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if it is cheating to sleep with someone other than your partner?

is it the partners dutyto make sure that spouse is sexually satisfied even if that person doesnt want to have sex as this question is making me dizzy

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually a good question. Some words never go out of fashion, and "cheating" is one of them. The word suggests something lowdown and crooked. You would not look at it as "cheating" if you altruistically gave your blessings because you want him or her to enjoy having sex, even if it's not with you. You are talking about unconditional love, and that is a rare commodity, and it would be a lucky spouse indeed that had a partner like that.

  • Sleek
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Join the Yahoo! group s.w.a.g.e..

    OF COURSE it is cheating if you don't remain loyal in any way. Don't be dizzy, love. Try to get to the root of why your partner tells you no. Stop FIGHTING and things will improve.


    The way you phrased your question is unclear. Now I see what you're asking and I say heck YES the partner is responsible, even biblically to "render due diligence" and make sure the other partner is fed! The bible even says that your body belongs NOT TO YOU ANY LONGER, but to the other person. I know that just confirms things and makes you hurt more, but it is true. I've been where you are, but there has been a 180, thank GOD. The secret is in the counselling, the "not fighting" and the getting to the root of the issue causing the problem. Godspeed. I feel your pain, sweety.

    Source(s): email me for more info. if you need to
  • 1 decade ago

    No I would not call it a duty. If people are in a committed relationship then they need to work together to satisfy EACH OTHERS needs. One may want sex more than the other but there can be a happy compromise. It is NEVER a reason for a spouse to cheat. If someone can't control their sex drive any better than that then they either need counseling or a divorce.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you can't expect a partner to cater to your EVERY whim, but I think both people in the relationship should try and make sure the other person is satisfied sexually, and emotionally. If you are NOT satisfied, that doesn't mean you can just go out and f someone else. It is your job to tell the person you are with that you aren't satisfied, and what you want from them. AND part of relationship is compromise. If you can't deal with compromise and you expect to get everything you want, the way you want it, then you shouldn't be in a relationship.

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  • jude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yes it is cheating, but u have no right to hurt your spouse,and sleep with someone else, just because your not getting what u want when u want it. can't fix the relationship by going outside the relationship for comfort. as something like this could get ugly, u just can't use people, what if u got involved with someone who had a std, or with someone who wanted u to leave your marriage for them,what happens if u fall in love with the one your sleeping with, could cost u your marriage. so work on the marriage, if u want a good partner be a good partner.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it's cheating. It's your duty to make sure your partner knows what you want. They you guys either need to work out something that works for both of you or break it off. Sleeping with someone else is not fair to anyone involved and doesn't solve any problems.

  • RudiA
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sex is not a duty, it's a pleasure between two partners,

    and if they are married it's a pleasure between the man

    and his wife. When one wants it and the other doesn't

    then the other should have a reason as to why and ex-

    plain it to the other half. However if sex is looked else-

    where outside the marriage , no matter for what reason,

    it's called C H E A T I N G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Paige
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, it's not the other spouses "duty". It is up to both of them to communicate to make sure the other person's needs are met. If someone cheats, then the relationship is over.. at least in my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry to say it but yes it is cheating. Yes your partner should be the one to satisfy you but sometimes couples get distant from one another and slowly drift apart and that causes for some to look for someone else to take care of their needs regaurdless of whether they will risk jeapardizing everything w/the one they love.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is still cheating. You would need to work things out as a couple. The blame game gets you nowhere. And going out and cheating simply piles on regrets that you will never be freed from.

    If you are not married yet then I can honestly point out your real problem.

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