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Wwe Armageddon results?

Im dying to know whos winning. Please tell me with detail.

I'll appreciate it!!!! THANK YOU!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    World Heavyweight Champion Batista & WWE Champion John Cena vs. King Booker & Finlay

    Batista & John Cena def. King Booker & Finlay

    Kane def. MVP (Inferno Match)

    Undertaker def. Mr. Kennedy (Last Ride Match)

    United States Champion Chris Benoit def. Chavo Guerrero

    Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms def. Jimmy Wang Yang

    Boogeyman def. The Miz

    WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick & Paul London def. Dave Taylor & William Regal, MNM and The Hardys (Ladder Match)

  • 1 decade ago

    Kane def. MVP (Inferno Match)

    Undertaker def. Mr. Kennedy (Last Ride Match)

    United States Champion Chris Benoit def. Chavo Guerrero

    Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms def. Jimmy Wang Yang

    Boogeyman def. The Miz

    WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick & Paul London def. Dave Taylor & William Regal, MNM and The Hardys (Ladder Match)

    WWE Champion John Cena and World Heavyweight Champion Batista def.King Booker and Finlay

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Undertaker defeated Mr. Kennedy in a Last Ride Match, Kane defeated MVP in an Inferno Match, Batista and John Cena defeated King Booker and Finlay, Chris Benoit defeated Chavo Guerrero to retain his United States title, Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to retain his Cruiserweight title (not fair, he had this title too long), Brian Kendrick and Paul London defeated William Regal and Dave Taylor, MNM, and the Hardys in a ladder match to retain their Tag Team titles. The Boogeyman defeated The Miz.

    Source(s): I thought Armageddon was okay despite the fact that I wanted to see Jimmy Wang Yang win the Cruiserweight Title and Regal and Taylor win the Tag Team titles. The writers suck big time for this.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    How can Kozlov be the recent ECW Champion whilst his tournament with Matt Hardy is non-identify? i'm hoping you're acceptable approximately area final WWE Champion, yet i'm hoping you're incorrect approximately each and everything else.

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  • 1 decade ago

    me too.

  • WWE Armageddon results courtesy


    - The opening video plays as it highlights the Last Ride, Inferno, and Tag Team main event matches.

    (1) Inferno Match: Kane vs. MVP. JBL claims that the ringside fans were moved back 3-6 feet do to the flames. Michael Cole says the flames will reach 500 degrees. After MVP makes his entrance, they go to a video showing the history between he and Kane. Kane made his entrance and did his usual arms up and down pose but instead of fire coming out of the posts, the fire around the ring shot up. MVP tried to escape the ring but the flames shot up which prevented him from doing so. Not much to the match so far, just alot of brawling with the flames shooting up each time they do a move. Kane tried to put MVP’s face in the flames but he was able to break free. Kane chokeslams MVP and the flames shoot up high. Kane rips off one of the turnbuckle covers and lights it on fire. He tries to put it in MVP’s face but he counters it with a low blow. MVP picks up the lit turnbuckle and tosses it out of the ring. MVP climbs to the top rope and Kane pushes him over the flames and out to the floor where he crashes into the announce table. Kane jumps off the top rope over the flames and on to MVP on the floor. MVP crawls half way under the ring but Kane pulls him back out. Kane lifts him up and shoves him backwards into the fire. MVP runs around on fire until officials come out and hose him down with a fire extinguisher.

    - Backstage Ashley, Jillian, Kristal, and Layla are all gathered around a Christmas tree. Teddy Long walks in and tells all of them that they will all be competing in a Naughty or Nice Lingerie match later on tonight.

    - A replay is shown of Kane setting MVP on fire. JBL says that Teddy Long should be arrested for making him compete in the match.

    - Long comes out and announces that the tag team title match will be a ladder match. Long adds two more teams to the match - They are MNM and the Hardy Boys.

    (2) 4 Way WWE Tag Title Ladder Match: Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs MNM vs The Hardy Boys vs William Regal & Dave Taylor. The Hardys and London & Kendrick dump both MNM and Regal & Taylor out of the ring and then go at it. The crowd is solidly behind the Hardy Boys. Michael Cole claims that Kendrick, London, Mercury, Regal, and Taylor have never been a ladder match before. The Hardys nail the Poetry in Motion on Dave Taylor then MNM nails Jeff Hardy with the Snapshot. Paul London climbs the ladder, Johnny Nitro trys to spring board in and dropkick him off of it but he moves and Nitro hits the ladder. Mercury climbs a ladder but it gets turned over by Matt Hardy and he falls all the way to the floor. The Hardys go for another Poetry in Motion, but London moves and Jeff hits a ladder head on. Kendrick almost makes it to the titles but Matt Hardy gets there just in time and pulls him down. London bridges a ladder across the ropes and lays Matt Hardy on it. Kendrick jumps off the top rope and nails a double stomp onto Matt while is on the ladder. MNM set up a catapult with two ladders and they try to superplex Jeff Hardy onto it. Hardy counters and jumps off the top rear first onto the ladders and they bounce up into MNM’s face. Mercury gets hit flesh in the face and is bleeding very badly. Mercury is pooring blood and looks to have a broken nose. Regal reverse suplexes London onto a ladder that is bridged across the ropes and he goes head first between the rungs. Cole says that Joey Mercury was rushed to the hospital. Regal starts to climb for the belts but gets scarred and jumps down. Nitro climbs the ladder but is met with a spring board dropkick from Paul London that sends him crashing to the mat. London and Matt Hardy climb the ladder. Matt back drops London off the ladder but Matt loses his balance and falls off as well. Now, Jeff Hardy and Nitro climb the ladder. Nitro almost reaches the belts but Jeff hits him with a sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder and they both go crashing to the mat. Regal and Taylor start to climb dual ladders but they are afraid. Regal climbs up slowly but Kendrick stops him. Both men fall off the ladder. Regal crashes to the mat but Kendrick falls to the floor and grabs his leg in pain. London and Matt Hardy climb up at the same time. London knocks Matt off and grabs the title belts.

    - A clip is shown from earlier of Mercury bleeding on the floor and his eye was swelled shut.

    - Backstage Kristal is shown changing into her lingerie.

    - The Miz comes out and cuts a promo about his match with The Boogeyman.

    (3) The Miz vs The Boogeyman. Miz stalls by going outside the ring. He trys to pull Boogeyman out under the bottom rope but Boogeyman instead pulls him inside the ring. Cole notes that MVP was taken to a local burn unit and had been diagnosed with 2nd degree burns. Miz jumps off the top rope and gets caught around the throat. Boogeyman two arm chokeslams Miz to the mat and gets the pin.

    After the match Boogeyman pulls out the worms and puts them in Miz’s mouth.

    - Backstage Jillian and Layla are shown helping each other change into their lingerie.

    - Backstage Chavo Guerrero announces that he is dedicating his match to Vickie Guerrero. Vickie cuts an awful promo and promises that Benoit will lose the U.S. title.

    - Cole says that Joey Mercury has been diagnosed with a broken nose and servere lacerations around his eyes.

    (4) U.S. Title Match: Chris Benoit vs Chavo Guerrero. Chavo attacks Benoit before the bell but Benoit quickly regains control and goes to work on Guerrero. Benoit goes for the sharpshooter but Chavo pokes him in the eye. Both men fight out on the floor near Vickie as she holds her neck. As they fight back into the ring a lets go Benoit chant rings out. Benoit goes up top but Chavo counters it and nails him with a superplex. Chavo goes to work on the back of Benoit. Chris Benoit counters a suplex and locks in the Crossface but Chavo makes it to the ropes. Chavo regains control and continues to work over Benoit’s back. Chavo goes for the Three Amigos but Benoit counters them and nails Guerrero with 8 German Suplexes in a row. Benoit locks in the Sharpshooter. Vickie enters the ring with the US title. Benoit trys to put her in the Sharpshooter but Chavo rolls him up from behind. Benoit counters the roll up back into the Sharpshooter and Chavo taps out.

    - Backstage Ashley is shown putting on sheer stockings.

    - A promo airs for the Brian Pillman Fanatic Series.

    (5) Cruiserweight Title Match: Gregory Helms vs Jimmy Wang Yang. JBL says he heard that Yang dumped Amy when he found out that she was involved in animal porn. Yang takes control of the match. He goes for a moonsault but Helms moves. Yang lands on his feet and Helms goes to the floor asking for a timeout. Yang climbs to the top rope and Helms knocks him off to the floor. Helms climbs out of the ring and nails Yang with a swinging neck breaker on the floor. Helms goes to work on the neck of Yang. For the first time all night the crowd is dead. Yang sends Helms out to the floor and dives over the top rope onto him. Back in the ring Helms continues to work on the neck of Yang and a boring chant breaks out. JBL wonders why they are chanting boring. JBL blames it on Teddy Long and the Inferno Match. Helms nails Yang with a swinging neck breaker from the top rope. JBL calls it the greatest Cruiserweight match he has ever seen. Helms jumps off the top rope but Yang catches him with a kick to the face. Yang goes for the Yang Time but Helms moves out of the way and rolls up Yang for the pin. JBL says we just saw a hell of a match and the stupid idiotic fans are sitting on their hands.

    Highlights from the Undertaker/Kennedy feud are shown.

    (6) Last Ride Match: The Undertaker vs Ken Kennedy. Kennedy cuts his usual pre-match promo. A Rest in Peace chant breaks out. Both men brawl to the floor and Taker hip tosses Kennedy onto the Spanish announce table. Taker then hip tosses Kennedy from the announce table into the ring apron. Taker carries Kennedy out to the hearse. Kennedy manages to break free and drives Undertaker face first into the back door of the hearse. Kennedy trys to put Taker in the hearse but he can’t. They fight back to the ringside area and Undertaker gives Kennedy a leg drop on the ring apron. Taker hits Kennedy with a top rope superplex. Kennedy goes to the floor and pulls Taker out under the bottom rope. He locks Taker in a sleeper hold and put him to sleep. He puts Taker in the back of the hearse and slams the door shut now all he has to do is drive the hearse out of the arena. Kennedy opens the driver side door and Taker is there to greet him. They battle back to ringside and Kennedy uses a chair on Taker. Kennedy hits Taker with numerous chair shots but he continutes to sit up. Kennedy runs out of the ring and up the entrance way. He climbs up on top of the entrance way. Taker follows him up top and they fight on top. Kennedy throws Taker off and he lands on a bunch of padding with cables on top of it. As usual It looked very hoaky. Kennedy picks up Taker’s limp body puts him in the back of the hearse and slams the door. There is a camera inside the hearse and as Kennedy goes to drive it out of the arena Taker sits up. Taker trys to hit Kennedy with a pipe but he moves and the back window of the hearse is busted out. Taker lifts up Kennedy and puts him on top of the hearse. Taker follows him up and Tombstones him on the roof. Undertaker puts Kennedy in the back of the hearse slams the door and drives it out of the arena for the win.

    - Backstage Finlay meets up with King Booker and promises him that he is on his side and won’t doublecross him.

    - A promo airs for New Years Revolution. DX rip the constitution in half and Triple H smashes the Liberty Bell with a sledgehammer.

    - Santa Clause comes to the ring and cuts a promo. He wishes everyone a very merry Christmas and introduces the Divas in the Naughty or Nice Lingerie contest. Ashley is the only Diva that gets any sort of crowd reaction. JBL tells Santa to shut up and calls him a fat pervert. The crowd is pretty much dead for this. The fans vote and Ashley is cheered the loundest. Santa declares that everyone is a winner. He rips off his Santa suit and it’s Big Dick Johnson. He dances with Layla, Ashley, and Jillian but Kristal runs away.

    - A promo airs for the Royal Rumble PPV.

    - The build up to Batista/Cena vs Booker/Finlay is shown.

    (7) King Booker & Finlay vs John Cena & Batista. Batista comes out with his left arm heavily taped up. Cena and Booker start the match. Batista and Finlay tag in. Batista takes Finlay down and trys to put him in what looks to be a Sharpshooter but it’s super sloppy. King Booker tags in and goes to work on Batista. He goes for a hip toss but Batista counters it with a really bad looking closeline. Cena tags in and there are scattered boos. Cena locks in the STFU but Finlay breaks it up. Batista comes in and now all 4 men are fighting in the ring. Booker grabs his septor and nails Cena in the throat with it. The Little Bastard comes in the ring. He trys to kick Cena but he moves and he kicks himself in the head. Booker goes for a superkick on Batista but he moves and he nails Finlay. Cena comes in and hits Finlay with an awful looking suplex. The crowd boos. In the ring, Batista and Booker have some miscommunication and stumble all over the place. Batista kicks Booker in the gut and nails him with the Batista Bomb for the win.

    A replay is shown of the finish. John Cena and Batista celebrate as the PPV goes off the air.

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