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Why would Christians do this....?

Why is it when someone points to a violent part of Christianity's past a Christian says the acts were not done by a Christian? Is it so hard to admit that a follower of Christianity got the message wrong? I know that Christianity now preaches peace and love but the past paints a different picture of certain periods. For those who have no idea of some bad times, take a look at or or


Oh yes, and I left out the Crusades...

10 Answers

  • Mikira
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess they want to stick their heads in the sand and not believe that christianity was capable of doing such things. But it was and did.

    Crusades were done due to christian beliefs.

    And all the trials the Catholic Church did in the middle ages.

    It's a wonder anyone wants to call themselves a Christian.

    Although I do call myself a born again christian. And put the past atrocities in the past. Knowing I would never do or commit to that type of behavior.

  • angel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We can not know what the heart of those people were. Did they truly love Christ or were they just Christian in name only. Lots of people say they are Christians and they are not. Only God knows the heart of each person. He does say, "you shall know them by their fruits", meaning by their actions. If they don't act Christ-like then its a good guess to say they probably were Christian in name only. You know how long do people have to pay for the sins of others, Its like the blacks in the US. You treated them as slaves, broke up families, raped the women. Do you personally feel responsible for all that mess?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes the "organization" of the "church" historically has had some ugly times. But the actual organism that is the true church, namely the body of believers whom adhere to the Bible wouldn't have been involved in that.

    I have to say that christians don't corner the market on murder and travesty. That title belongs to secular humanists. The world record goes to China in the last century. 63.7 million murdered in the name of government. Secular humanist government.

    Or how about the millions killed by muslim in current times? Sin is sin no matter who does it. Not that christians are sinless but mass murder and torture, nor suicide bombings nor genocide by your own government...NONE of these are christian tenets in the bible.

    However, the theory of evolution has nurtured some very immoral behavior. In Australia they seen aboriginese as evolutionarily LESS than humans. Pygmy ppl were caged and were forced to live with monkeys. Sleeping and eating with animals. Hitler's perfect white supremity came about by evolutionary thought. Those are ugly things non christians don't like to look at either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look at the world today and see if you can tell who's doing more killing .... Christians or non-Christians.

    The (sometimes mis-perceived) conflict between good and evil goes on, and will continue until Christ returns at the end of the age.

    Until then, blood will continue to be spilled for various reasons, some of them religious.

    To expect anything else is simply nieve.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They decimated the Mayans too. Then burnt centuries of writings. How could you leave out the Crusades?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Abrahamic religion is clearly false, and riddled with errors and inconsistencies. We have written records that prove these religions have committed horrible atrocities throughout their history, and that these atrocities are what have made them the dominant religions on the planet.

    Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all born in blood. But no one that WANTS to continue to believe that this is not true, is going to admit it. People that don't value the truth, but instead value their comfort, are going to ignore and/or distort the facts.

    This is the very essence of Abrahamic religion. Its followers are people who gave up on the search for TRUTH.

  • Piper
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    All people of the past were much more simple then. They believed in omens and curses and witchcraft and such.A Christian nor anyone else would do half the things the people did back then.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, Christians in the past screwed up. They were human. But, we have grown in God's love and understanding and have gotten past all of that. Now, we are waiting for the rest of the world to catch up. EVERYONE is somebody Jesus loves enough to die for. He loves you too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible says, "He who says he knows God, but hates his brother is a liar and the truth is not in him."

    So, they may have been culturally Christian, but not real Christians.

  • djthis
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    people suck.

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