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aloneinga asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

Short hair problems?

I have a short pixie cut and i'm tired of the back part of it sticking straight up like alfalfa every morning. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make it tamer? I've tried gel, i've tried paste, nothing helps...argh!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take a shower in the mornings and blow dry your hair straight...use those round brushes to tame it down and make still make it look nice. I have short hair too and that's what I do...good luck!

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    The reason why your hair sticks up is because your sleeping on that area, and when you sleep you probably move around so it gets all jumbled up. What you can do is before you go to bed apply a "hair wax" in that area that sticks up, the wax is not going to flake in ur hair, it'll leave it soft and smooth, and you'll be able to work with your hair however you want to in the morning. Next put on one of those nylon caps, what that will do is firmly keep your hair in place so that even if you toss and turn your hair wont mess up. GOod luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really have nothing to add that hasn't already been mentioned except that you should adjust your avatar accordingly.

    It doesn't look like you have a pixie...unless you just recently cut off your hair and just haven't had the chance to change your avatar.

    But anyway, good luck with taming your 'do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a friend who has the same problem. Try one of those caps, that are made outta that panty hose material). African people use those, but I'm not sure why. Anyhow, after shampooing your hair, come your hair as you want it to be and out one of those stocking caps on. It shoudl help your hair stay in its postion while its drying, while you sleep.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i do not no any web pages yet u can move to a sylon and ask for some magazienes and then at the same time as u discover th e hair decrease u like or the only u were searching 4 the u tell them and they are going to make it seem the only u confirmed them thats what i did and that i love my hair decrease

  • 1 decade ago

    Get a haircut maybe. I don't know what else could help. Maybe trimming it even a bit shorter or using straightening iron and then put gel on it.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    try to grow ur hair and if ur a boy the just have a shave but if a girl grom them. and do use a conditioner after shampoo and try to pull ur hair down when freshly wet after a shower till they stay there, if still not use a gel of very strong category like "brylcreem very stron gel" best of luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Blow dry the crown of your hair from behind, pushing forward, tousle, and go. For a real tough spot spray with hairspray and dry with blow dryer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try a hair straightener.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hot oil treatments and tie it down at night with a scarf gl

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