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Please become part of something important in supporting the efforts to boycott Movie Town?

lets put our food down and say NO TO INCREASED PRICES this is wrong and not necessary, the price is already high and there is no valid reason other than increased profits to justify a price hike such as this. Please people lets support this boycott.

By the way, Movie Town has increased the price of its movies from $35 to $45 and they are now charging $5 to go into the lobby.!! Yes, if you want to buy a snack or a smoothie you must first buy a ticket for $5 to get into the lobby to reach these concessions. And they have raised all of the concession prices by an average of at least 25%. Now THAT ' s capitalism and price gouging gone mad!!! I am not aware that the workers got a raise in pay from minimum wage, are you? And they certainly couldn't ' t have raised the rent on themselves, right?

No wonder this weekend saw the place virtually empty. I hope everyone protests this price gouging by not going there. In fact they shouldn't ' t go there for the whole rest of December.

Please forward this email so everyone will boycott there.. !

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow, when you hit the town, you really hit the town.

    I had a 25% raise when I read your question.

    Reached 100% when I saw it was you who wrote it.

    You're nice.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, these guys must be out of their minds. It's one thing to raise the cost of a movie, but to charge ppl for walking into the building is absurd. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll be sure not to visit Movie Towne when I get home for vacation. They pay their workers next to nothing, work them to the bone and give them next to no benefits. Most of these "workers" are young ppl trying to make something of themselves, instead they are raped of their time by these "managers". Ppl in Trinidad need to take a stand for themselves and stop the madness that is plaguing the nation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, are you serious about the $5 to go to the lobby? That's ridiculous. I am not sure how realistic it is for some Trinis to stop going there just because is expensive, it may cause some people to go even more. I just don't get it.

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