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Pro-Mexico/pro-illegal supporters: Why not fix Mexico instead?

If america's so bad, and americans are so bad, why not fix Mexico and make it a better place to live?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They Don't Have The Motivation To Improve Their Society

    It's Much Easier The Hop The Fence And Sponge Off The USA

    Path Of Least Resistance

  • 1 decade ago

    It was never in their intention to fix Mexico.

    They are afraid of facing the foul and corrupt government officials who enjoy the patronage and support of the drug cartels, big business and the rich families of Mexico. Too deadly, too risky for them, yet the gain if they try and succeed in changing Mexico would be immense both for Mexicans and the Yanks.

    In America they expect little resistance to their efforts to Mexicanize the United States of America or whatever else they plan due to the fact that America is the land of freedom and democracy and liberty. Low risk, little pain. Lots for the illegals and La Raza people to gain by succeeding, lots that legal immigrants and citizens can lose (like they care about it though...).

    Why take the more righteous yet difficult and possibly deadly path when you can take the wrong yet easy and carefree way?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mexico is a very large and grandoise country. It has many natural resources including petroleum.

    It has a very appealing climate with much open territory. Many sections of the country have adequate rainfall. Plant yield is quite sufficient to provide an abundance of agricultural products. Many states have a temperate climate in which neither heating or air conditioning is required.

    In many areas in which Mexico caters to tourists the Mexican workers have adequately demonstrated that their construction skills are excellent providing hundreds of thousands of condos and hotels. Their restaurants are first class serving superior food. Mexico is land of entertainiers and artists providing live entertainment at many locations.

    The country provides free public eductation thru the eight grade and low cost public education thru high school and college.

    Yet, Mexican immigrants here complain of their inability to survive there. Listening to their complaints one discovers that all that Mexico lacks is a better social structure which would guarantee work for all who seek it.

    It's as simple as that! Improve social networking and you will have a very prosperous Mexico.

  • 1 decade ago

    fix Mexico???

    America is an example to struggling countries BUT America has no desire to feed, educate, create economies, impose our culture or form of government on other nations.

    Mexico is a corrupt and pitiful country that exists simply because the majority of the population refuse to create a government that meets the physical and cultural needs of its citizens. The rich and /or "well connected" control the government and have no interest or desire to educate,create economic opportunities for OTHERS as their focus is maintaining THEIR life style and assets..

    The rest of the population can deal with the misery of trying to make a living,

    IF the majority of the population(poor,unskilled uneducated) choose to accept this type of "life" an pass it on to the next generation is their choice...America was founded to prevent oppression and secure justice for ALL citizens regardless of their position, wealth or connections...

    Mexico has:

    - an elected government (which serves only those with $ or position)

    -erratic application of laws, graft corruption,

    -limitd economic opportunity


    They have fixed themselves...They can also choose to address the problems or simply hope that their kids will "do something"

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fix Mexico?

    from link re Mexico economy....

    Ongoing economic and social concerns include low real wages, underemployment for a large segment of the population, inequitable income distribution, and few advancement opportunities for the largely Amerindian population in the impoverished southern states.

    The cited concerns from excerpt don't sound like reasons for our intervention.

    Mexicans can fix it themselves.

    You think we need to send Humanitarian relief to Mexico?

    Planeloads of flour and medical teams?


    Mexico's problems can be fixed by one of those "people power" movements and a few gun battles.

    By allowing unrestricted movement of poor people....(excess baggage from the Mexican governments point of view)....We are serving Mexico's elite.

  • 1 decade ago

    So, how do we fix it? Great concept but very difficult. Government is increadibly corrupt from the top down. Money that you pay when you buy illegal drugs (yes, marijuana too) the money supports gangs and corruption. If it were fixed I would move there though. Great climate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Mexico should fix itself, it is not USA's problem that they are a 3rd world toilet due to the complete corruption of their leaders. All we need is a big handsome wall from sea to shining sea, with snipers every 100 feet or so.

    Really, does it matter wether Mexico fixes itself? Will that stop illegals from sneaking in to have anchor babies and collect welfare from your pocket and mine? I doubt it.

  • 5 years ago

    i think of Sri Vidya Rajgopalan has given the perfect answer. however the respond is extremely long. enable me clarify you in short. Ram equipped a Bridge as a replace of deliver as a results of fact he concept, if in the conflict with Ravana extra military of Varana is needed then it will be ordinary to hold reinforcement by a Bridge Than to deliver deliver.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't unless you have a Dullus plan to help Europe type of operation like they did in World War 2 after it had ended. Need deap pockets too,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No welfare, food stamps, medicare or bleeding heart suckers in Mexico, THAT's why.

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