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Kokopelli asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Why is it OK when THEY do this?

Why is it OK for the Sunni Muslims to deliberately drive a loaded car bomb into a Baghdad market and deliberately blow it up, deliberately killing 50 civilians, and they do not object to that, yet when a US military operation hits them back they run screaming that civilians were killed? Why is it OK for Sunnis to kill civilians? I don't get it. Does anyone else see the blatant Muslim hypocrisy here?


Let's rephrase this slightly: why do the Sunnis think it is OK for the Sunnis to drive car bombs into crowded market places and blow them up to deliberately kill civilians? They must think it is OK because they do it. You do not hear the Sunnis raising their voices in condemnation when a Sunni car bomb blows up a crowd of people, so you have to assume they think it is OK for them to do it.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your question stems from a lack of information. You should study these thing before accusing anyone of hypocrisy. It is not right or good or even acceptable for ANYONE to kill... one or a hundred it doesn't matter. There are no reasons that can make it so. Take the strict view and it is not acceptable to kill even in self defense! But, back to your question: It is NOT OK for Sunni Muslims, or any other Muslims, to drive a loaded car bomb into any market anywhere and deliberately blow it up. The rest of the question stems from this erroneous statement and makes no sense.

    Much of what Muslims think is not reported in any of the western media. Many fear to express their feelings and opinions when those opinions go against the men with guns and could get them and their families killed. There is no security for anyone in iraq, except in the heavily fortified green zone, and no freedom to say what you want. Sectarian and tribal affiliations drive much of the inter arab violence. Throw in a conquering army and ongoing occupation and you have jabbed a stick into a bee hive. Add into this the fact that translation to english is difficult, and often loaded with mistakes, and the fact that there are major differences in cultures, and translation of complex thoughts and ideas becomes even more difficult. Radical extremists are not the norm in any culture, but they tend to be the most seen and noticed, therefore stigmatizing an entire people.

  • Eric K
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I must admit that is very true. Just consider that during the Reagan administration we armed the Mujahadeen to fight and win against the Soviet union, only to have Osama bin ladin attack us on 9/11. Would Americans attack their allies simply for not being Christian?

    For decades the US has pressed Israel to trade land for peace with the so-called "Palestinians" (actually they were refugees pushed out of Jordan) when we have never had such a requirement to any other group. Should America give back Texas to mexico? Its all about Islamists wanting everything. They do not want Jews in "Their" countries, even if they never lived there in the first place.

    Now we have liberated Iraq from one of the world's most bloodthirsty dictators, and we have allowed them to get freedoms they never would have dreamed of, and some of them hate us for it.

    I think it all stems from hating the "Infidel" rather than understanding that they are trading their freedoms for domination by a religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's not OK in the the two ways. as me being muslim and u might be christian, our God say human isn't suppose to kill unless it's God's order.

    those matters are too complicated. u and me are just part of the big game instead of us...

    uh! what to say? God bless, anyway!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Americans do the exact same thing. They bomb targets, cities, houses with civilians, and declare them hostile, but when a plane crashes into one of their buildings, they ***** and scream and declare war on things. No wonder the world hates them. Your perspective on these matters depend on which side you're on, and which side is the winner.

    Source(s): I dont support whoever's right, i support the winner
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  • 1 decade ago

    You have to understand the religion and groups views.

    You have to learn to respect.

    You may be American - just a guess - but your country are hyprocrites, they let hundreds of civilians die in their wrong-doings.

    You're just following the news media. They tell you **** to digest and you take it. Form your opinions and do research, it'll pay in future.

  • 1 decade ago

    all this war and fighting has been going on for thoudsen's of years, ever sence man parted into tribes in beginning. it will go on untill the end of time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, it's hypocrisy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's only ok if they ask me first

  • 1 decade ago

    That's right, you don't get it.

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