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Where in the Bible ?

did GOD change His day of worship from the Sabbath to sunday?

I understand many people will go to church today and for what reasons. Nowhere in the bible did God change the day, how can it be right to follow a man made day?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not in the Bible as you know. The original Christian church strayed away from God and thought they could change the day to make themselves more different from the Jews. They also thought they could bring many pagans into the Christian church if they started to worship on Sunday.

    All of this started after all the appostles had died about 150 to 200 years after Christ was on earth. Now the Catholic church takes official credit for changing Sabbath to sunday. The little horn power in the books of Daniel and Revelation that speaks like a man and came to power after pagan Rome broke apart was foretold to think to change times and laws.

    The only commandment of the 10 that includes time is the Sabbath commandment which is the 4th and says Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. The other days you should work. That is the law and time that the little horn power has tried to change.

    Now almost all of the protestent churches have followed this horn power and keep Sunday as their sabbath. What a shame. These false prophet churches are leading millions of people away from God and these leaders are in deep trouble with God. All of this is about to become a big issue in the US and around the world. We will start to see it discussed on netword TV. Just take note when it shows up.

    You each need to start learning about this issue on your own and start making decisions about who you are going to worship. Will it be the one true creator God of the 10 commandments or the other super natural power of this earth.

    Each of us has a choice and that choice is about to get more out in the open very soon. Expect the whole world to be confronted with this issue of worship in a big way very soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    No where the Bible supports the observance of the 7th day Sabbath(Saturday)

    Some of the earlier points are not Biblical

    1) "In the book of Acts it says that the apostles"

    NO WHERE in the book of Acts does it say that the new day of worship is Sunday. Please provide the verse.

    The apostles kept the Sabbath

    Acts 13:14

    Acts 13:42

    Acts 13:44

    Acts 16:13

    Acts 17:2

    Acts 18:4

    the Gentiles went to Church on Sabbath

    Acts 13:42

    Acts 17:1-4

    Acts 18

    2)"It doesn't matter which day of the week that people choose to go to church"' and "God doesn't care what day you call Sabbath, as long as you call it holy etc"

    God did not say "Pick a day to worship" He said "THE" 7th day is "THE" Sabbath. The word "THE" means a specific item.

    The first person to say "It doesn't matter how we worship God" is Cain. Cain said "It doesn't matter how we worship God as long as we give something God will accept it.God does not care as long as you give and call it holy. Don't be legalistic Abel." Was he right?

    3)1 Corinthians 16:2

    Where in this verse does it say that it is the new Sabbath?

    Where in this verse does it say that it is a new day of worship?

    Where in this verse does it say that the 7th Day is done away with?

    Where in this verse does it even say that they MET each other on Sunday?

    1 Corinthians 16:2 is talking about collecting money for the famine in Jerusalem read verse 3 and Acts 11:27-30. It is important to read in context

    1 Corinthians 16:2 says NOTHING about a new day of worship.

    4)"You are putting too much faith on the Julian Calendar you have to remember when Jesus Christ was born there was no calendar Sunday is a day that was set aside for worship "

    So, ENTIRE Jewish Nation all over the ENTIRE world woke up one morning and forgot which day was the Sabbath?

    That is not logical

    The change of the calender had no effect on the weekly cycle

    The US Naval Observatory and the Royal Observatory both confirm the 7th day Sabbath(Saturday) is the SAME Sabbath that Jesus kept.

    Mark 16 says that Jesus rose the day after the Sabbath. We all know Jesus rose on Sunday... so what day is the Sabbath?

    5)"however you should be worshiping everyday."

    The disciples worshiped God everyday and they ALL kept the Sabbath.

    Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven everyday in addition to the fact that He is God and He still kept the Sabbath

    Luke 4:16

    Matthew 12:9,10

    Mark 1:21

    Mark 6:2 Luke 4:16

    Luke 4:31

    Luke 13:10

    6)"In the New Testament they changed it to Sunday cause they needed places to meet, and renting space on Saturday was not that easy cause all the Jewish meetings were happening on Saturday"

    There is NO verse in the Bible to support this claim.

    7)"First the sabbath was given to Israel in the Jewish law, never given to the church."

    The Sabbath was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden Genesis 2:1-3. If they were Jews we all are Jews and should keep the Sabbath.

    "There remains a keeping of the Sabbath for the people of God" Hebrews 4:9

    8)"The disciples referred to the first day of the week as the Lord's day"

    There is NO verse in the Bible that calls Sunday the Lord's Day. NO ONE has ever produced ONE verse that says this, NOT ONE. The ONLY day called the Lord's day in the Bible is the Sabbath(Saturday)

    Exodus 20:8

    Isa 58:13,14

    Matthew 12:8

    Mark 2:28

    Luke 6:5

    Provide ONE verse that calls Sunday the Lord's Day

    9)"Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday"

    Where does the Bible say that Sunday is the new day of worship because Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday?

    10)"What evidence do you have for Saturday to be the Lord's day for the church? "

    "Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday" and the Mark 16 clearly says Jesus rose the day after Sabbath.

    Exodus 20:8

    Isa 58:13,14

    Matthew 12:8

    Mark 2:28

    Luke 6:5

    Check out this video for more information on theSabbath

    We need to come back to the Bible and follow God and His word, and the word of God upholds the Sabbath

    Source(s): Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sunday became the Sabbath by order and decree of the Catholic church.

    The Catholics readings even verify and brag about this.

    Others believe that the Sabbath is Saturday because on the old calenders there were only 6 days in a week, not seven.

    I would suggest that you make the most of each day, and work your 6 days and do your Sabbath as you choose, be it Saturday, or Wednesday.

    Paul says to not judge another for their observance of a Sabbath, and this is also agreed on by God as directed by the verses in not judging others.

    God knows you, and only the judgment of Christ in the last day will have any meaning.

    God bless.

  • 5 years ago

    Romans 14 cleared up the issue perfectly for gentile/ non-jewish christians. God is no longer enforcing a particular day for worship for believers. vs 5 " One esteems a day above another; another esteems every day (alike). let each be fully convince in his own mind. Col 2: 16-17: So let no one judge you in food and drink or regarding a feast day or new moon or Sabbaths which are a Shadow of things to come, but the substance is in Christ. Many have been scared into making this a big issue through 7th day adventist preaching. They revived an issue that the word of God put to rest( sabbath means rest- no pun intended) 2000 years ago. Follow the word not man.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The bible says the 7th day was the day god rested. So it depends on the calendar used and a lot of other factors how each branch of christianity decide on their particular day of worship. Some say Sunday others Saturday. It could be Wednesday for all we know because god didn't write the bible man did.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is another one of them pick spots questions should worship the Lord your God everyday.....whoever your God is.... who said sunday was the fist day of the week?....on the last day he rested.... besides God knows footy is on saturdays...

    as for your statement "many people go to church..." the numbers of churchgoers are evidently decreasing and the Bible tells us that growing LOSS of faith....will be a sign of the times....a sign of the beginning of the end.....

    Most people who go to church believe they will live again in God's new world....some are there for consolation...some are there for just company.... but they are ALL there because its a HABIT...for whatever reason they think they should be there...whatever day of the week.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of the Bible is man-made, honey, and you will find all kinds of contradictions, except the really non-openminded religious refuse to believe that every contributing writer to the Bible could be anything less than honest. Dozens of people allegedly wrote the Bible. And...have you ever played that game "Telephone?" Whisper one sentence in somebody's ear and see how it comes out five people away? And sometimes a "telephone" player will mix up words to go the way they want it to, on purpose, and it stays that way.See how a book comes out, passed down, 2,000 years later, through hundreds of languages..

    P.S. If Adam and Eve had babies that had babies that had babies, and it was all inbreeding, somebody was most definately profoundly retarded in the "roots" and they may have gotten the Holy Day confused. Their relatives didn't correct them, because they were born deveopmentally disabled from inbreeding, too.

    Source(s): I studied philosophy and religion, and read every word of the Bible more than once. College makes a person more open-minded, too.
  • 1 decade ago

    First the sabbath was given to Israel in the Jewish law, never given to the church.

    The church began on Sunday

    Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday

    The disciples referred to the first day of the week as the Lord's day.

    There are a few more.

    What evidence do you have for Saturday to be the Lord's day for the church?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You will find alot of the christian pratices with regards to the calendar are man made, for example the day of Christmas 25th December was chosed for the day of celebration in line with a pagan fesitval.

    Alot of the Christian faith has been adapted and changed by man.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are putting too much faith on the Julian Calendar you have to remember when Jesus Christ was born there was no calendar Sunday is a day that was set aside for worship however you should be worshiping everyday.

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