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Any Favorites yet for a 2008 Presidential Candidate?

It might be a little early to start researching candidates already but then again not really! Anyway it seems to me that the top contenders for Democrats are Junior Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and for Republicans its most likely to be between Senior Senator John McCain and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. Hate me all you want but because I'm a huge liberal, I'm already going to exclude McCain because the last thing I want again is another conservative president like Bush who pretty much wants to limit freedoms that conflict with his "Christian values" lol which is kind of hypocritical when you think about it knowing that he delcared war in Iraq and thousands of both Americans and innocent Iraqi civilians died due to his decisions. Opps! Sorry I'm rambling but anyway whether conservatve, liberal, moderate , 3rd Party , communist, I don't care! If you have a favorite candidate for president in 08' please tell me and let me know why you want that person. Thanks!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Barack Obama all the way

    I just finished The Audacity of Hope and despite the so-called "liberal media" constantly trying to tell us that we don't know enough about him or that he doesn't have clearly lined out plans goals or ideas - he really does.

    As you go through the book, he outlines a comprehensive plan to bring America back from the brink of stupidity and clearly begin to have the ability to work on our issues here at home.

    As the only candidate to be outright opposed to the war from the beginning, Obama has that supposed "fresh perspective" that Americans are seeking.

    His ideas about school reform, the economy, globalization and global interaction are an overwhelmingly welcome breath of fresh air. He is overwhelmingly smart and not afraid to speak loudly and hold a big stick.

    He is young. Something we undoubtedly need. Right now over half of the people involved in policy making for our great nation have been adults since before the cold-war, some since before the end of segregation. This is absurd. Sure people can change, but how much? Not as much as actually changing people in office would affect change. Perhaps we could see ingenuitive thinking applied to the ongoing problems we have had in this country if "a set of fresh eyes" didn't mean digging up some old guy who's been sitting around since the Iran-Contra crap.

    Basically, the only way we're going to fix the broken system of American politics is to actually change and if we have the same 500 old white guys milling around Washington sticking their dirty money in everyone's pockets and whispering in everyones ears we're not going to get that done.

    When JFK was elected, he was relatively new on the scene - coming to the forefront in much the same way as Obama, as the keynote speaker at the previous Democratic National Convention. Being new or young are not reasons to exclude someone.

    Being black might just be a reason to put him on the ticket. The first African American to be President of the Harvard Law Review and then in the Senate he is a precident setter and I think that a large portion of the apathetic unreachable poor voters would be compelled to go to the polls for this chance at a change...

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't hate you at all for excluding McCain. He is not a conservative at all but a free-trade globalist. I can't see him winning the Republican primary, unless it is because so many middle of the road Republicans vote independent in the Democrat primary, instead.

    On the other hand, Obama and Clinton are also globalists, and I reject them, as well.

    Between them, Obama is better than Clinton because all other things being equal, I really don't want Bill back in the White House where he can embarrass us again. The Foley investigation is barely beginning, for Pete's sake!

    I understand there is a Republican State Congressman from California wandering around lately, and I'll take a look at him, but don't know enough about him to say.

    I'd vote 'Populist' party if there were one, but Theodore Roosevelt is dead, and I don't see any others carrying his mantle, do you?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hillary Clinton

  • 1 decade ago

    Right now my choice is Hillary Clinton only because I have not done enough research on the other candidates and I can totally relate to her. I would love to see a woman president, but I am not sure that we as Americans are ready for that. I know that we are not ready for a minority president either.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Newt Gingrich

    Obama and Clinton have the same problem. They are liberals. Liberals never win national elections.

    McCain is hated by Republicans in the base. Rudy is too liberal on social issues. You have to look at who votes in the primaries. They are conservatives and they are do not tolerate liberals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe McCain will run on the Republican ticket

    it would give the neo-cons an intelligent, grounded canidate who could at least give Hillary a fight!

    BTW FDR was a democrat

    Robin Williams for President

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You must be really liberal if you think McCain is a conservative, lol. I'm rooting for Newt Gingrich, as he is a real conservative and is able to clearly articulate his positions and why they are good for america and the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish Bill Richardson (Gov. New Mexico) would run. Very smart and capable guy. Not blinded by partisan ideology like so many others.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm praying for Newt to win the GOP nomination.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Carrot Top

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