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How does global population growth impact immigration pressures?

The world's population has doubled since the 50's-60's. How is this impacting global immigration trends?

11 Answers

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The bottom line on legal and illegal immigration is the sheer amount of numbers.

    Even though the Census Bureau estimates a 10-12 million illegal alien population, it is commonly known that many aliens avoid the census count. A more reliable estimate, provided by Bear Stern, estimates nearly 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. as of 2005. Congressman Tom Tancredo, Chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, estimates 18 million illegal aliens.

    It is important to recognize that illegal immigration rises as legal immigration rises.They go hand in hand it seems.

    Advocating U.S. population stabilization necessitates a reduction in immigration levels. It is virtually mathematically impossible to be for U.S. population stabilization and against immigration reduction.

    The focus on population limits has waned since the 70's even though the U.S. is now the world's third largest country and the world's fastest growing industrialized nation. It is pertinent that Americans understand the true source of growth and be able to link the symptoms to the source.

    I believe that unrestrained population growth is the chief factor in the development sprawl that is eating up our wetlands, our forests and our necessary agricultural acreage. To keep our rivers,our deserts, our shorelines,our mountains and our reefs healthy and productive, we must address the impact of rapid population growth on our quality of life and the potential for a sustainable America for our grandchildren.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That has been though out history of the world. But the pressures of today in our global economy and the speed of which we travel is going to be a major impact if we don't curve population growth world wide.

    Right now we are at 6 billion which 4.5 billion are poor. By 2050 at the same rate of growth we will be 9 billion and 6.8 billion being poor. Impact yes, especially to the western rich countries.

    Young people of today in the US won't have what their grandparents or their parents had as a quality of life and they will live with less in a larger extended family group.

    Without a history of how good it once was they wouldn't miss a thing.There will be more segregated groups more between the rich and poor. That is occurring now so that won't change much in the future as that aspect of being human hasn't changed since the beginning or time. Rich don't hang out with the poor and they won't in the future. The rich will have more security that is also why it is a growing field.

    It is happening now slowing under the radar just like illegal immigration went under the radar up until the last two years.

    Unlike animals who react to changes humans just go with the flow for good or bad and then get mad. By then it is much much to late. Forewarned is forearmed but 90% of the time it falls on deaf ears.

    Remember the human race is not an endangered specie so more of us the less we will all have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The more land required to house all the people, the less land available to grow and raise food. Not to mention the drain on natural resources. Mexico is having a problem with obtaining fresh water to drink. They are killing off the rain forests, and global weather trends are changing the ability to grow crops and altering things from insect population on down the road. People want to go where they have the best chance of survival. Way back when we were crossing the balance barrier of population and the ability to maintain it. And here we are with twice the population and growing. Now I'm not all that knowledgable on all of this but there isn't enough land to sustain the population of China and India with growth of food, so they have relied on imports. We have open land mass in Canada, Russia etc but it's limited in it's use right now because of climate. We have area here but in the past few years they have been scarfing it up for more housing. The land in my back yard that grew beautiful gardens for my mom and dad for years isn't safe anymore because of toxins. The well water isn't safe. People in Africa try and plant a few things and have to stand guard to beat the insects off. Russia supposidly has a population shortage but after the nuclear accident....I'm not running there. People also look for a chance to do better. The only thing that gives anyone a hope of doing better is a middle class. Otherwise you're either always rich or poor. China right now is seen as an upcomming global power. Why? There's a middle class. Hope. The US is dwindling. Why? A dying middle class. You want oppertunity....go to Russia or Africa for a real challenge. I bet women are getting pretty popular in China and other countries where they have been killing female babies for years. Not enough ladies to go around for all the guys. I mean we were a success because of balance. We are not balanced anymore. Right now it seems they are doing almost everything they can to destroy countries that have maintained a balance and been a success. All the time teaching the youth that we have denied them the ability to succede. I personally think they are using all this to kill us off by civil war or disease to get it back into a balance.

  • Sashie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's impacting on my blood pressure! Every industrialized nation will face the consequences, and every industrialized nation will ultimately become a third world country if this trend continues ... which no doubt it will, if our govt is in any way representative ...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Definatley getting to crowded,not to mention I only had two kids cause thats all I could afford and the government took a few pokes so I got way to many kids to feed grrrrrrrrr

  • 1 decade ago

    they go where they can find jobs, and they end up knocking the citizens of that country out of a job. because they will take lower pay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It increases my pressure, because I dont see a big wall on both borders, from sea to shining sea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People's will always look for a better life regardless of times.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with 4kit she/or he hit it right on the mark.

  • 1 decade ago

    when alot of people live in 1 place it is harder to get jobs so they go somewhere were they can get jobs.

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