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is it ok to fall in love with one person and still lust for another?


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that if you were truly in love with the one person then you would not feel the need to lust after another person. I mean when your in love your gonna think that other people are hot or sexy or other stuff, but you shouldn't really actually consider this person as a threat to the person your in love with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. In your situation it is not ok. It would be a different story if the person that you had lust for was an ex, because things of that sort happen, but you evetually get over it.

    In your case, you are making the lust stronger by continuing to talk to the 'other' person, so you know or should very well know that it is wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on the level of the love and the level of the lust. If the love is big, you wont be able to lust for the other person. So conclusion, the love isnt at very great level yet, or it isnt gonna be ever.

    My advice to you goes by this:

    - Cheating isnt fun and its even worse when you get caught. Lusting and love are different things, depends on what do you put more stats. Do you lust more for sex with the guy or do you love to be in serious relationship with the other?

    - These questions arent ment for us, we are able to help you after you made up your mind. Sit down, let go a quiet music and relax with this and only this question in your mind: " What do I want? " After you answer that one, you wont have no doubt about what you want.

    - If you want to double date, you will need expirience on how to last not getting caught. Seeing from this, i would guess this is the first or second situation for you of this sort.

    Last, lets say that you are in 1-2 year relationship with this guy you love. What will you say to the scene from the observers seat? He will think that he has found great love and yet he hardly waits to get more into it, and you just think about the unfulfilled sex you want to have in rl with this other guy. I would give you very little time before you run away just to have sex with the other guy. Lust is greater than love on the lower levels when love isnt that developed.

    Final tip: Have sex with this guy for lets say a month. After that ask yourself is this what i want from my bf? If it is continue, if its not ... follow the second road.

    Best of luck and may doubt run away from your path :)

  • 1 decade ago

    hii really there things that your injoying heaps just now in your life its your own needs for fun that makes you want to when the net came along playing changed then cyber started at least its only chats and so finding love is allways better than just cyber where as u see its only lust and needs just like being on the net we all need good friend its from there we see love can grow thats real where cyber is playing lust as u said but it can never beat the real thing .

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  • 1 decade ago

    how can u say u love this person n lust with another,it's very absurd far as love is concerned,u won't distract u to do other thing,u w'd concentrate n indulge in the atmosphere of passion 4 i think u r not seriously in love 4 him so u got the lust from another person.u r better keep calm n think twice to choose ur right one n don't play play only,otherwise u may get nothing from them in the end.

    best wishes n happy new year.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if it is ok, but it is natural. I know a king who loves his queen but lusts for the maid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is normal but just because it is doesn't mean its right. If you have feelings for someone else then any kind of sexual interaction with someone else is considered cheating.

  • DAVE
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Perfecly natural.

  • 1 decade ago

    groos and unfair i hope some doit to u 2

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's probably normal but not fair to the one you love

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