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What is Islam's position on homosexuality?

I have asked this question before, and for whatever reason I got reported and the question was shut down. I was never trying to be offfensive and I just want to know how it differs from the Christian stance on gays.


in response to Rocks long answer... how is backgammon sinfull?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no doubt that in Islam homosexuality is considered 'sinful'. Homosexuality as far as Islam is concerned is a profound mistake (as are all sins if they are not intending to do wrong). Humans are not homosexuals by nature. People become homosexuals because of their environments. Particularly critical is the environment during puberty. Suggestions, ideas & strange dreams are symptoms of confused attempts to understand new and blunt sexual desires and are rashly interpreted as defining someone as being one sexuality or another. If these conclusions are accompanied by actual homosexual acts they are even more strongly reinforced.

    Human instincts can be subjected to acts of will. Sexuality is a choice of identity which follows choices of action which follow from choices of what to have sexual fantasies about. Human beings are especially able to control their thoughts, entertaining some and dismissing others.

    However, if this free will is not recognised it is easy to get into a cycle of thinking which starts from accepting a hypothesis about yourself as true rather than as a possible choice (even if the options are sometimes difficult).For example: "I am lazy " could be supposed true by someone. When the person who thinks this lies around in bed in the morning he observes this inaction as evidence of the statement "I am lazy." As he repeatedly chooses to do so the evidence mounts and the idea becomes fixed in his identity. It may even have physical manifestations and change his physiology and psychology. This process can easily occur for any idea good or bad about the self which is based largely on evidence resulting from ones own action. The idea may be "I am 'gay'" or "I am content" or "I love eating lots of food". The truth is - you are what you choose to be ; you do what you choose to do ; you think what you choose to think. There may be long time delays between the causing choices and the effects but anyone can change themselves. There are reformed ex-drug addicts, reformed ex-compulsive gamblers and ex-homosexuals. In all these sins prevention is 1000 times better than cure and much easier.

    It has been suggested that homosexuality is genetically inherited and that those who have this 'predisposition' are victims of it not sinners of any sort. However, there are other things which are probably genetically influenced to give predispositions to for example gambling or alcoholism. It could also be argued (and has been) that it is programmed into men's genetics for them to be unfaithful to their partner. All these things don't make it the right thing to do, nor does it prevent these things from being regarded as sinful. Drinking alcohol will still be regarded as sinful in Islam even if you have a predisposition to be an alcoholic. The trick as every post alcoholic will tell you is never touch another drop after you quit—it is a long slippery slope—your life is better without it. Once a certain desire is connected to your identity strongly and you get in some way hooked on it, it will always be easy to return to it—you are unable to forget the satisfaction. The difficult task is remembering the bad side of the desire, such as hangovers, lost money, self loathing or a simply sense of loss because of what you missed out on. But if you are to change for the better, you must remember this and the past desires you bound up with your identity can become disconnected from what you choose to become.


    In more than one place in His Majestic Book, Allah Most High has related the story of Lut (Lot). Concerning their destruction, He says:

    Then, when Our command came to pass, We turmed it (their city) upside down and rained upon it stones of baked clay, heaped layer upon layer, marked by your Lord. And they (the stones of punishment) are never far from the wrong doers! (Hud 11: 82-83)

    The last warning is for the Muslim Ummah: If they indulge in the practice of homosexuality, Allah's punishment is not far off.

    The Prophet (pbuh) cursed homosexuals by repeating three times: "Allah has cursed anyone who does what Lut's people did." And he said: "If you find any persons engaged in homosexuality, kill both the active and the passive partner." Ibn Abbas said: "Find the tallest building in the town and throw the homosexual down from its roof, then stone him to death".

    This punishment is based on the analogy of Allah's punishment of Lut's people.

    There is consensus among Muslims that homosexuality is a major sin, which Allah has prohibited in the following verses:

    Of all creatures in the world, do you approach males and leave those whom Allah created for you as your mates? But, rather, you are transgressors! (Al-Sh'ura 26: 165-166)

    In another verse, Allah Most High says concerning His prophet, Lut: Truly, they were an evil people, perverted! (Al-Anbiya 21:84)

    The name of this town was Sodom, and its men practiced sex with men in addition to many other abominations.

    Ibn Abbas describes several traits related to what the people of Lut used to do. Some of these are: Not covering the private parts in front of people of the same sex; whistling with the fingers; opening the shirt to show the chest; wearing long pants which drag the floor; and homosexual sex (or lesbianism).

    The prophet (pbuh) said: "Lesbianism is Zina between women." Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: "Four types of people awake under Allah's anger and go to bed under Allah's displeasure." Those who were listening asked: "Who are they, Messenger of Allah?" He replied: Men who imitate women, women who imitate men, those who have sex with animals, and men who have sex with men."

    It is said that when a man mounts a man, the Divine Throne shakes out of the fear of Allah's Wrath and the Heavens Tremble. Then the angels start reciting, "Say: 'He is Allah, the One; Allah, the self-sufficient. He does not beget nor is He begotten, and there is none like Him" (Ikhlas 112 1-4) until his wrath subsides.

    Among those whom Allah will not look at on the Day of Resurrection, and to whom He will say, "Enter the Fire along with those who enter," the Prophet (pbuh) counted the following: The active and the passive partners in homosexuality; the one who has sex with animals; the one who is married to a woman and her daughter at the same time; and the one who masturbates regularly, unless they repent and reform.

    The following are also listed among the abominations of Lut's people:

    playing backgammon; racing pigeons; holding fights between dogs, rams or roosters; entering bathhouses naked; and cheating with weights and measures.

    Ibn Abbas said: "If a homosexual dies with out repentance, he is changed into a pig in his grave." (Ibn Al-Jawzi)

    The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah will not look at a man who has intercourse with a man or a woman in the anus."

    The Punishment inflicted on one who willingly makes himself a passive partner in homosexuality

    Khalid bin Walid once wrote to Abu Bakr that in a certain place there was a man who invited other men to have sex with him. Abu Bakr then consulted with the Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) about this. Ali ibn Abi Talib said: "This is that sin which none but the people of Lut have done, and Allah Most High has informed us about how He punished them. In my opinion, he should be killed." So Abu Bakr wrote to Khalid, and Khalid killed him.

    It is reported that on one of his journeys Sa (Jesus) saw a man being burned by fire. He took some water to throw at him, but all of a sudden the fire turned into a boy and the man turned into a fire. Isa was surprised by this and said: "Lord, return them in the condition they were in this world so that I may ask them about their situation." Thereupon Allah revived them and they were a boy and a man. Isa asked them: "What is the situation with you?" The man replied: "Spirit from Allah, while I was alive. I was passionately in love with this boy and used to have sex with him. When I died and the boy died, he became fire, which burns me. Then I take turn, and become fire and burn him. Thus, we alternate, and this is our punishment until the Day of Resurrection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Homosexuality is unlawful in Islam. It is neither accepted by the state nor by the Islamic Society.

    Quran clearly states that it is unjust, un-natural, transgression, ignorant,criminal and corrupt.

    The people living in the time of prophet LOT (Nephew Of Abraham) near the Dead Sea were involved in this Act and Allah punished them severely and the whole nation was destroyed.

    Muslim Jurists agree that, if proven of guilt, both of them should be killed. However jurists differ on the methadology of capital Punishment.

    Infact it is a great injustice with women. You must know that in Islam pre-marital hetrosexuality (Dating) is also unlawful.

    We advise you to go through the following verses of the Quran:


    VI --- 86 ; VII -- 80-84 ; XI -- 77-83 ; XV --57-77 ; XXI--74-75 ; XXVI--160-175 ; XXVII--54-58 : XXIX--26-35 ; XXXVII--133-138 ; LI--31-37 ; LIV--33-39 ; XI--81 ; XV--60 ; LXVI--10

    In the present time, we are witnessing the wrath of God on these homosexuals in the form of AIDS, which is affecting innocents also

  • Fran
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Allah created people with tendency toward unhealthy sick behavior like addiction, anger, pride, lust, and so many including homosexuality. These tendencies levels differ from one person to another. These tendencies are triggered. No one is born alcoholic and no one was born drug abuser and no one is born gay, etc, however there are factors that triggers such tendencies. We believe the factors that trigger gayism is physical and sexual abuse mainly and science proved that around of gays were abused in their childhood. Other factors like non caring parents. An environment that encourage boys to act like girls like certain types of songs, hair cuts trigger with some people. Also, a boy who is raised with girls who taught him indirectly to behave like girls. Sometimes, unhealthy food. and so many other factors especially in this time of the history. Why if you provide those people with steroids, they lose this feeling completely??!! Why suddenly we have all these number of gays in this century?? Homosexuality is danger to the individual and society. Homosexuality causes severe mental illnesses, STD's, social deterioration and shame to the person (have you seen gay president??). If a person falled in homosexuality, he/she should recognise this was wrong and find quick solution. Islam doesnt tolerate homosexuality because of the dangour of it, if a person caught in Islamic country which has limited factors that trigger homosexuality, he will have the death sentence if he was an adult (Islamic definition for being adult) and not mentally insane. For girls, they will get lashed because lesbianism has less dangerous than men sodomy since men hormones cant tolerate such act at all. Otherwise, Islam welcome those who stopped such activity and provide rehab for them. Conclusion: God doesnt create people abnormal, unless in very rare severe cases, and in this case, there are treatments before such individual engage in dangerous activities. God create people on the nature.

  • 1 decade ago

    Homosexuality is thought of as extremely displeasing to God

    It is not accepted in out society

    And I read someone else here said that women are reproductive tools. Is that what your mother was?

    Women have babies. We can have jobs but we dont have to work if we dont want to. I've been treated like a princess my whole life first by my father and now by my husband.

    Your lack of knowledge and your assumptions make me sick to my stomach

    Source(s): Islam
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To be a homosexual is not the sin to act upon it committing sodomy is. All major religions have the same stand point, Catholicism, Judaism etc.....Does not mean we want to go out killing gay people. Gay people don't offend me in the slightest.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no difference in a true believers world .. whether its Jewish, Muslim or Christian .. we are from the same family of Abraham

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Islam, like all monotheistic religions, considers Homosexuality a sin. The punishment for homosexual relations in Islam is death.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is strictly forbidden and is considered a crime in many Islamic countries.

  • 7 years ago

    There's only ONE BIG FAULT in your rant, dear.

    Sexual orientation IS innate and CANNOT BE CHANGED. The only people who can choose a same-sex or opposite sex relationship are those who are bisexual.

    If you argue from a false premise, you will always arrive at a false conclusion. That is the main problem with all "theology." You start saying "This is true, therefore..." when "this" is untrue.

    Sorry, science trumps dogma. You can believe anything you like, but it does not alter reality.

    Not genetic but is from the womb

    Human sexuality is Complicated national Geographic

    Runs in Families

    Epigenenics -National Institute For Biological Synthesis

    Epiginenics Wikipedia

    as much a choice as Handedness Scicence says

  • 1 decade ago

    You do you die. Muslims are extrememly strict. Women are pretty much tools of reproduction. For a Muslim to even consider being gay in a Muslim nation would likely get him killed. This isn't anything official, just based on my knowledge of how women and marriage are viewed by Muslims.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should ask that to Osama Bin Laden.

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