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Why do I get reoccurring Bacterial Vaginitis?

In the past few years i have had BV every 8 to 12wks. Its not sex related. I've changed every thing I can think of! SOS! Its driving me crazy!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do not Douch, ever, unless using prescription and techniques recommended by doctors. Douching has been proven to actually increase rate of infection because it disrupts the normal flora and usually the products are not sterile and contains organisms that should not be in contact with the vagina in the first place.

    Eat bacteria containing yoghurt. it helps.

    Avoid antibiotics if you can.

    Frequent episodes of receptive oral sex may associated with unstable vaginal flora thus increasing chance of bacterial vaginosis

    Epidemiologically, greater number of sexual partners, spermicide use, more frequent vaginal intercourse, and less frequent use of condoms, IUD etc were associated with bacterial vaginosis.

    Please note epidemiological studies do not necessarily apply to specific cases for individuals

    Source(s): 1. medical friends 2. please refer to the following article for epidemiological reference. Epidemiologic Reviews 24:109-124 (2002) Vaginal Douching: Evidence for Risks or Benefits to Women’s Health Jenny L. Martino and Sten H. Vermund From the Schools of Public Health and Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.
  • Flea©
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Here's a few more tips:

    • DON'T USE DOUCHES- they not only wash out the bad bacteria, they also wash out the good.

    • Eat yogurt - the cultures in yogurt can help normalize bacteria growth both in the stomach and reproductive system.

    • Take showers instead of baths- the detergents in bubble bath can cause irritation, not to mention putting your bottom on a tub that's not pristine clean can be a bacteria magnet.

    Hope these help.

  • 1 decade ago

    I read an article on this. There are 3 major things you can do to help prevent this:

    1- thongs with those tiny strings that go in spots they shouldn't need to be avoided.

    2- Sleep with no underwear. You need to let fresh air get at the area.

    3- NO tight jeans. They let moisture gather and grow bacteria.

    Hope this helps.

  • 5 years ago

    Yeast Infection Freedom System -

  • 1 decade ago

    adding to the above list:

    wear cotton undies

    take a bath instead of a shower-

    no bubbles or oils added- cleanses the peri area better than showering

    dont douche ( changes the pH of the vagina)

  • 1 decade ago

    are you generally constipated? that is a common cause of recurrent BV. other possibilities: inadecquate hygiene (vaginal douches), use of IUD.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to the doctor. I'm sure they have a cure or some solution.

  • 1 decade ago

    try and not wear your bluejeans tight this can cause this and stop using tampons that incert this can as well do it as well

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