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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

If you speak to God you are religious, if God speaks to you you are insane ....?

what do you think of this statement? do you agree? disagree? provide a basis for your argument?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The writers of the Bible. There are over forty of them, all say that God spoke to them. Please read it throughly and tell me if they are insane. A very intelligent man by the name Lew Wallace, backed by another very intelligent man, Robert ingersoll tried to do that. To prove that there is no God, and that Christians are insane. In order to be accurate in the novel he was planning to write to ridicule Christianity, he decided to read the whole of the New Testament with its 27 books, from Matthew to Revelation. By the time he read just the fourth book of the New Testament he was converted and became a devout Christian, and wrote a famous novel supporting and uplifting Christianity instead. The book is Ben Hur.

  • 1 decade ago

    I speak to God all the time and the Lord God Almighty speaks to me also. Does this make me insane. Well people in my home town once concluded that i must be so they did all there little hearts could think up. Lied, cheated and stold and how so. And they even got this judge to help them out. Then they ticked me off i spoke and a years latter the judge died and New Orleans was destroyed. You know it is not wise for a nation to come between a prophet and his son. This nation has seen nothing as of yeat. You should wish that i was not insane buy the way it all was recorded and i am even now preparing to speak over this nation unto its destruction if they do not repent.

  • 1 decade ago

    I pray thus I speak to God.

    I read his inspired word thus God speaks to me.

    I am a faithful Christian Woman and am in no way insane.

    I have heard people SPEAK to God and some very BAD ways RELIGIOUS??? NO

    Any one claiming to LITERALLY hearing the ACTUAL Voice of God Speaking as in the O.T. then yes they are insane or just delusional.

    Saying one is religious and actually being religious are 2 different things.

    You have to be a doer of God's word and not just a hearer of it.

    Member of the Church of Christ in PA

  • CEM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Anyone can speak to God. Whether God listens to you is the real question. I know for a fact that if you do not possess the proper credentials you will get nowhere. What I mean is that if you are not a Christian then you are wasting your time.

    If you don't approach the Throne of God humbly and in Jesus Christ name, you will never be heard. God has sent His Word into this World Age to give us a free gift of Salvation. Its up to you to make the choice to receive it or not.

    Being religious has nothing to do with it. I am a Christian man who is not involved in a religion. I'm just a Christian.

    As for the second part of your question regarding insanity, now I'm beginning to wonder about you. You who are not yet a Christian.

    For God speaks to all of us through His Word every time we read it with understanding. I don't call this being insane and none of my brothers or sisters do either. We just feel the warmth of God's love for us that brings Comfort ( a word to the wise here ) to our lives serving Him.

    I wish you great success in your life.><>

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think we all should speak to and with God... its not religion its spiritual. Big difference. the statement was started as a joke , but as usual, it got taken out out of the context in which it was proposed. Communicating with God is called prayer and communication requires both a sender and a receiver. Good luck and may God bless you and those whom you love Hopefully your faith will see you through this as it is a simple concept. Either you believe,(yay) or you dont. I hope you are redeemed because He died for all of us so it really doesnt matter what the answer is as long as you understand the concept of faith. HappyDAYS ARE ON THE WAY

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I ask them how God spoke to them. Usually they explain it as having "alien" thoughts pop into their head that are outside their normal thinking process, and so they take those as being God giving them that thought. Or they claim to hear those thoughts spoken to them in a voice that is not their own (again in their head). They say that they have to discern whether it was a thought from God, or from Satan. Many of the people who have told me that they have had God speak to them, also have the belief that there are no thoughts of their own. That they are from either one side or the other. I grew up around these kinds of beliefs but they still weird me out, and I tend to limit my contact with a person who claims to hear voices.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree! God speaks to me! I am not insane. God speaks to you in many ways, you just have to have the knowledge and listen to him when he is speaking to you. It doesn't have to be an actual voice that you hear for him to speak to you.

  • 1 decade ago


    If God speaks to you, its a sign. If you speak to God, its a wonder.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree and disagree its all whether you believe in the notion of having a true supreme being watching over you. I mean there are millions of people who are religious and pray to god regularly... There are also signs of God leaving his trace by apperaing in miraculous dreams of the chosen ones or leaving people bleeding in their hands feet and head to emulate the pain and suffering jesus when through during cruxification... This phenomenon is called stigmata...

  • A
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, if someone thinks that god is speaking to them, than there is a reason. Maybe some chemical imbalance.

    If you think you are talking to god, than there is a reason for that too. Probably psychological.

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