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Baby momma drama?

My fiance and I have been living together for 2 1/2 years. We both have kids from prior relationships, only I'm NOT allowed to interact with his kids. Although he has visitation, and pays child support she seldom answers the door to allow him to see them. he can only see them in her house. If he tries to leave with them she calls the police, and says he is being abusive. He has tried setting up a p/u and d/o at their local police station, but she told his 6yr old that daddy tried to have her arrested, and he no longer wants to see his father! All of this because she doesnt want her kids calling anyone else mom. I'm not trying to be their mom, but I would like to be in their lives. My ex remarried, and although his wife and I will never be friends, we do talk, and they are invited to all school functions, b-days, and even the upcoming holidays. Doesnt she see that although this is hurting my fiance she is hurting their children more? Why are some woman like that?


I have only met her once and their children twice. He does have court papers, and has gone with the police to pick them up, but she is never home. They have been separated for 4 years now. I'm at the point where I think its best for us to separate in order for him to be with his kids. He does everything for/with my children, and I feel bad that because of her stupidity he cant do the same for his.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My ex was like this the only thing you can do is go by the divorce papers about the exchange of the kids. If she is not letting him get the kids according to the divorce papers then she is in violation and he needs to talk to his lawyer. Talk to one anyway about modifying the agreement to help you out with a different meeting place. I had to do this it was the only way to make her quit changing things and trying to keep my daughter away from me. If you really love him do not give up on him. My wife went through the same thing with my ex and she did not give up on me. We have been married for 3 years now.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well personally i was recently in the same situation. ill tell my story and you can figureit out. There is no sense in dictating to a grown woman. I met a guy who said he had an ex that was pregnant with his baby. we went on a few dates. he said he felt really strongly about me and was wondering if i can be his girlfriend. i decided not to let his past mistakes jeapordize what cud be a great relationship. we were together for 9 months. the baby is now about a little less than a year old. He gives his baby all of the attention and constantly talked about the trouble he was having with his baby momma. then about a month ago i get a call from his gf of three years and counting aka the baby momma interrogating me. i call him asking him what the deal was, his reply, f*** all yall. Sounds to me like he fell into his own trap.dont make the same mistake i made but at the same time not all men are alike.

  • 1 decade ago

    The ex is clearly not someone for you to get involved with. I know you want this "Big Happy Family" scenario but sometimes it just doesn't work out. Your ex has to deal with her because of the children, but if you step in, it could make it worse. He needs to involve the court system on this one. You've already shown that you are a much better person for the relationship you continue to have with your ex...and its unfortunate that your fiance' can't get that same respect from his. Years from now that six year old is gonna remember these things and it will come back to haunt her. Concentrate on your relationship with your fiance' and your children...the rest will play out as it needs to. Like I said, he needs to get the court system involved and they will make sure that he sees his children.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO because it not even about the kids it's about you in her eyes you are trying to take her kids I know you're not but youhave dad of her kids and now you want the babys too. That is what goes in her head everytime she see or think about you. She wants your life. Soon or later she will stop or you man will take her to court one of the two. sometimes it has to be that way, Good luck . And just so you know if he go to court and has in writting the day he can see his kids then she can call the cops all she wants because he has thow paper to have his kids. Some state will put the parnet in jail for not do what is on the paper

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  • 1 decade ago

    He needs to tell his reprasentative. She's in wrong by far if the judge that ruled in her favor knew she was taking advantage of it in that way he would withdraw his descision and re rule in his favor. Judges don't like to be made fool of, but you will have to go through procedures to get it in the court properly....and what are her reasons exactly that you can't be around........ Unless you have a bad background with children they can't do that. She knows she's hurting him, and those are her intentions, she sounds like a biotch.......her way of getting vengance......but the courts don't like to be used for that so tell him to go through his lawyer or get a lawyer in family problems.Good luck hun

  • 1 decade ago

    Jealous...They dont miss a good thing until its gone and dont want to see anyone else with them, since they cant have them...thats what i think

  • 1 decade ago

    Woman... they are evil... gotta love em.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thank god i don't have any kids right now.

  • aj
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    dump him

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