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Now and after 655000 Iraqies been killed and 2000 american solders,?

Do you still believe that the US is helping the Iraqies by bringing up more terrorists to kill civilians innocent people there , and do you believe in the american DEADMOCRACY ???


Those figures are correct its allover American media,, but I guess those who said its not ,,simply don't read

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A warped idea fostered upon the American people, the Iraqis and the rest of the world. While these particular figures may be exaggerated, the resent poll results that showed that the majority of Iraqis who thought that Iraq was better under Saddam than under the current US sponsored circumstances are not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would imagine the figure for Iraqi dead would be higher. I know the number of American dead is quickly approaching 3000.

    "Jefferson", Afghanistan's government is made up chiefly of "Northern Alliance" warlords. They were the enemies of the Talaban. Since the Talaban were overthrown, the growing of Poppies has passed the amount grown prior to the Talabans crackdown. Pres. Karzi had to have a man who had converted to Christianity decleared insane, as his government wanted him put to death, under Islamic law. Their Government is reintroducing the " Virtue & Vice" commission. this is the Comm. that enforces the wearing of the Burkhas, women not being educated and general suppression of Women's rights. Unfortunately Canadian troops and other allies are dying to protect these barbarians. If this is your idea of Afghanistan accepting the help of the west, then you are seriously , in my opinion, uninformed .

    Source(s): They managed to get that converted guy to safety in Italy. It was getting to embarressing for Bush.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The numbers of persons killed does not set up the rightness or wrongness of the invasion. remember that the reason for the invasion interior the 1st place replaced into to no longer end the tyranny of Saddam Hussein (who killed in line with probability over 200,000 of the Iraqi human beings), it replaced into to deprive him of WMD. and don't initiate with the nonsense approximately there being none discovered; all of us know that already. yet how genuinely we decide for to ignore that UNSCOM equivocated related to Iraqi WMD interior the 365 days previously March 2003. there is likewise no thank you to know whether the yankee protection stress leaving might decrease or strengthen the violence. The question now could be whether it relatively is actual a civil war, and whether it relatively is, the yankee presence there is in all probability no longer having lots result on the violence one way or the different. however the yankee provider men and females human beings will genuinely capture some bullets, that's for particular.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are reading the number in the study correctly and what was reported, however the way that the figure was obtained was perhaps the least scientific method used in modern day polling. That has been very under reported except for those of us who have taken the time to actually read the WHOLE report.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The number of dead you list cannot be accurate, if you divide that number into the time the war has been going on it equals to an avgerage of about 600 people killed per day.

    I read the news daily and the number killed per day reported is a small fraction of that number.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Even if your figures were correct (and they aren't)

    there are twice that many people who die every year from starvation, What did YOU do to help a starving child last year?

    More babies have died from abortion since the Roe Vs Wade decision than all the soldiers in all the wars..

    But I guess thats ok for you left wingers.

  • Ibredd
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe a summer math class for the Media.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes democracy works for those who want it. Iraqis are to greedy to look at the big picture and realize democracy would benefit them. Look at the Afghanis they embraced it and now are on their way to be a sucsessful democracy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have believed in american deadmockery for a long time now

  • 1 decade ago

    The citizens of America have got the government they deserve.

    If that's democracy, then God them.

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