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This girl humiliated me and rejected me. I think she is rascist.?

I'm good looking. I'm a millionaire and I'm 25 yrs old. But I asked a girl out. All I said was you should be grateful for me to ask you out. She works for me. She called me an asshole.

I am a Jew and I think that is why she said no. I think American ppl are jealous of us cos we control America and the world. Same with the stupid Muslims

MONEY. I have that so shouldn't everyone respect me. I even bought her a 7 series free and got her a flat.

I think women should respect guys like me cos we decide things in this world.

I think what she did was wrong. After all I went down to her level and asked her out.

I thought that all the girls who saw me should respect me cos i am rich, good looking, educated and young.

This girl has broken my heart.

I am sure everyone on this site would agree with me that she is being unreasonable.

My friends strongly condemned her statements. I am her boss so they want me to take action against her but I am against unilateral decisions.


She is a christian, white girl

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Israel rules

  • 1 decade ago

    My answer is quite simple, but reasonable. Just because you find yourself good looking, a millionaire, and 25 years old doesn't mean you should be accepted. Wise people usually do not consider your age or your appearance appealing, rather they go deeper into searching your personality. Also just because you are a Jew gives you no absolute right to condemn ones religion by saying "Same with the stupid Muslims". You should accept ones religion just as you would like the girl to accept you. Although I am not Muslim I find this statement an offense to fellow Muslims. If you buy with ignorance, you will be paid with the same coin.

  • 1 decade ago

    If this is seriously how you are then she is definitely smart for not going out with you. You sound like a definite asshole and therefore she was correct in naming you so. You need to respect others more, men, women, muslims, christians, all poeple and then maybe you would get some respect back. What a jerk.

    Hey dude, Ive just been looking through some of your answers to other people and man are you full of sh it! You told one person you were married and yet here you are heartbroken over a girl who wont go out with you. LIAR! You told another person you were a muslim and now all of a sudden you are jewish. Quick conversion! You are seriosly gone in the head buddy, and obviously have no life other than posting ridiculous questions on this site. What a loser!



  • 1 decade ago

    WOW you are a COMPLETE AND TOTAL AS*HOLE.. And here is the funny thing, I could care less if you were Jewish Black, Mexican. White< Purple, Green. Who told you that SHI*HEADS like you run the world? Because you have money, well I hate to say this, but you may have money but you are the one that is not HAPPY with YOUR LIFE. The reason you are not letting her go is because she would and could probably SUE the SH*T out of you for sexual harrasement and then she would have one up on you and you being the SELFISH JEW that you are couldn't stand to lose the money. SO please do not try and make yourself out to be some kind of hero since you didn't fire her. God men like you make me want to spit in your face.... Oh and before your sorry A** trys and say that I am racist as well, I am more Jewish than you are... LOSER

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  • 1 decade ago

    Without knowing her side of the story and basing my opinion on the information you presented, I would have to agree with the girl.

    The world owes you nothing, and she is lucky she is NOT dating you. Confidence is one thing, and it IS sexy - however a egotistic, self-centered racist is not.

    You are the racist - and an ignorant one at that. Unless you are a millionaire due to a trust fund set up for you by your parents, I doubt you are a millionaire at all.

    The internet and the anonymity it provides are a wonderful tool to stroke your ego a little more, aren't they?

    With your attitude, I would expect that you will remain single -- men like you are a turn off to women everywhere -- regardless of their economic status, race, or religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    stupid muslims?


    who r u to say that muslims r stupid..

    maybe some r stupid but u have no right to say whether this religions is stupid or not..

    mirror urself..

    religion is so pure and if u r so cool with ur religion, u shud respect others...

    im sure every religion will say no to wut u have did n said..

    im glad that the girl rejected u..

    i will if i were her..

    n u noe wut..

    thats the best step n decision that she had made.

    im behind her back..


    if u think girls in the world just want money n just choose someone just for money, thnk again, dude..

    u r asshole..

    n yeah, WORST!

    im a daughter or one of the wealthy guy in asian..

    and i didnt even said like that..

    if u say u r mllionaire,

    i guess maybe u r not durin the immortal world..

    respect is the word here..

    n pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............

    only stupid girls chase the money..

    love is so pure..

  • 1 decade ago

    if this question is for real , then you should go stand in front of a mirror take a good HARD look at yourself , you are the raceist, with an attitude like yours i dont care if you are black , white, crippled , blind or crazy, you didnt stoop to her level you rose up to her level to ask her out,,,,, i really pray this was a joke ? because no ONE should live a life feeling that above other people, get REAL and you will find REAL love untill then , hope you are happy living a lone miserabe life, because even friends arent real in your world

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course she said NO!! I would too!! It's cause you're big head got in the way!!! If you really want to go out with this girl, show her some respect; R-E-S-P-E-C-T!! So far, from what you're telling me, she doesn't sound racist at all.

    "I think women should respect guys like me cos we decide things in this world."

    Psshh...Yeah, right....If guys like you were running this world, we still be wiping our ***es with our hands.

    As for your big head....You better deflate it soon or you'll be the world's loneliest boy (that's right, I said BOY).

    PS: Oops, did I say that you WILL be the world's loneliest boy? I meant to say that you bad...

  • 1 decade ago

    You brought this on yourself. It has nothing to do w/ your race or your religion. Your attitude is the problem. King of the World? 'You should be grateful for me to ask you out?' If you were so wonderful, you wouldn't be asking people for advice. When it comes to being rich w/ selfishness and stupidity, you would have to be the richest person I have ever met.

  • as
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    You are an asshole!!! Dude money isn't everything. She shouldn't be grateful to go out with you. You should be grateful she didn't kick the crap outta you. You need to gain a little respect for other people.....truly ur a self centered jerk! Just cuz ur rich doesn't make you a king, or have the ability to treat others like crap. Just cuz ur already rich doesn't make u better than neone stop acting like it. You didn't go down a level to ask her out....y did u if u thought u were going down....u went up a level...and u need to realize that....some girls would take u and use u for ur money..then dump u...even though ur an impossible jerk, but she stood up to u..making her on a higher level than u...she broke ur heart after u basically said that she was working class ****...and darling u deserved it...and i don't blame her. And buddy, ur not everything....,just cuz u can make a decision doesn't make women scum that u have to pick up and save from the filth...u guys are scum cuz u treat women like their toys that are at a LOWER level than u. Women have more dignity than to go out with guys like did she.....she did the right thing...and ur just a fricken assholish jerk that needs to get an attitude change. I mean obviosly somebody is way to grumpy...and its not me..becasue i dont treat women like scum...infact i dont treat neone like scum except scum itself...aka U!!!!!! Go to a doctor or somthing...and pay him off to write you up a diagnosis on a mental illness...cuz buddy u should definetly not show ur face until you learn to treat people with respect. ALSO your friends stick up for you only cu they want ur money....and they wnat to be associated with you....they arent true friends...if they were...then theyd tell u wat a fool u were making of urself right now...LOL im laughing so hard....that well im gonna start crying soon.....its becasue of jerks like you that America isnt as good as it was supposed to be.

    P.S. Just in case you didn't know...buying peoples love is shallow and stupid...WHY NOT BUY A STRIPPER...ITLL LAST LONGER....SHELL BE FAITHFUL BECAUSE UR SO RICH...AND THERE U HAVE LOVE(IN UR WORLD)...and it doesn't work unless ur buying someones love who is also shallow and self centered like you!


  • Black
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You arrogantly think that she is lucky to get your proposal? Women are not objects. Lolz, she just REJECTED you! She knows she is not lucky because you are the one who is racism againts Americans and Muslims. She hurt your ego not your stone heart. Good for her. If you have not goodness in you, try to be friends with her and let go of all this stupidity.

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