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What is this man smoking?

A viewer wrote in to ask Pat Robertson a question

"Why [do] evangelical Christians tell non-Christians that Jesus (God) is the only way to Heaven? Those who are Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, etc. already know and have a relationship with God. Why is this? It seems disrespectful."

Robertson replied that it is not at all disrespectful because all other religions really just worship "demonic powers."

"No. They don't have a relationship. There is the god of the Bible, who is Jehovah. When you see L-O-R-D in caps, that is the name. It's not Allah, it's not Brahma, it's not Shiva, it's not Vishnu, it's not Buddha. It is Jehovah God. They don't have a relationship with him. He is the God of all Gods. These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure they're demons. There are many demons in the world."

'Demonic powers"? Good grief, Pat, who still believes in demons anymore? Is this what Christians really think about other religions of the world? Of all the conceited arrogance...

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A better answer would have simply shared the BIBLE's point of view on the matter and allowed the listener/reader to decide for himself what God's thoughts are on the matter. An offended person would be offended at the divine Author rather than at the answerer.

    Learn more:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do Christians have to respect religions that don't respect them? Christians are beneath untouchables in Hinduism, and we all know how Muslims feel about Christians. Religions are not interchangeable or equivalent. If a religion has any internal consistency, then by definition other religions are heresies. Anyway you are all a bunch of fools, when you die the worms go in and the worms go out. There is no justice in this world and there won't be a next.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the Hindu, Buddhist, Muslims have a personal relationship with GOD then that is awesome. I was not aware that Hindu were monotheist. I was not aware that the Buddhist had anything to do with GOD on a personal level. And Muslims I'm not sure about. Wow this is new for me. Judging anything GOD related is risky business because only GOD has enough insight and information to rightly judge. Demons are very real though. I worked as a detention officer for 3 years and you will see them daily. People go wacko and then someone calls the cops. We hold them for a day or two and then release them to a relative or spouse. Society does not have to deal with them.

    May GOD richly bless you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is sad, disrespectful, arrogant and stupid.

    Did I miss anything?

    People who say these things are not actually Christians at all. Jesus certainly never said these things.

    This is simply a bigot pretending to be a christian.

    I get a kick out of these people who claim to know all about God who think that there is a place where God stops and something else begins. Everything is of God.

    Love and blessings Don.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think All religions probably have at least part of the answer of how to get to Heaven correct. And even if they do not, that will be for them to sort out with God, not Pat. Perhaps Pat needs to reread his bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pat Robertson is just an idiot.

    His problem is just simply that he is a low grade moron, and he has managed to make a pretty good living selling the inevitable product of such idiocy to other low grade morons. That's a REALLY big market, and since quality control isn't an issue, it's lucrative.

    We have got to figure out how to get people who still believe in things like demons somewhere where they can't keep screwing up civilization.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." Jesus also cast out demons from people! A lot of eastern so called religions hold people in bondage and fear. Faith in Jesus actually sets the person free! It also says in the Bible that the things of God are foolishness to those who don't believe. You are mocking God and faith in Jesus because you don't understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    "No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons."

    (1 Corinthians 10:20)

    Pat is actually right on this one!

    Jesus said He was the only way to heaven. That's either true or it isn't. If it is, then by definition all other religions are false. And God tells us that there is a demon behind every false religion. Pat's statement agrees with God's Word.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what Pat Robertson believes we Catholics do believe in salvation for non-Christians.

    Source(s): Catechism of the Catholic Church, approved by Pope John Paul II
  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible says that, "A little folly will ruin a man of reputation!"

    After a while, guys like Robertson, who get to state their personal opinions

    all the time, on TV, or the newspapers, get full of themselves.

    Robertson has mad some ignorant remarks. And he's so ful of himself, he

    won't admit he screwed up! Which is driving him off the deep end!

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