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How do I help my 3 month old with diarrhea??

The doctor said not to worry unless its accompanied by a fever and vomitting, which it is not. So I can't take her to the doctor. So what can I do to help her poo harden up? Or even just make the situation a little more comfortable. Poor baby gets covered in it every 3 hours


It's not her formula, shes been on the same formula mostly her whole life. Usually shes somewhat constipated. I know what caused it. My baby sitter gave her a ton of juice.

Update 2:

the brat diet would be an excellent idea, but shes only 3 and a half months and she only eats formula and cereal. i have a jar of baby bananas I could try that but she hasnt started those foods yet.

Update 3:

Shes on soy formula already, has been since she was like a week old. like i said, i know what caused it, all the juice my baby sitter gave her. I just wanna know how to help her as it runs its course.

Update 4:

actually my doctor said to give her diluted juice with her cereal because it makes her constipated. the baby sitter had good intentions she just gave her the whole bottle of it instead of just the one ounce she usually gets.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I'm not sure if you can get it to harden because the baby girl is only three months. I can tell you how to make it more comfy though. first make sure she drinks a lot of liquid to keep hydrated. There's this stuff you can give your babies when this happens. I think it's pedialite. It has things in it to help with keeping hydrated and they love it. Please ask your doctor first or read the package. My youngest is 7yrs old and I haven't really been around to many babies because he's the youngest till June 20th.(a relatives due date ,exciting!) Don't use diaper wipes too much unless your out and about with her. they will give her bad diaper rash. I know it's bad but if you don't want her butt to be red and her to cry your gonna have to get out the softest rags to wash and wipe.Use more wash and less wipe because the more you wipe the more you irritate your poor baby's bottom. Make sure every time you change her that you put on some desitin or other rash medicine to protect her bottom from the stool. No vaseline or rash medicine like that for this. It needs to be creamy and soothing not unbreathable. Vaseline is oily and is good sometimes but it blocks. I'm no doctor and I could be wrong but, it worked for my little one. He hardly ever had a diaper rash and he had the same thing for 2 years before the doctor found out he was lactose intolerant. Every time that boy had ice cream he would let it rip. No, I didn't give it to him all the time. Plus by the time he was a year I took him off the bottle. He just wasn't interested any more. So, He wasn't doing it as often as usuall. He always had bad gas (still farts like a man) as a baby to. His stomach would be all tight. The doctor told me he was healthy and growing so, he couldn't find out what was wrong. Then as he grew off the bottle and got less milk we found out we had to buy lactose free.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would suggest, thickening her cereal just a little bit, the baby sitter needs to be changed cause no baby gets juice at this age

    feed her as many times as she will allow it with the cereal so it'll pass quicker.

    and at 3 months you can give her a stage one size jar of bananna

    just make sure not too much at one

    time, give her half and then formula, half then the formula again.

    good luck she will be fine, and for comforts sake there isn't much you can do just keep her bum clean and dry so she doesn't get a rash on top of ths diareah.

  • 1 decade ago

    What has happened is the over load of juice has irritated her

    gastro- tract. You can get some pedilyte at your store or pharmacy.That will help keep her hydrated.You don't want to overload her system more by feeding her a lot of stuff . If you feel she is hungry, then feed her small amounts of rice cereal,mixed with water. Not juice or formula.To keep her from getting raw,try to keep a barrier cream on her.It may sound gross, but leaving her on a big towel so her bum can be in the open air helps the skin too. To prevent it from happening again,limit the amount of juice you have on hand.White Grape juice seems to be more gentle on the baby's system than Apple or Red Grape juice.

    Source(s): Been a Mom for 14 yrs. Been there done that.
  • 1 decade ago

    three month old babies aren't supposed to have harden poo. it is usually soft but maybe not liquid. if he/she doesn't seem to be sick otherwise, the best thing is to let it run its course. if its been more than a couple days since your sitter gave him/her the juice, that's not effecting her/him now. okay... now what you can do about it.... although a doctor will tell you it isn't necessary, it didn't hurt any of my 7 babies. put a small amount of infant cereal (rice is best) in his/her bottle to make the formula a little thicker. this will change the consistency of his/her stool. try it for a couple of days and see if he/she likes it. the baby will even sleep better at night. oh, and about the juice, my youngest is three and she still can't drink juice without getting diarrhea. juice is loaded with sugar (even 100% juices have natural sugar in them) so juice is not at all necessary for the development of a healthy baby.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Due to your baby only being three months old, giving her solid foods isn't the best option as her stomach is far too immature for solid foods at this age.

    Is your baby a breastfed or formula fed baby?

    Breastfed babies change in poo usually relates to the Mother's diet, is your diet relativly healthy? It is very important for breastfeeding mother's to remember to drink two litres of water per day, as well as keep up with meals. Very important.

    Formula fed babies change in poo usually relates to something upsetting her stomach, do you properly sterollise your bottles? Use cooled boiled water. Possibly she is not handling a dairy form of formula?

    My three month old girl was suffereing from constipation due to dairy based cows milk formula. As soon as we changed her to a goats milk based formula, her constipation was no longer and the rash on her face disapeared.

    It sucks when Doctor's don't know all the answers, or can't see your baby unless more then one side effect is involved.

    How long has she been on her current formula if this is the case?

  • 1 decade ago

    Boil 1 cup of rice into 5-6 cups of water. Drain the water off (don't throw it out!) and let the water cool. Add 1/4th teaspoon of salt and enough Splenda (no sugar) to make it sweet so she'll drink it. Give her one cup of the water every hour until the diarreah is gone.

    I found this out from an old Irish woman when my oldest had a stomach virus and I've used it for 3 kids of my own and several other's I've taken care of. It works every time.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. is she allergic to regular milk? try soy milk

    2. Ask which foods will help. There is a baby diet for diarrhea called BRAT Bananas, Rice baby cereal, Applesauce, Toast

    Also it is NOT good if this persists. Babies can get dehydrated VERY easily, very quickly, and she can lose a lot of electrolytes through vomiting OR diarrhea. If it continues, visit an ER. You may want to take the last BM with you in an old diaper.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most pediatricians will tell you it is fine to start feeding her fruits and vegetables at 3 1/2 months. They are going to tell you to do it at her 4 month check up anyways. Rice cereal mixed with bananas should help harden her stool. Make sure she is having frequent wet diapers so that she isn't being dehydrated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Awww poor baby, I had the same problem with my baby when he was 2 months old. Talk with your babys doctor. Make sure your baby is getting plenty of fluids. There is this liquids out its called pedilight. You give that to your baby to keep your baby from becoming dehydrated. also bananas stop diarrhea. Try getting some baby food (bananas) and feeding to your baby!

    Source(s): my own
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try and give your baby dyoralite it is a powdered solution that gives her the nutrients that she is loosing, you usually give this for 24 hours and nothing else but when i use it on my children if they are not being sick then give her half her milk feed along with this dyoralite(obviously in seperate bottles and one 10 minutes before the other). And try folding the top of the nappy in towards the body so that it does spread so much up her back and tummy. GOOD LUCK hope these tips help they have worked for my children.

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