find and will be at the high end of your range, but it ages well and will be worth the effort

    Connoisseurs' Guide to California Wine

    March 2005, Merlot

    PALOMA 2002 Merlot-Spring Mountain District Napa Valley

    Score: 93,


    Here is a tight but delicious Merlot whose mountain-side grapes have contributed a level of sinew not often seen in the variety. Its aromas start off with expected notes of ripe red cherries before picking up more concentrated suggestions of currants and black cherries. In the mouth, it currently shows less of Merlot's early juiciness and, instead, relies on the depth of its still nascent fruit as the convincing offset to its blanket of youthful tannins. This one will reward cellaring.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look to the old world reds like Italian barolos, brunellos or chiantis. Or go french with a bordeaux. All will age extremely well, and generally need at least 5 years in the bottle before they start to come to full potential. If you want to stick with American wines, go with a good California cabernet. They'll never let you down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ruffino Cianti. Get he Ruffino Gold not any of the other Ruffino chiantis. Try to find a 97 or earlier (very hard to do). Ages great very good Italian red wine. Will cost at least $50 tho.

  • 1 decade ago

    try they have great prices fast delivery and a rateing system with comments, i usually just read through the comments and find one that everyone seems to like then go find it at my local winery or even liquior far this process has worked well.

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