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6.6 billion people in the world today. What changes would you make to immigration laws, bearing that in mind?


No one wants to touch THIS question lol

Update 2:

'bastard' is ready to go on the warpath, there! LOL

11 Answers

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks to a decades-long family-planning campaign, most Mexicans are having far fewer children. This demographic shift has fostered hope that someday Mexico will produce a healthy middle class of people. Most Mexicans today are far too poor for luxuries but the new, smaller Mexican family may help change that by allowing parents to invest more in their children's education, finally producing the generation that lifts Mexico into the developed world. Although the flood of Mexicans is whipping up debate in Washington, the crossings may slow simply because smaller families limit the pool of potential migrants, especially if a growing middle class makes more Mexicans comfortable at home A reduction in cheap Mexican labor would have little effects on the U.S. economy.The current flood of illegal aliens is hurting lower-skilled native-born Americans, the easing of the flood might help them. An estimated 459,000 Mexicans come to the U.S. each year, most younger people looking for low-skilled work. There are millions of Mexicans in their 20s and 30s born to big families that had no means to support education. But the prediction are that by 2050, Mexico's median age will rise to 42, while the U.S. will rise to 41. This is by no means assured and the critical challenge for Mexicans is what they will do with the next 20 years. Mexico's large working-age population means it should spend more on job training, power and transportation, and a social-security system. But currently taxes are low and many rich people evade them. The public-education system is weak and the poor often inherit the low-wage jobs of their parents. If an aging Mexico stagnates, the drive to emigrate to the U.S. may grow stronger than ever. It's hard to predict whether Mexico will prosper. Rapid population growth was long seen as both a religious obligation in largely Roman Catholic Mexico and as a goal of public policy. In the early 1970s, demographers began warning that Mexico's population could triple to 150 million by 2000. The government set up family-planning clinics, free contraception, sterilization quotas at clinics and began an advertising campaign that is still widely remembered. "The small family lives better," proclaimed television and radio commercials. Today, the government still sends the same message. The Mexican Senate recently voted to extend sex education to kindergarten. The population-control efforts had a huge impact, but not before a flood of Mexicans born in the 1970s, '80s and '90s began moving illegally to the U.S. The vast flow has relieved pressure on Mexico from millions of jobless young people and helped keep its population in check. Mexico would have another 16 million people today if it hadn't been for the migrants and the children they had in the U.S. instead of Mexico. However, economic development may fuel more illegal aliens by giving would-be migrants the cash to cross the border. Many Mexicans move to the U.S. not because they are jobless but because they want a better job than the one they have. Polls show that 49% of Mexican adults would move to the U.S. if they could. How can we possibly accomodate all the people who WANT to come to the U.S? 78 million people a year are born into this world. Most of them are poor. If they have the means to come to the U.S., they probably will. If everyone came who wanted to, say 40 million a year, that place a tremendous burden on the USA.I feel that this is a step in the right direction for Mexico.But until this has a positive affect on Mexico's economy ,we must secure our nations borders and return the illegal aliens to their home country's.ASAP

  • Spud55
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If immigrants were coming from another planet there would be a correlation here. But 6.6 billion people are 6.6 billion people no matter where they are. Immigration issues aren't necessarily population issues. People are going to migrate toward opportunity. As soon as the opportunity is gone in one area, immigrants will either find aniother area or stay where they are. All the more reason to limit immigration in the US.

  • The greatest tragedy is when man gives up what he wants most for what he wants now!

    We need to have control on some things--so all things can survive well. Without this control we will desolate this country. Its education-its health-wealth-environment. One look at what is happening here should tell anyone that we have lost our control. And this loss of control is hurting the citizens that this country owes protection too. It is a bad Governments that doesn't protect its own.

    Enforcement of our immigration laws is a must. I would like to see tougher laws---but fairer so all have a chance, not just the rich. As even a poor man can make vital contributions. Secure our Borders-protect our habitat. NO total Amnesty-this does not work-work on a better and fairer solution. This might mean listening to both sides. And we need more wise men to help make decisions here. Not the greedy whimpy idiots who have been in charge so far.

    The Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone's need, but not enough to satisfy everyone's greed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh just great, now you have really done it. Yes 6.6 billion and all deserving of the American dream. Soon the ACLU will be filing suit on their behalf and some liberal judge will be agreeing to hear the case.

    It somehow must be unconstitutional to provide taxpayer funded benefits to the citizens of other countries based solely on their presence on US soil. Surely the founding fathers would not have denied benefits based solely on geographical location. Therefore we must provide equal opportunity to benefits regardless of race, color, creed, or geographical location.

    Thank God...woops didn't mean that, must be PC here. Thank the supreme being whoever he/she may be for the ACLU

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    close the boarder all together and reinforce it with tanks and landmines

    pump poison gas into the ground at the boarder in case they tunnel then switch it to acid and alternate it with bio-hazard chemicals that we could test

    or we could launch a massive preemptive thermonuclear strike on china and south America that would decrease the massive #' s and deter the criminal aliens from invading

  • 1 decade ago

    spanish only ordinance in texas

    AP Online


    Mayor Pushes Spanish in Texas Town

    EL CENIZO, Texas (AP) -- The mayor of a Mexican border community says he doesn't know and doesn't care how many of the town's residents are illegally in the country.

    Mayor Rafael Rodriguez stood fast Thursday behind ordinances adopted last week declaring the town a ``safe haven'' for illegal immigrants and requiring Spanish at City Council meetings.

    ``We don't know who's legal or illegal. I would treat anyone the same, whether they're here illegally or not,'' said Rodriguez, who was once an undocumented resident. ``We're residents and ...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would stop Immigration to our country and Only start it once we have taken care of the people we have.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just enforce the laws that are already on the books for starters.

    That would solve a LOT of our problems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LMAO@bastard I agree,but I think if we just blow a couple of them to hell when they cross the boarder the rest would get the idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    send them back, and let their country teach them about birth control...china had to do it, so the other countries can too.....

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