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Why do SOME whites ask about terms like asian-american, african-american, etc.?

I read a question about why people use hyphenated americans. DO I NEED TO REMIND PEOPLE THAT MAINSTREAM AMERICA DID NOT ACCEPT, ASIANS, BLACKS, AFRICANS, LATINOS, NATIVE AMERICANS, OR MIDDLE EASTERNERS AS AMERICANS? American called asians gooks, blacks *****, coloured, n*gger, latino spics, wetbackers, natives redskins, and middle easterners arab n*ggers. America constantly pointed out that we were anything but Americans! The hyphenated american was created when America pushed us aside and we formed our own identities.

P.S. Do people know the history of things before they spout off their mouths about stuff?

11 Answers

  • LO!
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "americans" never accepted ANYONE into this country with open arms. the irish were treated like dirt. the jewish, the germans. EVERYONE has an ethnic slur of some type. none of us belong here anyway. we are all uninvited guests of the tribes who lived here before. i think we add "hyphen american" as a way to include everyone as we are all different yet the same. we might be asian-american or italian-american but we share the same suffix and are united in our differences and sameness.

  • mark g
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There also used to be signs in NYC restaurants no WOPS (Italians) allowed. The Molly McGuire's were formed because of the treatment the Irish suffered at the hands of people in America. Jews were called Kikes. Ever heard a Polock joke? French descendants were called Frogs.These are all white folks. Whites have been called Crackers, Honkeys, Rednecks, Gringos, and other racial slurs. It is wrong but it is a two way street. Maybe you should study History a little yourself. It is not just in America this happens. Look at Asia and see what the Japanese, Koreans, and the Chinese call each other. Look at Africa and see how they treat each other. Look at the Middle East and how the Arabs kill each other and the names they call each other,the Jews, the Turkish people, and the Persians (Iranians). This is not an American problem it is a Human problem

  • Tip :)
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    lol i see what you saying but if we were born in America we are Americans all that Native asian African stuff don't matter. I'm having a hard time understanding y they xclude us like this is their soil its reall the Natives soil but I don't like to be seperated and called an african american when I'm not from africa I mean I'm just not from africa I have white Indian and black blood I am a true american lol and I refused to be refered to as an african american its stupid

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Americans *lol*


    Let's see American WAS a race. but it was washed out by White European as_wholes... now these stuck-up White people think that they're American (as in a racE)

    How many fu_king time do I have to hear: "He's not American, he's obviously Latin" or "She's Japanese not American!"

    WTF White people are stupid... no wonder they hate Asians for being brainy when they've got sh_t for brains (main example: Bush. Second example: they voted for him and that's all folks!)

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, unfortunately they don't. What still amazes me is that colleges in most parts of the Western United States do not offer any other history or major in history except the American one that excludes for the most part the contributions of these same groups you mention were excluded.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love You!! But, we need to drop our racial identities now. There is only one color that matters. RED. Those washed in the blood of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins. There is neither Jew nor Greek, Male nor Female, Black nor white.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it's because asians and africans know where they came from white people don't that is why they can't go back to where they came from they don't know.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    thank god im not american..and dont worry i will get the **** outta this country,im moving to St.Lucia in the carribean....Fukkers!

    Source(s): Lmao
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you just shot off your mouth without knowing it.

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