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pray for me, I need courage & strenght to deal with my step daughter at the same time get over a molar pregnan

Nightmare..on November 20 I found out that my h & I were expecting twin on the 21 after an Ultrasound we were told that we were having a molar pregnancy almost die after the D&C had to be giving 1 liter of blood, now I am dealing with the lost, the though that I might need chemotherapy But to add up to our grief my husband daughter,whom I had invited from France to spent the holidays with us decide to tell him that she have dought that he is her father after 20 years of child support she inform him that her mother cheated on all her husbands so she wants a DNA my husband refuse and I agree she then told him that he is stupid to do so and she also saw fit to tell me that while she love me she is glad that I have lost every pregnancy me and her father ever had because if I had carried the babies full term they will replace her

I had never been so hurt in my life nor fell more hatred

how do I deal with someone like that she is 20 year old when do you kick your child out of your life


Abby you are correct that is what I have always told my husband and his X because I actually have no intention of enter into their war, but as for a package deal I did married a man with a child and I am as responsible for her as he is for mine that is the reason why for the past years since we been married I have done my best to deal with all her issues, sickness and all when she & her father no longer talk because she refusedto finish high school I beg her to get back to school

because she is 20 her father no longer send child support in my part knowing that she is not working I would send 200 Euros her problem with me is not because I interfer (because I actually have not) but because she thinks me having a child will

take her out of the picture even after she told her father she was not his child I still sit them down and explain to her just because they might not be blood related he was still her fathermy concern now is to stop my h from sueing her mother it is time for peace

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well it is no wonder your husband left his mother.

    I think I would let her take the test

    if it is not your husband's child then it wont be hard to kick her out of your life.

    She might be 20 but sounds like she is alot younger.

    I know that this is hard but try not to take what she said about your pregnancies so personal

    she was just trying to say that she did not want to share your love with a brother or sister. Selfish yes, insensitive definitely, malicious, probably not.

    Instead of hate, you should feel pity for her, how sad her life must be that she thinks that another child would replace her in her fathers eyes.

    can you imagine how miserable her life has been for the past 20 years. Any child who would say those things about her own mother obviously does not have a mother she respects much so you are the best mother she has known.

    she wanted to be the only one. She's 20 and she lives in France don't spend another minute hating her

    She needs some serious counseling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly, please accept my sympathies on the lost of your pregnancy. You must be going through a terrible time (terrible being an understatement). Your stepdaughter, although 20 years old, is still very young to understand your lost and spat nasty and insensitive words to you obviously out of anger. In her shoes, she is only trying to find out where she comes from, considering what her mother had told her. It's unfortunate that your lost and her wake-up call came at the same time because, otherwise, you would be supporting each other in this difficult times.

    I believe you do not hate her for otherwise, you would not invite her over from France. You are just hurt, and you are just hating her behaviour and what she said to you and your husband.

    You must never have this intention to kick her out, because, with that, you will hurt your husband. You must never break a father's and daughter's relationship like that.

    I know what you are going through with your lost and most probably have to go through chemo (after going through the same myself). Do not show your hatred towards your stepdaughter as things like these have the tendancies to escalate into worse situations and thats the last thing you need.

    Perhaps you like to go away for a few days and relaxed on your own. It helps also if you enlighten your stepdaughter on your condition. I am sure she was just too angry about your husband's decision not to have a DNA tests done. I also understand your husband loves her daughter and is being put on a very difficult position if the test proves otherwise, and he lost a daughter...but it really doesn't have to be this way as he has been her father for 20 years.

    Perhaps you can ask her if she would give you and your husband time to recuperate your health and grief and would appreciate as much help from her as possible, which means she would have to get involve, and when you are well again, you and your husband will revisit her request for a DNA test. You must not put her aside in this situation as her needs are just as important as yours. At least to her.

    My prayers for your health, and I hope she finds the answers she is looking for. All the best.

  • Abby
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This situation is between Dad and daughter, so stay out of it. She is only staying for the holidays so be patient. Lady, you probably knew your man had a past and a daughter so do not over react. You took a package deal and deal with it with the best of your ability by staying out of it. Praying will not help you but common sense will.

  • i don't really know what to say to you besides that i'm am very sorry for your loss. i am only 20, however i would never say what she said to anyone! i would confront her as an adult and tell her how her comment made you feel. let her know that she could never be replaced. you have to be gentle with this one, she seams very unsecure and you need to be the bigger person and be there for her. it seams like a calling out for help! tell her that you want to be there for her and you need her to be there for you. best of luck to you and your loved ones!

    Source(s): if you want anymore thoughts of a 20 year old, though we may not be the same personality type, i may still be able to help you out! just e-mail me at
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  • kitten
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    im sending warm wishes to you and lots of luck and strength to you i hope things pick up for you sorry to hear all thats happened will pray for you good luck to you xx

  • 1 decade ago

    I am praying, you need to relax

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will pray for you.

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