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I have a 1980 Honda Silverwing motorcycle?

I am looking for parts and how much it is worth now, any ideas?


Oops, it is a 1981 GL500 Silverwing

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I have an 82 Honda CX500 and the engine and drivetrain are based one and the same.

    They are unique and have a very different look which is why I still have one.

    Parts are still readily available on Ebay and the bikes have a small following. You won't get tons of money for it but if it's super clean and runs good you might get $1000.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    1980 Honda Silverwing

  • 1 decade ago

    Please dont take offense. the 650 V-twin SilverWing is one of the all time worst bikes ever madeOh sure your gonna hear a success story after i tell you this, but freind the failure stories are legendary. Your best bet, and i am not being mean or anything here, is if it wont ride you as is, or with basic tune, sell it. strip it and part it on ebay, some poor folks are trying to keep those horrid things alive. find yourself a mainstream transverse 4, or upright twin, and invest in that. Those 650 sideways v motors are awful. low power, in general a failure. Prove it? they only made it one year. What more evidence of failure is it when the factory gives up? Unless your madly in love with an ungainly beastlike that, peddle it ASAP. Too many nice bikes setting for a good person to be forced onto one of those. Oh, BTW only the 83 model is a SilverWing. you have probably got a 80 CX650 Custom, or a CX500 anything, all of them belong in the hall of fame... the landfill. People called them SilverWings to glorify them, but thats as much glory as they ever got.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    I suspect a dud coil. The fact that it's 2 cylinders playing up (3 &4) just gives me this impression. The way to check is to swap the coils over and see if the other 2 cylinders start running cold. You might see a spark but it can be too weak to ignite the fuel properly. This would explain the "slight wetness" of the plugs. There is enough spark to ignite the fuel at idle, but the extra fuel at revs is too much and the plugs get swamped.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try these guys.

    There was a great article in Rider Magazine (Feb. 2007) telling about what a great cutting edge machine the Silverwing was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    time for some tough love parts providing that they are standard motorcycle parts aint a problem but your engine is kind of uncommon but still findable now the tough part its worth whatever blood sweat and tears you put into it its worth whatever fun you get out of riding it its worth whatever you can get some one else to pay .

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