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Am I supposed to shake hands with people?

As a female, when I am introduced to someone, am I suppose to reach out and shake their hand? Does it matter if it's a man or a woman? I definately won't do this if I'm eating and I've never initiated a hand shake. Just curious to know the proper etiquette. It always seemed like a man thing. Thanks!!!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a cultural thing for one so there is no one correct answer. I would say in business, yes, you shake hands because clients, partners, bosses, etc. may be put off by the fact that you haven't.

    In social circles you can do either one. I don't think it makes much difference there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In todays society,women are expected to initiate the handshake if it's between man and woman. But like you said,and I agree,if you're introduced by your host/hostess while in the middle of eating,then NO, I will not shake your hand. A simple nod and a "How do you do" will suffice. AFTER the meal,excuse yourself to the ladies room in time for a breath mint and washing of the hands. THEN reintroduce yourself to this person AND offer a handshake as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shaking hands is a simple way of showing friendliness and respect when introduced to somone, it doesn't mean anything beyond that.

    I'm female and regularly shake hands with both men and women when introduced to them. It's a simple courtesy.

    It's usual to give a reasonably firm handshake (limp, soggy handshakes can be taken as a sign of being wishy-washy) and smile at the person while looking them in the eye.

    Hand-shaking is a fine piece of social interraction... go for it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Etiquette is not about properly complying with a set of rules. Etiquette is about creating ease between people. All greetings, including handshaking, should be individualized based upon your quick and perceptive assessment of the person before you and whether a handshake would add an element of ease to the encounter. Certainly, when a hand is extended to YOU, shake it with genuine warmth while making steady, sincere eye contact, remembering that the origins of handshaking hail from very savage peoples extending their hands upon encountering each other to show that they hid no weapons. With business people, they expect a handshake as a ritual and established form of greeting, so, offer your hand in a matter-of-fact way in order to put them at ease in their cultural expectation. Among family and friends, a cordial handshake can occur, on rare occasions, and those handshakes tend to be warmer with one hand gripping and the second hand embracing the persons wrist in a gesture of freindship. Whatever the situation, try to meet the other person's expectations and match the gesture in order to ease their nervousness about meeting you. And, in all instances, your own handshake and grip and all that should be GENUINE, as firm as you are confident, as warm as you are in your heart. And, remember that eye contact that says, "I am enjoying this contact with you very much." Savor those moments of handshakes. And, in the very rare occasion when you wouldn't shake someone's hand if the planet depended upon it, stand steady, make eye contact, but keep your hands and arms limp at your sides and don't diddle with your hands. Such moments are intense, but stand your ground and be strong, a true lady.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Proper etiquette says that a man should never extend his hand to a lady (to shake hands) unless the lady has extended her's first. If the situation is between two ladies it is up to the eldest (if it is apparent which one is the eldest) to extend her hand first. Alas, these rules are never followed. I personally, hate shaking hands.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems like more men initiate the hand shake, but you can initiate it as a female... there's no difference.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, women should definitely shake hands too when being introduced.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes you should shake hands but make sure to use a handsanitizer later on. you never know where that hand may have been 2 minutes ago.I see many guys picking their nose,or doing other nasty stuff we all dont wanna know about

  • 1 decade ago

    According to the old rules, women should initiate handshakes with men.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most definitely...Any time you're introduced to someone, or if you are introducing yourself. Put your hand out, and say, "Nice to meet you".

    It's not a man thing...we women do it all the time!

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