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Why did you become a vegetarian... Did Factory farming have anything to do with it?

I stopped eating meat after I found how MOST farm animals are treated before the slaughter. How at some factories the animals are still alive when "processed"!!!

Why did you stop eating meat?

Do you still eat seafood?


... and "some" do eat seafood.. there are levels of vegetarianism.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sure did have something to do with it. Not only that but the animals are also given doses of hormones and antibiotics. Hmm, then you ask yourself why a 10 year old looks like an overweight 20 year old. I also became a vegetarian for health reasons. I wasn't sick or anything, but wanted to avoid being sick. Diabetes and other diseases run in my family and if I could minimize my chances of getting these diseases I'm going to do whatever it takes. Seafood is also from factory farms and that's why I avoid it. I'm a proud, healthy, and happy vegetarian!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I became a vegetarian for many reasons. Probably the largest reason was factory farming. I've been a huge animal lover all my life and one day I woke up and realized that I couldn't call myself an animal lover if I still ate cows and pigs. So I switched to a vegetarian diet, no seafood. My life goal is to switch to a vegan diet which I will probably do within the next year or so.

    Another reason I became a veggie eater was because I wanted to be healthier. I'm not the most exercise motivated person and cutting out the meat gave the extra energy boost I needed to get me going.

    All in all, I love being a vegetarian. I actually think it's a lot of fun finding out which new and exotic vegetables I like and discovering new recipes. ^_^

  • 1 decade ago

    I gave up meat for more selfish reasons, then found out about things like factory farming. My health was being affected by what I was eating, so I stopped eating beef, pork then poultry. Thankfully my IBS has been much better.

    Yes, I still eat seafood occasionally, but much perfer all those products by Boca and Morning Star Farms....

    Then, in retrospect, finding out about the factory farming, and the treatment of animals just reinforces my wanting to stay away from meat.

    Thanks for asking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely. It's disgusting what they do to those animals in there. If it were like small farms where they were allowed to roam and graze it would be different. But when they can't even move or are in the same pen with a thousand others, it's time to put your foot down. No, I don't eat seafood either, if you're gonna be a vegetarian, you have to go all the way.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I stopped eating meat for two reasons: one to be more healthy and the other because I learned in great detail the practices of factory farming. I still occassionally eat seafood. Although, I do feel bad for doing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, factory farming did not have anything to do with my switch. I just decided one day that I loved animals too much to eat them. I later found out about the horrors of factory farming - if I hadn't been vegetarian then, I certainly would have become one (much the same as the way that I became vegan when I realized the horrors of egg and dairy production, and realized the connection between dairy and veal: seeing a calf torn away from it's mother is heartbreaking).

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, learning about factory farming prompted me to become vegetarian. After a year of vegetarianism, and more research about factory farming, I made the switch to veganism. I really recommend that you try it--after the first month or so, it becomes really easy to figure out what you can eat and what you can't. I am a big food lover, and I can still be happy as a vegan forever, plus the mental and physical health benefits are great! :0)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have always loved animals; eating them, that is. Recently it has come to my attention that animal protein is extremely harmful for humans in many ways, so I am attempting to cut as much of it out of my diet as possible. I hope I can afford it. If you think meat is expensive, try "natural" foods! $3.50 for a small frozen dinner?! Rip off!

    I have a busy life, so the suffering that animals go through at meat plants just does not phase me. There are so many more important things to be concerned about that I can actually change. Cruelty to animals is wrong, but I think much of what we hear is exaggerated. How many PETA types have actually worked in processing plants? I have. I've never seen anything done to an animal to cause it to suffer. Actually, if the cow doesn't drop when hit by the "knocker", the guy shoots it to put it out of misery.

    Regardless, I think we would all be better off knowing just how little protein, and even less from animals, we actually need in our diets. The meat market is a scam and is killing Americans at a faster rate than cigarettes, yet hardly anyone is getting this info out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    factory farming is a big part of why i became a vegetarian. peta helped. i'm just 14 and i've grown up in a meat loving family so none of my reasons came from them.

    i haven't eaten seafood sense i was 8. i just don't like seafood the way some people don't like brocoli.

  • 1 decade ago

    Originally I was looking for a healthy lifestyle. For the last two years I have tried to make healthier choices for my body because many health problems run in my family. All of my research on being the healthiest I can be led me to Vegetarianism & being organic.

    While researching all the health reasons to be vegetarianI started coming across the horrible truth of how animals that are raised & slaughtered for food are treated. It is truley sickening to me how they abuse animals and dismember many while they are still alive and in pain. I personally eat no meat and try to stay away from dairy products as much as possible. This is my personal choice and I condem no one else for their choice.

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