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electric_girl asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How can I know when my female puppy is having her period?

I have a Siberian Husky, she is 6 month old.I have notice also that she hasn't grown up enough the last few month, compared with my male siberian that is 9 month


I want to know because I don't want her to get pregnant

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off the females are not as big as the males normally. As far as telling if she is in heat, just watch for spotting (blood) on the floor and she will start cleaning herself more than usual and the male will take a bit more interest in her backside. Also if you look at her (HOOHOO) it will be puffy and/or swolen slightly during the heat. You may even catch him cleaning her. The cycle for dogs is 7 days going into heat, 7 days in heat, and 7 days coming out of heat. You sometimes do not see spotting until about the beginning of the second week, so if you don't want puppies you need to learn the signs and keep those two apart while she is in heat if possible. Good luck

    Source(s): I raised Boston Terriers for about 10 years.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dogs have heat cycles not periods. She should have her first heat anytime now but it can be as long as a year old before her first. She isn't as big as your male because she is a female. That is normal. If you don't want her to get pregnant then why don't you have her spayed? If you are planning to breed her later, then you should watch the two of them closely and you will know when she is in heat because your male will really start following her around and trying to mount her. In that case, you will need to keep them seperated for about a month to prevent pregnancy. Good Luck

    Source(s): Experienced Cocker Spaniel owner/breeder and vet assistant -
  • 1 decade ago

    Most female dogs come into their first heat between 9-12 mos. of age but sometimes they can start sooner. If she is in heat, you will notice swelling of the vaginal area and sometimes the nipples on the stomach are enlarged. She will start to spot and then bleed anywhere from 2-4 weeks. You can buy doggie diapers at PetSmart that will make you life a whole lot easier during this time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm going to have a shot in the dark here--the male isn't neutered is he? Best you seperate the two of them 'cause by the time you realize she's in heat she will be bred and you will have puppies. Good you say--well both are too young. Often everything goes well but..The male can injure himself, and the female can birth a batch of still borns for you, she can be in too much pain to accept her puppies if they are fine and you're left trying to bottle feed, it will inhibit her growth. Getting the point?? You should wait until both are at least 2 years old before breeding, the female will come in season twice a year. Read a book, twice, maybe even three times.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, when my golden retriever had her period, we noticed it when we found a stain of blood on the blanket she sleeps on and she kept licking her "spot". To keep her from getting pregnent, we placed in the backyard AWAY from the gate where any male dog can catch her scent.

    Just check for blood and then in a few days, she'll be in heat.. or is already in heat and if you don't want your dog pregnant, just don't let it meet a male dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, if you don't want her to get pregnant, get her fixed. Second, the adult dog usually wont bleed the first time (going into heat) until she is between 9 months and 18 months. Each dog varies when it comes to maturity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well generally the easy way to tell will be when your male is sniffing her rear or mounting her.

    Shortly after will either be her period or puppies.

    If it's the period, she will be licking the blood from her vagina for between 4 -6 days.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you plan to not breed her, spay your darling! She'll live longer, less aggressive, less false pregnancies, AND no red mess around the house! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, you'll know. I used to put a diaper on my german shepherd when she was in heat.......Didn't want her mess all over the house....

    Goodaytoyou! !

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would you want to know when your dog is having her period?

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