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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsGames & Gear · 1 decade ago

GAME CUBE? My eight year old son wants a game cube for one lousy stinkin game?

is it any good....he has would be for Christmas...only eighty-eight dollars this week at Target.....yes or no


YOU GUYS ARE GREAT thank you so much

Update 2:

Venom....he wants NARUTO Clash of

Ninja 2

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would get him a NINTENDO WII, it plays gamecube games, so your son can play that game. Plus, every game on the wii is with a motion sensing axis remote. Which basically means, if your playing starwars, your controller (which looks nothing different that a television remote) can be moved around and it will correspond on the screen. The wii is a little hassle to get but its only $250. Wii also has their own games as expected.

  • 1 decade ago

    nintendo is good at making family/children friendly games. a good example is all the pokemon, mario bros., zelda, and mario party games. i own a game cube and my nephew (who is 5 years old) loves playing on it. however, since the nintendo wii is out now, you might think of investing in that instead as it is supposed to be able to play all the gamecube games as well as it's own games.

    so should you get it? if it's just for one game, no. but if you find out that there are a lot of similar games to the one he likes, then you'll know that you're not going to be buying just ONE game since the gamecube has a large library right now (i mean, they've been making games for the system for *years* now.

    if you decide to get the Wii, then you can get that ONE game, and any others that he'll like from the selection of gamecube games AND you'll get a system that will play new generation games that he might enjoy as he gets older. the game cube came out around the year 2000 and it's not until 6 years later that a new game system came out. if you get the Wii, you can get anything made in the past 6 years for the gamecube and possibly anything that WILL BE MADE in the next couple of years.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Wii seems like a better system. it's only $249.99 the reason for the $600.00 Wii's was because everybody only had a limited amount of them.but the game cube is actually pretty awesome. not to mention all of the sweet games that came out for it.I'd rather take GC though. the Wii controller looks absolutly retarded and the motion censores could screw up if you accidently jerk back it could send your screen upwards in call of I reccomend the Game cube because it doesn't have any motion censors what so ever. and it's games have sweet graphics.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say no because my daughter one and she really doesn't play with it much and she paid for it with her own money. Goes to show how must fun it must be. We've also found that there are not as many games available for the gamecube.

    Source(s): My Daughter!
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  • 1 decade ago

    DON'T get it!!! It's not worth it for one game. INSTEAD, just get other Naruto games for PS2. If you buy that gamecube and the game for him, soon, he'll be wanting more games for it, spending/wasting more money!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I'm 20, and I STILL buy consoles for single games. It's a gamer thing. ;) Gamecubes are great systems, though, and they're cheap.

  • 1 decade ago

    its cheap just be happy he doesnt want a ps3 lol. ps3 = 600 bucsk gamecube at my eb games its 50 bucks.

  • 1 decade ago

    game cube is a small alright system but if he wants it just for one game pointless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    an 8 yr old playing a gamecube?!i wouldn't get it for him.get him a gameboy or something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    gamecube's are good, but you're better buying a wii... that can play wii games AND gamecube games.

    out of interest, which game exactly?

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