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If you view videos online, are the videos stored somewhere on your computer?

If so, where? Please give directions on how to get to it.

I asked this question yesterday and didn't get good enough answers.

9 Answers

  • Alex S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes. It depends on the video though.

    If it is saved it's saved in your browsers chache


    I don't have an english version of Xp so you have

    to guess one folder ;)

    for IE it's in \documents and settings\your username\local settings\

    temporary internet files

    local settings is a guess. The folder might have a slightly

    different name. There should be just one with local though.

    The file can have a regular name. But it doesn't need to

    have. If you don't see it try to sort by size and take a guess.

    With Firefox it's easier. In your tools menu there's an item

    called page info. Page info has a tab called media.

    This list holds all media (images, sounds, video) that's

    on a page. And you can mostly always save it from there.

    If you can't it's likely streamed media. Streamed media

    isn't saved in your cache but just buffered as much as

    you need to play. You can save those as well but you

    need a special tool for them.

    Edit: Local settings is a hidden system folder. So you have

    to unhide them first if you don't already. You can do that

    in your explorer (not internet explorer) in extras>options.

  • 1 decade ago

    although you may be able to find the cookies from the actual file, you don't actually keep the video on your computer. What happens is that it streams directly from a webpage.

    For example: if you go to play a video, such as a youtube video, it won't store the video.

    If you open a video with windows media player or some other video player, it will prompt you to either open or save the file. If you just click open, it will temporarily save the information linking to the video but not the video itself. However if you click save, then it saves to the computer.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they're cached though, but they aren't complete files and you can't use them. Sometimes the browser deletes the cache after it has played, sometimes it doesn't but whatever the case, any files left behind are temporary and are completely useless. There also isn't any real easy way to save the videos to your computer, unless you are willing to buy software that can record SOME types of streaming video to your hard drive but NOT all. There are several sites that claim to be able to save a copy of the video to your hard drive but I can't say that I've used them, I also can't say that I completely trust all of them either. Do a search for "saving youtube videos" and you'll get several sites, using them is at your discretion... I'm not convinced I would.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they are and they can be moved. you will have to go to Windows Explorer not to be confused with Internet Explorer. When you get windows explorer started scroll down and click on Windows . Then scroll down and look for temporary internet files click on it.

    Now click on the Content.Ie5 directory under it will be several hidden directories they may look something like xcg3d44. What you are looking for will be in one of these directories It will not be named the same as when you watched it not to worry you can find it anyway there will be a little camera Icon on the left of the hidden file name. View each one till you get to the one you want then copy it to another directory and rename it to whatever you want. Now this won't work if you have any programs that clears the temp files.

    Source(s): Trial and Error. One other thing don't delete anything manually from these directorys just copy to another directory.
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Most of the online video websites only PLAY the videos. It isnt stored on your PC in any way. However there are some soft ware / plugins that allow you to record these videos.

  • 4 years ago

    reading is way better the book continues u thinking therefore you get more detail in what folks are thinking therefore you get more imagination

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Reading the booklet instead of enjoying the movie is the ultimate way to see what the writer planned. Reading uses your imagination, hones your reading skills, and can improve your vocabulary

  • 1 decade ago

    yes its in ur music files. go to start then to control panel and look in ur music file...if u need more help feel free to email me.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah little moms write to me at

    Source(s): wats good
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