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The only ones the devil leaves alone are the ones he already has deceived,and he bothers those who resist him?


22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wrong. There is no devil.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe that. The people he has already deceived just start to believe that their problems are coming from other sources, giving the appearance(more deception) that what evil that comes is from the faults if them selves and/or others. When the devil got you he wants to keep you. Think about this. All over the T.V. you see physics solving the most gruesome crimes, why? I think it is because after the devil gets a person to serve him, he then uses others who serve him to betray them for him. It is like he says to one person "go ahead, give in to your anger, lust what ever you want. I can help you. You want to kill and rape, I can give you the power, but, you most kill and rape who I ask you to. Deal?" And after a person does what the devil wants to make sure they "stay" lost, the devil disguises him self a an angel of light and goes to the people he told, "I can make you important, give you the glory of self righteousness in your eyes and others. Just tell the people what you see. Deal?" And when these killers and rapeist go to jail and/or get the death penilty they think that God is punishing them when really the devil stabbed them in the back and deceived in who stabbed them in the back, making it harder for them to believe that they can be forgiven and making them believe that God has turned His back on them already. The devil has a lot of lies floating around in prisons.The devil has no friends in man. He does not like anyone of the children of man. By the way, the Bible says that if we resist the devil he will flee.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, he does show up ever so often to those already deceived. Just to make sure things are going okey. But he has to devote so

    much more overtime to those who are resisting. It keeps him quite busy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't the devil already overwhelmed w/ the sinners he is required to entertain in hell?

    Last i heard, he was changing strategy and decided he would not only bother those that resist him, but that he would appear to them while they're in deep thought in the loo.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's because the devil is just a man-made concept and the only ones who are bothered by that concept are the fearful ones who believe it. Those of us who realize that there are no gods or devils aren't bothered by the thought of them, and that's not a deception.

  • 1 decade ago

    Satan has no need to tempt and deceive people who do not trust in God and believe that Jesus Christ isn't their personal savior. He is playing a so-called game with God. He is trying to show that he is greater than God and can win our souls and pull us away from God. For many, he he has succeeded. It is the ones who believe that Satan attacks because he wants us to doubt God and to turn our backs on Him. To curse him for everything bad that we're experiencing. I've read many remarks on here today, and Satan has a strong hold on many who I will pray for their souls. I pray you are sound in your faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are absolutely correct. He doesn't need to bother the ones he has deceived. That is why we get so much temptation given to us. He is clever.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think he actually leaves them alone. Just as we are lost without JESUS, sinners are lost without the devil prompting them. Our FATHER guides us toward the good, while the devil continously guides the sinner towards sin.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What devil? I don't see any little mythological creatures running around trying to decieve people...

    ...the devil is just something else people attempt to blame their poor behavior on, instead of taking responsibility for's rather sad...

  • Shayna
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes and no. Satan does not really leave anyone alone. He attempts to decieve Gods people and works to keep those he has decieved from turning from him back to God.

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