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Do you understand "impeachment?"?

I see so many questions/statements that Bush should be impeached for his incompetency, that he made mistakes in Katrina, Iraq, etc.

Do you realize mistakes (or even lack of ability) is not grounds for impeachment?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't get frustrated, these are the same people that believe Nixon was impeached and Clinton wasn't. I had someone swear up and down Clinton wasn't impeached, even when I showed her the evidence.

    The Liberal mind (or lack there of) exists in a different world where people play by different rules and something is true if Jon Stewart says it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe (or maybe I hope) that they want him impeached on the grounds of criminal negligence or abuse of power, which are both impeachable offenses. I would hate to think (although it's probably true) that the majority of Americans think a President can be impeached for incompetence.

    Of course, he COULD be removed from office without impeachment, but that would require military action, and that's not how this country operates.

    Still, it's sad but true that, even after so recently going through the process, most people don't even understand that there is a difference between "impeachment" and "removal from office."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What crime did Bush commit. To be impeached you have to commit a crime. The incompetence that the Lib's are claiming that Bush had during Katrina does not amount to a crime. Thank G-d being stupid is not a crime because almost every liberal in the world would be in prison...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope youre correct. And I for one do not think he should be impreached for bing an idiot, although he clearly is one.

    Who SHOULD take the blame? The US voters who elected him, not once, but TWICE. It was obvious he was always considered less than brilliant (look at Will Ferrel's scathingly funny impersonations of Bush during the debates- Who can forget -Strateegery-?), but for so many people in this country who are less than bright themselves, he seemed as though, well maybe he isnt too bright but he shouldnt be able to get into too much trouble. Not like that pointy headed intellectual Gore. How wrong those who voted for him were. But rather than be adults, admit they were conned by Osama Bin Bush and drive on, they wish to continue to divide the country and attack anyone with a dissenting opinion. Time to grow up and smell the cordite, NeoCon Artists.

    And to Fish's comments, yeah good thing all the liberals arent in jail. Who would you blame for your stupidity then?

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  • 1 decade ago

    But the lack of leadership skills and lying to the senate and

    congress, plus the AMERICAN PUBLIC, IS GROUNDS for

    IMPEACHMENT. Look they tried to impeach president Clinton for

    having sex and lying about it. Don't you think Bush did a hole

    lot worse? Or are you just going along with whatever he says.

    Source(s): Has no one been watching t.v. for the past 6 years. Do you think he lied to anyone? Or is everyone afraid to ask questions?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People are stupid and do not know how Government works or even the Constitution works. They are good at watching football a child's game and route for their party as mindlessly as they route for their home lol.

    It's funny elected officials do not even know the laws in this country.

    Source(s): P.S. what you are proposing is treason by default, later.
  • 1 decade ago

    Right Question, but asking the wrong people. Do you think these govt. educamated libs really care about the truth?. They know if the say the lie often, it can take on the appearance of turth!.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So Fish believes that those who do not hold HIS viewpoint are "stupid."

    Funny thing to say in a country that was founded on the principle that people are entitled to hold different beliefs, isn't it?

    You must not be American.

  • 1 decade ago

    they ought to apologize to bill clinton,,,at least his impeachment trial was inner personal reasons....

    bush needs impeached !!

    hes ruining our country !!!

    its revolution time.

    Source(s): yeah,,common sense
  • a
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes... being a screw-up is not a high crime or misdemeanor. He should not be impeached (and I am a democrat).

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