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name one thing you believe to be totally true that is in the bible?

actually, name a few if you'd like

34 Answers

  • jeni
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Gen.1:1,2 [ All exist here ];


    Gen.1:3-25 [ Earth preparationed ];


    Gen.5:3,6,9,12,15,18,21, 25, 28 is year 1056

    Noah born 1056 is age 600 Gen.7:6; flood year 1656

    Noah has 350 years Gen.9:28,29;

    Shem has 502 years after flood, Gen.11:10,11;


    Gen.11:10,12,14,16,18,20, 22, 24 is 222 years.

    Terah born 222 at Gen.11:32; age 205 dies. 427.

    Abraham age 75 Gen.12:4; 427 years after Flood.


    Gal.3:16-18 [ 430 years after covenant ];

    Moses Exo.7:7[ age 80 ]; 12:40,41 [ 430 plus 427 is 857 ];


    Moses and half a milliom heirs exit Egypt 857 after flood.

    Aaron age 123 40th year dies. Num.33:38,39;

    Moses age 120 40th year dies. Deut.34:7; 897 after flood.

    Joshua 5:6,10,12; Ends 40 years, 14 days in New Year 898.


    Judges 11:26; 300 years, Jair dies, plus 898 is 1198 after flood.

    After flood at 1198 is 1212 before Christ. Eli 1283 at 40 is 1323.

    1Sam.7:2,23,25; 1227 plus 80 is 1307 plus 20, anoint David, 1Sam.25:1;

    Acts 13:20; 450 Samuel, Moses Judge at 857 is 1307 after flood.


    Saul is 1293 to 1333. 1Ki.2:10.11; David is 1333 to 1373, or 1077 to 1037 B.C.

    1Ki.6:1; 480 Solomon & Moses 897 is 1377. 1Ki.11:42; 36 is 1413.

    Solomon is 1033 to 997 before Christ.

    Judah kings will end 391st year. 1804 after flood. 606 before Christ.


    #1. Egypt. Gen.12:18; 3989 years ago.

    #2. Assyria. 2Ki.18:10,11; 2835 years ago.

    #3. Babylon. 2Ki.25:8,9; 2Chr.36:20-23; 2612 years ago.

    #4. Cyrus was in #4. 536 B.C. Ezra 1:1-4; 2542 years ago.

    #5. Greece. Dan.8:21; 2342 years ago.

    #6. Rome 4004 to 4066 Judah. Jesus was 2006 years ago in Rome.

    #7. Britain. Colonies on American soil 1620 CE now 2006 CE.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • themom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, I totally believe the Bible as a whole, but one verse that immediately came to mind when I read your question was the one at Hebrews 11:1 where a description of faith is given. This I believe to be totally true: Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pontius Pilate was a prefect in Jerusalem from 26 to 36 CE. Jesus is not mentioned anywhere else but the New Testament and a few other documents forged by Christians after the fact. He is mentioned by no contemporary writer whatsoever. Period.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said, "Do not be deceived. Many will come in my name (Jesus) and will say that I am He.(the Christ) and the end is near. Do not follow them." Yet millions did the opposite.

    Jesus said before that, "Do you think that I have come to bring Peace? I did not come to bring bring peace but a sword. For I have come to turn " ' a man against his father, a daughter against her mother. a daughter in-law against her mother in-law- a man's enemies will be a member of his own household.

    In other Gospel, he also said, "Do you think I have come to bring peace? No, I tell you, but DIVISION........"

    Now, tell me, how many churches do you see within in your reach and you have heard around the world are there in the name of Christ? And do you not ever felt that almost all (if not all) have deceptive teachings? Have you not known how many divisions of faiths are there in Jesus name?

    Have you ever heard in every church and in every prayer a plea for peace in the world in His name but for more than many centuries, this peace they have been praying for is never met?

    He said he did not come to bring peace. Is that not evidence enough to believe the truth about the writings? You have to believe in the Bible because it did not hide the truth about the great deceiver who used it to capitalize on man's ignorance. The Book tells the truth but it fell into the wrong hands that is why we are so confused and those wrong hands have controlled our minds and the world for that matter.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The existence of God, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Jews being slaves in Egypt and being set free, the Ten Commandments.

    Things in the Bible that I DON'T believe: that the Jews killed Jesus, that the earth was created in 7 days, that if you don't believe in Jesus you'll go to hell, that gays will go to hell, that it's a sin to use birth control- oh wait! That last one's not in the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmm, tough one. Books after the life of the supposed Jesus after the formation of Christianity do not serve as historical evidence to the person above me, there is no proof that a man named Jesus even existed in a religious sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    One thing I believe to be true about the bible is that it has pages, and there are words on them.

  • 1 decade ago

    That Jesus is the way the truth and the light! That God created me and has a divine purpose for my life, that if I endure trials and tribulation the way that Job did I will be blessed, that if I have faith like Noah I will hear God's warning, if I have faith like Sarah God would heal my body and bless me with a baby(he blessed me with two), if I praise him the way David did I would be blessed, and so much, much more I don't have time to list everything from the bible that has been proved to me in God's word!

  • Gaz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The page numbers are the only thing that are demonstrably true, but even then I reserve judgement because of the missing edited Gospels.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    John 3:16

    For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son.

    Yes, I believe God loves each one of us, and provides a way to over come sin, sickness, and to receive comfort through His son Jesus.

    No matter where any person is at in life He still loves people, and provides a way out of our sinful state.

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