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The Bible has been rewritten (Changed) over and over again.?

Urban legend or Fact

IF you state fact please give dates and names ect



Thats what I thought until I read this article.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The bible has not been rewritten, just carefully copied. It has been passed down, and carefully copied. It's been passed down from generations to generations. So how do you know that it is accurate? Because the dead sea scrolls have been found, and they are one of the oldest, original manuscripts found. They compared these original texts to the one that has been copied. They are both 99% identical (The missing 1% counts for minor grammar and punctuation differences)

    Even though the bible has been passed down, and copied, the dead sea scrolls shows us that our bible is very accurate and reliable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look for your self at the King James Version and the New King James Version. I found two or three places that parts of verses were left out or changed enough to render a different understanding of the verse in Question. I was using a New king James Version Bible to study with and a study guide that written for the King James Version. That is how I found the differences on two or three occasions I had to get my KJV bible to figure out what was written it was changed so much. If you want to truly know email me and I will look up at least one of the passages I am talking about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Translated yes, re-written/changed no. Time an time again ancient manuscripts are found that confirm that Bible writings have remained true to their original form. Good question though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fact. As a matter of fact it was supposed to have over 20 more books, but the Council of Nicea decided not to include those. So not only has it been re-written and re-translated 100's of times, but it isn't even in its entirety.

    C3, you are 100% correct.

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  • The authorative translations use 'original manuscripts' (or as close to it) not someone else's transliteration to translate the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The original Bible was a plagiarism of other cultures religion. All the stories in the Old and New Testament are stories that have been told ages before the Hebrew Bible was in existence. The stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc - have all been told before. The concept of the Immaculate Conception. Judgment day, rising to heaven in 3 days etc... are all ancient. That is why Christians are taught not to look at other people religions. If they did they would realize that the stories are the same. Just take a look at the similarities between Jesus and other messiahs in other religions and it will be evident.

    The Buddha character has the following in common with the Christ figure:

    •Buddha was born of the virgin Maya, who was considered the "Queen of Heaven."

    •He was of royal descent.

    •He crushed a serpent's head.

    •He performed miracles and wonders, healed the sick, fed 500 men from a "small basket of cakes," and walked on water.

    •He abolished idolatry, was a "sower of the word," and preached "the establishment of a kingdom of righteousness."

    •He taught chastity, temperance, tolerance, compassion, love, and the equality of all.

    •He was transfigured on a mount.

    •Sakya Buddha was crucified in a sin-atonement, suffered for three days in hell, and was resurrected.

    •He ascended to Nirvana or "heaven."

    •Buddha was considered the "Good Shepherd", the "Carpenter", the "Infinite and Everlasting."

    •He was called the "Savior of the World" and the "Light of the World."

    Horus of Egypt

    The stories of Jesus and Horus are very similar, with Horus even contributing the name of Jesus Christ. Horus and his once-and-future Father, Osiris, are frequently interchangeable in the mythos ("I and my Father are one"). The legends of Horus go back thousands of years, and he shares the following in common with Jesus:

    •Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger, with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men.

    •He was a child teacher in the Temple and was baptized when he was 30 years old.

    •Horus was also baptized by "Anup the Baptizer," who becomes "John the Baptist."

    •He had 12 disciples.

    •He performed miracles and raised one man, El-Azar-us, from the dead.

    •He walked on water.

    •Horus was transfigured on the Mount.

    •He was crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected.

    •He was also the "Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, God's Anointed Son, the Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word" etc.

    •He was "the Fisher," and was associated with the Lamb, Lion and Fish ("Ichthys").

    •Horus's personal epithet was "Iusa," the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah," the "Father."

    •Horus was called "the KRST," or "Anointed One," long before the Jesus.

    Mithra, Sungod of Persia

    •Mithra was born of a virgin on December 25th.

    •He was considered a great traveling teacher and master.

    •He had 12 companions or disciples.

    •He performed miracles.

    •He was buried in a tomb.

    •After three days he rose again.

    •His resurrection was celebrated every year.

    •Mithra was called "the Good Shepherd."

    •He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."

    •He was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.

    •His sacred day was Sunday, "the Lord's Day," hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.

    •Mithra had his principal festival on what was later to become Easter, at which time he was resurrected.

    •His religion had a Eucharist or "Lord's Supper."

    Krishna of India

    •Krishna was born of the Virgin Devaki ("Divine One")

    •His father was a carpenter.

    •His birth was attended by angels, wise men and shepherds, and he was presented with gold, frankincense and myrrh.

    •He was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of thousands of infants.

    •He was of royal descent.

    •He was baptized in the River Ganges.

    •He worked miracles and wonders.

    •He raised the dead and healed lepers, the deaf and the blind.

    •Krishna used parables to teach the people about charity and love.

    •"He lived poor and he loved the poor."

    •He was transfigured in front of his disciples.

    •In some traditions he died on a tree or was crucified between two thieves.

    •He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.

    •Krishna is called the "Shepherd God" and "Lord of lords," and was considered "the Redeemer, Firstborn, Sin Bearer, Liberator, Universal Word."

    •He is the second person of the Trinity, and proclaimed himself the "Resurrection" and the "way to the Father."

    •He was considered the "Beginning, the Middle and the End," ("Alpha and Omega"), as well as being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

    •His disciples bestowed upon him the title "Jezeus," meaning "pure essence."

    •Krishna is to return to do battle with the "Prince of Evil," who will desolate the earth.

    Christians can claim that these stories are not borrowed but the fact still remain that the stories are very similar. You can even look at Jewish Tradition and see the similarities. Jews even have a lock of hair that they do not cut until they are 12 years old called the Horace Lock. I think the next evolution of the mind is to realize that we are worshiping the same God. It seems now we are living in Hell on Earth because everyone wants their God to be bigger and badder than the next persons God. - And if you do not believe them then a holy war will break out. The devil is all about divide and conquer. God is one. Therefore it should be exciting to know that our religions are more alike than they are different! We should be One nation Under God - Not many nations divided by God.

    Source(s): Just go and look up the lives of these other messiahs and read their stories. Or look up there similarities in a search engine. It is not hard to find!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The word of God never changes and the bible is the word of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    bible has been changed so many times that no one even remember dates n time.. lol

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