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VW Battery ??

I have been told the vw requires a battery that can't be purchased anywhere except the dealer. If this is true, what makes it so special ??

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only car (other than hybrids) that requires a dealer only batter that I know of is the Miata. The dealer may recommend that you buy the battery from them, but you should be able to get a replacement battery from any local autoparts store.

    Source(s): worked in autoshop for 3 years
  • nancie
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Vw Battery Replacement

  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't say what flavor VW you have, but in general someone is pulling your chain.

    Except for electric or hybrid cars (and maybe the Miata that someone mentioned above) the only requirements to replace a battery in a car are:

    1) Size (obvioulsy if it won't fit into the engineered space you have to modify something or get the right sized battery.

    2) Amperage: The battery must have the capacity to crank over your cold engine (cold cranking amps) and to provide basic current. Check the specs on your battery in your owner's manual and get that size or larger.

    3) Flavor: Almost all batteries now adays are 12 volt batteries. Older (pre '66 as I recal) VW's took 6 volt batteries which are commercially available but harder to find (they will likely be a special order at places like Kragen or AutoZOne).

    Thats it. The only real difference between a dealer battery and any other one is the price (about double at the dealer's).

    (You can see where I buy MY batteries - grin)

    good luck and Happy New Year


  • 1 decade ago

    True but not true. Yes VW dealer has a brand of battery (VW factory that makes batteries) and nobody gets them but VW to sell).So more costly.

    I got mine at Costco. Standard black cased battery with more umph than what I would have got at VW for half the price too and a 7 yr warrantee.

    Measure how big it is LxWxH (including the posts) and which side the negative is on(as the ground cable is only so long.) Note the cranking amperage and get the same or better.

    Mine I went from 675 recommend to 1000. When buying it mention the car and they will make sure you got the right battery. The amperage doesnt matter if it is bigger is the battery itself bigger...thats what matters

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    VW Battery ??

    I have been told the vw requires a battery that can't be purchased anywhere except the dealer. If this is true, what makes it so special ??

    Source(s): vw battery:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    some VW's ran on a 6 volt system, the 6 volt batteries are what can only be purchased at a dealer.

    however, if your running an old VW with a ^volt system, you can find alternative motorbike batteries.

    for any VW that is 12 volt, batteries can be obtained at almost any auto-part store

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not true, if you're running a 12-volt system. Any battery will do, they just need to be on the small side because they have to fit under the rear seat.

    WORD OF CAUTION: when you put it in, make a way to cover the terminals up with a non-conductive material to protect the battery posts from accidentally shorting out across the metal springs of the seat, which is (are) directly above the battery.

  • Lili
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not true - we have three VW's in the family and they do not require a special battery.

  • 4 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    The only thing special about a "dealer" battery is that it cost $50 more than the one you can buy at walmart or autozone.

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