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Is Jesus killed, murdered by torturing him or he willingly suicide to save the sinners?

Is Jesus killed, murdered by torturing him or he willingly suicide to save the sinners? Do you really think that sins could be wash by the blood of Jesus? I think these thoughts are horrible. What you think honestly?

10 Answers

  • Eva
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a child being introduced to Jesus for the first time. I think what a terrible thing to do to someone. This is quickly turned into it wasn't someone it was me. I did that to him? I didn't even know the guy. Then I find out I did it to him because he wanted to help me. Now I am a real loser. I am born in the sin. Spend the rest of my life asking the same people who damned me for forgiveness. Believe this Jesus really happened. He was some guy who let the world beat him and pound spikes in his hands and feet and leave him to die on a cross of wood. He did it all for me. I agree with you these thoughts are horrible. He must have been explained to me wrongly. I just never got it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think he was both. I believe he set himself up to be killed, because becoming a martyr has such a greater affect on other's actions than living to a ripe old age does.

    Suicide by proxy is my opinion.

    I think that all the violence inherent in the bible is pretty typical of the history of humankind, and to say that Christians will be any different than others is kind of a fallacy; look at their main teaching tool that says incest is acceptable with your dad, it's ok to rape, murder and plunder if the people don't believe as you do, all kinds of violence wrapped around some good bits of wisdom. Churches try to focus on the wisdom, but the rest gets in the mind if you actually read the book, and cannot be ddug out.

    On the rest, I hold no opinion. At least, not one I'll voice here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was taken into custody. Jesus was tortured and crucified for our sins and guilt. He had these things done even tho he did no wrong. He allowed himself to be taken and crucified because this would fulfill the scripture and He would be declsared Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

    Jesus was murdered by the Jews as the perfect"sacrifice" for all mankind. Jesus did not commmit suicide. He did not take his own life. His life was taken.

  • 4 years ago

    Jesus dedicated a selfless act to maintain mankind hence, not suicide. that is my conception that suicide isn't for the coolest of guy (nicely possibly now and again as interpreted with the help of persons) even although of their minds they imagine it should be superb for anybody they understand in the experience that they were not with them. Suicide serves no purpose. yet, in doing so as that they go away in the back of kin and acquaintances to grieve and sweetness what they'd have performed to ward off it. besides, i do not trust that's my position to study it. I basically state my thoughts right here. With that reported i will upload that i do not trust all of us in my kin EVER had a tail. i trust the Almighty created all and that i trust the Bible even even though it replaced into written with the help of expenses of adult males.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus's had to do the 'cross scene' to fulfill prophecy as well as to show the Power of 'Light' over Death.

    No one is going to be saved by His blood. This is just part of the propaganda created by the church.

    Focus your attention on his Ascension which took place after the resurection.

    That is what each of us must do. It is a question of physics and increasing the vibratory rate of the nucleus of the atoms within the cells of your body. This is true FREEDOM!

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus, being fully man as well as fully God, wasn't particularily anxious to be tortured and crucified. In the garden He asked His Father if there was any other way.

    Matthew 26:39 And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou [wilt].

    He was willing to allow Himself to be crucified, in accordance with His Father's will - "nevertheless not as I will, but as thou [wilt]"

    As we were (are) sinners our being crucified would only be paying the price for our own sins. Christ, being sinless, paid the price that we could not. Thus through the shedding of His blood we can be redeemed if we accept His gift of mercy and grace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christ paid the price to defeat death, that is Satan.

    Heb 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;


  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the whole world.

    Source(s): John 3:16-17
  • 1 decade ago

    When you are beaten and hung on a cross that is not suicide. As God he chose to die. Your Koran talks about Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command. That was a type and shadow of the sacrifice that God made for us. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son. Is God less willing than Abraham?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It wasn't willing ("Take this cup from me") and it wasn't suicide (Romand had to breaks his bones to kill him on the cross before sunset).

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