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How do you tell if a man is a controller or not?

What signs do you look for?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Does he always put you down when you don't do what he wants? Does he try to isolate you? Does he tell you no one else will ever feel the way he feels about you? Does he "punish" you by being pissy if you don't do what he wants? Does he threaten you? Does he get upset when you display a life outside of you and him?

    If so, dump his *** before you end up in a dumpster. I got out of my controlling relationship, it was my first love. It was the best thing I have ever done.

    Oh, and if you think he is controlling, he probably is.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are alot of them, does he not let you do things on your own, are you not allowed to go out does he tell you what you can and can't do. does he have to meet all of your friends? Does he have to know where you are every second of the day? does he call the cell phone a million times just to see where you are? Pretty much that and a million other things are what to look for in a man that likes or has to have all the control

  • i know a few steps that u need to look out for. 1- he wont let u wear certain clothing 2- he is very very very jealous towards any male friends u have 3- forces u to do things against ur will and 5- u cant leave the house and he treats u like a slave. watch for some of these signs and be careful

  • 1 decade ago

    If he won't let you do things that he thinks is inappropriate,

    become unhappy if you smile or talk to another man,

    tells you what to do, how to act, where to be, etc.

    When you feel like you are living with your parent around him, then you will know that he is a controller...

    Source(s): be careful of those who do the above. Protect your rights and your freedom...
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those are signs you asked:

    Is jealous and possessive toward you? Decides who you can be friends with, checks up on you and accuses you of cheating.

    Gives you orders, makes all decisions, does not take your opinion seriously and tells you what to do.

    Tries to isolate you? Puts down your friends and family, wants you all to himself/herself and cuts you off from those who support you.

    Scares you? You are afraid of how they will react to things, of making them angry and of disagreeing with them.

    Is verbally abusive? Calls you names, puts you down and criticizes you.

    Is violent or loses their temper quickly? Pushes or shoves you, keeps you from leaving the room, has a history of fighting, threatens you and breaks or throws objects.

    Blames you and others for their problems? Blames you when they mistreat you, says you made them do it, provoked them and says that they could not help it.

    Pressures you for sex? Is forceful or scary about sex, uses guilt or tries to manipulate you into having sex and does not care whether you want sex or not.

    Abuses alcohol and/or drugs?

    Thinks they have the right to be in control of you? Expects you should to be passive and submissive.

    Is OVERLY dependent on you? Says that they can not live without you and has unrealistic expectations of you and pressures you for commitment.

  • 1 decade ago

    when he doesnt let u talk 2 ur friends, or when he tells u how 2 dress, things like that u dont need a man who treats u like that also someone who wont let u have a life of ur own

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Young men may believe:

    * they have the right to "control" their female partners in any way necessary.

    * "masculinity" is physical aggressiveness

    * they "possess" their partner.

    * they should demand intimacy.

    * they may lose respect if they are attentive and supportive toward their girlfriends.

  • Nep
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hairy knuckles.

  • 1 decade ago

    if he ask you to get something for you and you say no he gets up and gets it=no asks again=maybe tells you to or uses force=yes

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have to ask permission to pee...theres your sign....

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