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Question for fun:If you had to choose a sci-fi series to live in.....?

which one would you pick? You CAN NOT be a person from the series!! You have to go as yourself, but you can make yourself better, like becoming a pilot or scientist.... you get the idea. Or, what abilities do you want, like seeing in the furture, being able to fly....

Or make up you on story and tell us.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Star Trek. It would be so cool to live in a time when this world had got past the need for money and belongings on the whole, and to a place where you could replicate what you needed and go where you had to be in the blink off an eye.

    Also at a time when you could visit other worlds and meet all those races and be able to communicate with them and share experiences.

    I know it sometimes appears like all they do is what the army seems to do now, (Go to new & interesting places, meet new & interesting people......and shoot them!) but we must remember that that is only on the Star Fleet main ships like Enterprise, which is in place to protect and serve so they are essentially the police/army of space.

    I would like to be on one of the Science ships, exploring and gathering new info etc.

    Good question!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like watching Stargate because I'm not mad keen on most of the characters, but it'd be by far the most fun series to go and live in and take part in because you get to do all that and then go home at the end of the day (or at the end of the week, month, however they do their shifts). It's the ideal job isn't it - doing something interesting and exciting and fun AND get paid for it. I have no idea what I'd do at the weekends that could match up to what I did while I was on duty, but don't you just wish you had that problem in your real life?! I wouldn't want to be in the main team though.

    Babylon 5 would be fun too, but only if you were involved in everything and able to shape it to some extent like the main characters are. I wouldn't much like being a normal person on that station (or any of the planets!). Far too dangerous. I'd like to be in the Psicorps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree the Star Trek The Next Generation Holadeck sounds like fun for experiencing many different things. Wouldnt want to live in Sunnydale(Buffy) and NOT be the Slayer, too dangerous.

    Charmed might be fun but still dangerous but having the powers of all 3 sisters might help stay alive, power to freeze, whitelighter morphing power, to go anywhere in the world and calling for any object?(good for that remote control just out of reach!)and of course the power of premonition(does it work for lottery numbers?) and i do believe Paige can change into looking like anyone else also, could come in very handy??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like to live on the Enterprise in either the original Star Trek series or Star Trek The Next Generation. It wouldn't matter what position I held on board.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Star Wars.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would be in the book "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradburry. I would be in that book because of the beautiful culture that the martians had and i would like to meet them. I would also want to know what kind of technolgy they had and meet all the astronauts and I would like to know what or who started the world war. There is a point in the book where the whole earth catches on fire and then retuning to its normal stage. I would totally recommend this book too. It totally keeps you running.

    Source(s): Language Arts
  • 1 decade ago

    Red Dwarf. I could very easily pass the time on a giant abandoned space ship eating curry and drinking beer. And I just know i could pull Kochanski (preferably the Claire Rogan version) coz i don't eat my own toenails nor have 'early morning breath that could cut through bankvaults'

  • Em W.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    star trek because the replicator thing is so cool and the halo deck or X-men...and i would want some cool power like Jean Grey has..

    Both because I am totally in love with Patrick Stewart! He maybe 30 years older than me...but he is hot!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would love to be in Star Trek the Next Generation. I will always be in the holodeck doing all the things I have ever wanted to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Star trek voyager-Its my job to teach 7 of 9 about the human emotion called lurve ;)

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