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God as Male / Female?

We all agree that the majority of the earth's (God believing) popoulation refer to God as *HIM*.

However, a Mother carries a child in her womb for 9 months...

She nutures and cares for her young unconditionally...

A mother reaches beyond her limits to ensure that her child has everything he/she needs,

She teaches,

She disciplines,

She provides for her young, regardless of circumstances...

A mother is compassionate...however instincttively knows exactly when compassion can be destructive. So we discipline (intuitively)

A mother is sensitive to the needs of her chilldren

So..What traits of GOD is Masculine?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God is neither male nor female, being a spirit and gender distinctions being limited to carnate beings.

    God has both male and female traits. You stated some that you define as being feminine but, c'mon, males can care for their young unconditionally, too. Males are protectors and providers. For much of history, the woman was supposed to stay home with the young while the men went out and risked life and limb to bring food home to their families.

    Males teach, too. In fact, at one time most college professors were male. Men were considered disciplinarians. Many a woman threated her kids with "Wait until your father gets home!"

    Men are warriors, fighting to protect their families. Men have physical strength... go chop that wood, plow that field, whatever.

    God is a law-giver, rule maker. He enforces the rules. We may follow our mother's wishes because we love her but maybe we do what Dad says because we're afraid of him.

    God is strong. He's all knowing. Many religions refer to God as a male simply because it's more respectful than calling God an "it" and less awkward than always referring to God as He/She or Him/Her.

  • 4 years ago

    You pose a very sturdy question. One i have heard many cases, and thanks for no longer being propose lively in asking the questions or putting each person's faith down. In Islam, we do not imagine of Allah (swt) as a man or woman. God is a no longer a being, no longer a human nor some thing that could be so merely comprehended. And as for the "He" reference continuously in books and the Quran, "He" is the perfect English translation to this point for the Arabic observe. So at the same time as God is called a "He" it doesn't propose that God is male, it truly is merely the nearest translation of that Arabic pronoun.

  • 1 decade ago

    God has both aspects. And actually there are mant places where people worship the Feminine aspect of The God. Shri Durga in India, Mother Goddess in Turkey, ...

    Actually Holy Gost is the Feminine aspect of The God. She is the Mother of all the universe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Catholics believe that God transcends the human distinction between the sexes. He is neither man nor woman: he is God.

    But the traits of God that are fatherly or masculine are:

    + our origin

    + authority

    + goodness

    + loving care for all his children

    + guidance and training

    + loving discipline

    + letting us grow up

    + letting us make our own choices

    + forgiving our mistakes

    Like the loving father of the prodigal son, when God sees us returning to Him, He will get up, run to us, embrace us, and throw a party.

    With love in Christ.

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