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What can I do to make air travel easier on a 2 year old child?

I'm flying with my two year old daughter (for the first time), and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to keep her busy, and keep me sane.

Any tips?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my 4 year old has flown all over the world with us since he was 9 months old. we've flown short 4 hour flights as well as some 16-20 hour legs (calif to australia, europe, and israel.) we have learned a lot about what to pack and take with us. i would strongly recommend taking a either a laptop that plays dvds or a personal dvd player (they are pretty cheap now.) and headphones. either bring favorite dvds that you know they will watch or buy something new they will be excited to watch. (we also don't let my son watch tv too often, so getting to watch dvds on the plane is a big treat.) also, new or old favorite books are read during take off and landing. i also try to get treats that can be offered one by one. we do candy, gummy worms, starburst, something that will occupy their hands. and nutritional food, since the plane may not offer much as a meal. we also have in the past let him pick a toy at the airport. i know this seems a bit much but i think spoiling a bit on a flight is ok, because it's often too much for them. i'm very cranky and uncomfortable on long flights, so imagine what that does to a kid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Snacks, little games, coloring books, and stuff like that! I took my son on a plane and gave him Benedryl-his pediatrician said it would be OK! He slept the whole time on the way there and I didn't give it to him for the ride home, but he was fine! I was more nervous and should have taken something myself!

    And make sure you tell the Flight Attendant that this is her first time flying! She will likely get stuff from the pilot!

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a 2 1/2 year old and we have flown several times. We bring snacks, coloring books (she loves to draw) and her portable DVD player with all her movies. It works wonders and I wouldn't fly with out it!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    in elementary words loose toddlers on flights are wee toddlers in fingers. he will favor his personal seat, which will fee a similar as yours. examine his carseat on the door to the airplane. searching on how cranky he's about new places, perhaps provide him some benadryl (ask the clinical specialist first, of route) previously boarding to calm him down. carry a sippy cup so he can swallow to assist his ears. study books previously the vacation about airplanes, going up interior the sky, etc. to prepare him. Hype him up about seeing (grandma, his aunt, even with you're vacationing for) and remind him of that. any airline is an identical for US commute, altho' I do like SW. with techniques from all skill, save him quiet in the course of the flight so he doesn't make different passengers opt for to throttle you. (not him, he can not help it.) secure commute!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps keep her awake or wake her earlier than normal, so she is tired, the hum of the engines can have a very soothin effect, and she may likley sleep.........the drawback is that she may be grouchy when you wake her up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dog crate.....

    Source(s): just a joke ok
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