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How does love make you do such crazy things that it can cause you so much pain? Is love really worth it?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When you are truly in love there is no feeling in the world like it. I feel that it is the greatest feeling in the world its magical wondrous and irreplaceable. The crazy things you do are your emotions taking over. When it doesn't work out if you look back and you still wouldn't trade a thing then it really was love.

  • 1 decade ago

    People can do things for the ones they love. That does not mean that they have changed. Yes tis true that love can cause you a lot of pain, specially if the one you love was only pretending to love you... or they said they love you, but mean that they love who they want you to be. Is love really worth it, I would say yes. I agree with the old saying it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. True love is a feeling like no other, and it can bring much happiness. The thing is that you just have to hold out for the Right one, that loves you for who you are and what you are..... with also you loving them for who and what they are at the same time.

    Source(s): Personal knowledge
  • NoMaD!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When its true, even the shortest amount of time being truly in love with someone who feels the same way will outweigh any pain felt from its loss. True love is really worth it and can be simply amazing.


  • 5 years ago

    No. they do no longer sense the experience like we people do. it incredibly is because of the fact we've a vital demanding gadget working by using our vertebra (backbone) which sends messages to our suggestions. this skill that if if our leg is harm, we sense the discomfort on the ideal suggestions. on the different hand, the bugs are non-vertebra and that they have got not got vital demanding gadget. for that reason if an ant's leg is crushed, purely the leg will sense close by discomfort. besides, their discomfort importance is short, on condition that they produce super type of off springs and their existence is short. they are able to additionally reproduce their lost organs. it incredibly is been spoke of that in case you chop back a cockroach's head, it is going to die after a month with the aid of ravenous. Scientists have cut back a lobster's leg and feed him, which he ate. it is likewise actual that aside from human beings no different animal knows of its existence.

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  • Sarah
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Love is. True love, at least. You just have to be able to tell the difference between love and lust. Love is when you will do anything for the other person, if it will make them happy. Anything. Lust is you wanting them.

  • 1 decade ago

    love is a very important in our live but you have to use your brain in order to avoid do crazy things and try to think allot bevore you fall in love if its the right person you have choosen .

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends what the pain is and how true and pure the love is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why is love so painful? Love is painful because it creates the way for bliss. Love is painful because it transforms; love is mutation. Each transformation is going to be painful because the old has to be left for the new. The old is familiar, secure, safe, the new is absolutely unknown. You will be moving in an uncharted ocean. You cannot use your mind with the new; with the old, the mind is skillful. The mind can function only with the old; with the new, the mind is utterly useless. Hence, fear arises, and leaving the old, comfortable, safe world, the world of convenience, pain arises.

    It is the same pain that the child feels when he comes out of the womb of the mother. It is the same pain that the bird feels when he comes out of the egg. It is the same pain that the bird will feel when he will try for the first time to be on the wing. The fear of the unknown, and the security of the known, the insecurity of the unknown, the unpredictability of the unknown, makes one very much frightened. And because the transformation is going to be from the self towards a state of no-self, agony is very deep. But you Cannot have ecstasy without going through agony. If the gold wants to be purified, it has to pass through fire. Love is fire. It is because of the pain of love, millions of people live a loveless life. They too suffer, and their suffering is futile. To suffer in love is not to suffer in vain. To suffer in love is creative; it takes you to higher levels of consciousness.

    To suffer without love is utterly a waste; it leads you nowhere, it keeps you moving in the same vicious circle. The man who is without love is narcissistic, he is closed. He knows only himself. And how much can he know himself if he has not known the other, because only the other can function as a mirror? You will never know yourself without knowing the other.

    Love is very fundamental for self-knowledge too. The person who has not known the other in deep love, in intense passion, in utter ecstasy, will not be able to know who he is, because he will not have the mirror to see his own reflection. Relationship is a mirror, and the purer the love is, the higher the love is, the better the mirror, the cleaner the mirror.

    But the higher love needs that you should be open. The higher love needs you to be vulnerable. You have to drop your armor; that is painful. You have not to be constantly on guard. You have to drop the calculating mind. You have to risk. You have to live dangerously. The other can hurt you; that is the fear in being vulnerable. The other can reject you; that is the fear in being in love. The reflection that you will find in the other of your own self may be ugly; that is the anxiety.

    Avoid the mirror. But by avoiding the mirror you are not going to become beautiful. By avoiding the situation you are not going to grow either. The challenge has to be taken. One has to go into love. That is the first step towards God, and it cannot be bypassed. Those who try to bypass the step of love will never reach God. That is absolutely necessary because you become aware of your totality only when you are provoked by the presence of the other, when your presence is enhanced by the presence of the other, when you are brought out of your narcissistic, closed world under the open sky. Love is an open sky. To be in love is to be on the wing. But certainly, the unbounded sky creates fear. And to drop the ego is very painful because we have been taught to cultivate the ego.

    We think the ego is our only treasure. We have been protecting it, we have been decorating it, we have been continuously polishing it, and when love knocks on the door, all that is needed to fall in love is to put aside the ego; certainly it is painful. It is your whole life's work, it is all that you have created -- this ugly ego, this idea that "I am separate from existence. " This idea is ugly because it is untrue. This idea is illusory, but our society exists, is based on this idea that each person is a person, not a presence. The truth is that there is no person at all in the world; there is only presence. You are not -- not as an ego, separate from the whole. You are part of the whole. The whole penetrates you, the whole breathes in you, pulsates in you, the whole is your life.

    Love gives you the first experience of being in tune with something that is not your ego. Love gives you the first lesson that you can fall into harmony with someone who has never been part of your ego. If you can be in harmony with a woman, if you can be in harmony with a friend, with a man, if you can be in harmony with your child or with your mother, why can't you be in harmony with all human beings? And if to be in harmony with a single person gives such joy, what will be the outcome if you are in harmony with all human beings? And if you can be in harmony with all human beings, why can't you be in harmony with animals and birds and trees? Then one step leads to another.

    Love is a ladder. It starts with one person, it ends with the totality. Love is the beginning, God is the end. To be afraid of love, to be afraid of the growing pains of love, is to remain enclosed in a dark cell. Modern man is living in a dark cell; it is narcissistic. Narcissism is the greatest obsession of the modern mind. And then there are problems, problems which are meaningless. There are problems which are creative because they lead you to higher awareness. There are problems which lead you nowhere; they simply keep you tethered, they simply keep you in your old mess. Love creates problems. You can avoid those problems by avoiding love. But those are very essential problems! They have to be faced, encountered; they have to be lived and gone through and gone beyond. And to go beyond, the way is through. Love is the only real thing worth doing. All else is secondary. If it helps love, it is good. All else is just a means, love is the end. So whatsoever the pain, go into love. If you don't go into love, as many people have decided, then you are stuck with yourself. Then your life is not a pilgrimage, then your life is not a river going to the ocean; your life is a stagnant pool, dirty, and soon there will be nothing but dirt and mud. To keep clean, one needs to keep flowing

  • 1 decade ago

    its only worth it if your with the right person other wise it will just mess everything up

  • 1 decade ago

    Love is love's reward. Priceless!

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