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kreevich asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do anti-abortion zealots REALLY think they can NAG abortion away?

There is always a lot of anti-abortion propagandizing here by some frantic people. They seem to think if they can continually nag on the issue, abortion will go away. What in the world is their rationale for thinking this? Women who find themselves pregnant and really, really don't want to be have always sought abortion, or even self-aborted, and always will, whether it's legal or not. Nagging doesn't get people to quit smoking or go on a diet and it won;t stop abortion. Why not find something useful to do, like feed the hungry?


GONZO: THIS from a person who thinks that plugging the term "socialist" in their name made the Nazis liberal! You call me a zealot, etc. without justifying it. I see nothing whatsoever extreme in what I wrote above.

Update 2:

GONZO: You don't use words clearly. "Liberal" and "leftist" are in the same ideological ballpark. And as a matter of fact, the Nazis, as all Fascists, were a RIGHTIST ideology. They were not leftist nor liberal, and in fact hated liberalism, as all rightist ideologies do. I guess you're more tolerant of SOME threats to freedom as opposed to others.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, I believe abortion to be wrong. I will say that to anyone. Most people don't have a problem with getting someone to at least stop and think before attaining an abortion. You always make a better decision when you think about all available options. BTW, I do help feed the hungry.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's true. In many countries where it's illegal women still find a way to get around it. I know of some cases in Peru, where women have gone to "doctors" so they can perform the abortion. They risk their lives which tells me how desperate they are. In all over the world abortions are being performed as we speak and we can't do anything to stop it. It's a part of life, the anti-abortion people think they can magically disappear abortions and make every pregnancy wanted. They're living in a fantasy world. People are probably insulting you right now but you're honest. Don't worry about them. Abortion has been around since time began and it's going to be until the world ends. It doesn't matter whether is illegal or not, it's not going to stop. Before Roe v. Wade, 1.2 million abortions were done and it was illegal back then! People always find a way to get around the law.

  • 1 decade ago

    They sure do try don't they? They figure if they work hard enough and elect in officials like in South Dakota, it could happen. I think it goes in extremes, not enough then overload. Never an abortion for any reason so some poor little kid, girl is raped and has to bear a child when she is a child, then laws change and the hooker goes out and uses abortion as birth control. It's the extremes of our society. I think they need a cap or limit on abortions like you get 1 chance better make good use of the 2nd chance, log them on medical records and if they come in a 2nd time then they are sterilized on the spot. I'm not really pro or anti, I'd never have one but I won't speak for other people, that's their choice. My brother is so whacked out he thinks birth control is abortive and also different meds that put you in menopause and cancer drugs that hamper women in conceiving. He's mental. He has 7 kids and will be in his 70's when the last one graduates school, that's just plain stupid, he can't afford his kid and the 16 year old left home because of the little ones and his new baby at age 50.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reason why so many do that is they feel quite strongly about the subject, yet are ill equipped to discus it in an actual argument. I think the same can be said about most controversial issues; were most people have an opinion on the issue but aren't exactly debaters.

    I try to use logic, example and reasoning skills when debating about abortion, it is not the easiest of topics to discus but one must try their best.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The issue of abortion is perhaps the most devise that exists today.

    The pro-choicers will never be able to sway the pro-lifers.

    This fact, of course, applies to both camps, so why argue?

    My views on abortion don't always find agreement with my fellow cons. As a man, I find it difficult to dictate to a woman the choices she should make concerning her life.

    However, late-term, non-medical emergency terminations are barbaric and nothing short heinous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In all fairness, you are the one acting like a zealot at the moment. Now, I am for the most part pro choice. Objectively speaking, leftists like yourselves are making a lot more noise about it than those on the far right. You are far more insulting than they are. Now granted, I don't answer a heck of a lot of abortion related questions so maybe you see things I don't.

    But I know at the moment, by your words, who the real bomb tossing zealot is.

    EDIT I didn't say I wasn't. Yes I see socialsits as the destroyers of liberty. I don't apologize for it. I didn't actually accuse you of being extreme either. I said that I saw zealotry in your words. I say that again. That is a matter of opinion. We all got 'em. Sometimes they don't agree. Get used to it. One more thing...I said the Nazis were leftist not that they were liberal. There is a difference. Anything els is just trying to put words into my mouth.

    EDIT 2 Not clearly enough for you perhaps. Apparently you did need it explained, so henceforth I will avoid your questions because I find easily offended people to be among the most annoying on Earth. Explaining what doesn't need an explanation is a waste of the time I waste on Y/A, so it's a sort of double time vacuum. When I say leftist I refer to socialism. Liberalism covers a lot of ground. I am quite liberal on an issue or 2. Furthermore, for me to equate Nazis with liberals would be just as idiotic as a liberal accusing a conservative of similarites. I wouldn't stoop to that level. So if you were unclear, that's your problem. Not mine. I'm half amazed you didn't just up and report me, frankly. It's people like you that make people like me not associate with folks I disagree with. It's like talking to a wall. I used to enojy intellectual diversity, and people like you just suck the life out of it. LOOKING for reasons to be offended so as to avoid the statement.

    You should run for office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Abortion is the same standard conservatives have used on gun control. You take it away, and it's still going to happen. Except in this case.. you take it away, and you have people killing their children when they come out of them, you have people beating the child out of themselves. You have people poisoning themselves to kill it. So what would make it any better if abortion was gone, than if guns were gone? It'd still happen right? Not to mention the orphaned children population would increase drastically. Probably child abuse and molestation as well.

    On a side note: People who call themselves "pro life" are never really as such. They are the same people who believe in waging wars, creating more problems for the underprivileged, the death penalty, and easy access to guns. All of which are harmful to the life and welfare of humans. A true "pro life" person would be for all things to promote life. Not just for certain people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure they do. They think if they say it over and over and over, you will eventually believe them. That is how they were brainwashed after all.

    They think they are doing something useful, they just can't understand that not everyone thinks like they do or ever will think they do. They have some kind of defect that makes them want to cram their values down everyones throat because they believe it is the best way to live. If they want people to be like them and have the same values they should be a little bit nicer. Who wants to turn into something like that?

  • 1 decade ago

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Anyone who thinks socialism exists in the United States either has never read a dictionary or they fell asleep too many days during political science. 2nd, if people are really pro-life, they'd hate war, want guns and any weapons made illegal, would insist on medicine for all who needed it, would not tolerate homelessness, etc, etc, etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably. I'm pro-life myself, but I really don't think the issue is worthy of so much attention. The law is that abortion is legal, and I agree with that law. I agree that people should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, but I could never respect a person who killed their own child.

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