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crazymaysie asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Is there a polite way to tell my neighbor to clean up after her dog?

I live in an apartment complex that has signs and areas posted with free bags to clean up the feces from residents dogs...but she never does. Is their a way to tell her or another way to get her to be a more responsible pet owner?

20 Answers

  • Chetco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I get food service gloves at the dollar store, 100 gloves for a dollar..take her a bag of gloves, or save bags (small ) for her, and just take them over, and say that you thought she might appreciate these..If she doesn't get the hint, she is hopeless..

    Source(s): dog breeder sincee 1968
  • Angell
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I use to live in a Mobile Park in San Jose, Calif. and the pet rule was simple { pick up dog droppings, do not leave in neighbors yards } how hard is that. There was a lady that would walk her dog and the animal would drop on the front of my mobile [ saw her let it happen]. naturally she denied it. So every time it happened we would put it in a plastic bag and drop at her front door [ note attached, put up next time].

    After about two weeks she complained to the manager. She was told by him clean up your act or get rid of dog or move. She began picking up after her dog. Gradually she found a good home for the pet....

    You could complain to the apartment management, they have a responsibility to the other tenants..

  • 1 decade ago

    I think people like this are sad. This woman refusing to clean up after her dog is only hurting herself and other dog owners. Sooner or later dogs won't be allowed at all in the complex because of people like this. They ruin it for others that are willing to clean up after their pet. I have a neighbor who rents from me that did this and every time I went to the trash I stepped in his dogs poop. I have four dogs and I clean up after all of them. I finally confronted him and told him straight out I didn't appreciate it and it was his responsibility to clean up after his dog. I also bought him one of those little dog poop shovel things. Maybe this lady has a hard time bending over to pick up the poop. If this is the reason buy her one of those handy little shovel things, they are small and easy to handle. If this isn't the case, confront her and tell her the same thing I said if she doesn't clean up after her pet she may be ruining it for others and pets may not be allowed at some point. If at this point she still doesn't get it talk to the management. Dog feces is awful to step in but it also can cause diseases in other dogs that sniff it or get into it. And lets face it that's what dogs do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel your pain...truly.

    After many ignored requests not to let their dog poop on my yard, the nicest way to resolve the issue was to document it and contact animal control. A nice little fine is a sure fire way to get the neighbor's attention. Especially if you've exhausted all your efforts with the apartment management.

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  • EQ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you have any relationship with her, just ask her to please clean up after the dog.

    But if you've never spoken before and you'd feel uncomfortable going up to her, talk to the management. Let them know you're not comfortable talking to the person directly and you'd like them to deal with the problem. It's their job.

    That happened all the time in my old place. They would give people notices about it. It's just incredibly rude, especially when they go so far as to put out the bags for you! Believe me, after stepping in the 10th pile of poop on my way to the mailbox, I wasn't that worried about being polite any more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would go and the person that u know there is bags ou there to clean up why cant u do it everyone else does and it only takes two min utes if u can watch them go u can clean it up. where do u live ? mayeb u should go and just ask all the neighbors if they notice this happenig if so maybe u should have a meeting and u all sjould talk with this person

  • SC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Next time you see the dog pooping, you could be helpful and run a poop bag over to her and say here you go. You're just being helpful but hopefully she'll get the hint.

  • GP
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I too was going to suggest talking to the management -- ours is great about 'fixing' problems like that. However -- I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read the second answer about putting it on their doorstep with a "Your dog left something" note!! I LOVE THAT ONE.

  • 1 decade ago

    Next time you actually see her dog going to the bathroom you should casually walk over to her and tell her "Oh, you're dog went to the bathroom" so now she feel obligated to clean it because you said something. I would also advice that you kind of stay in close proximity to your neighbor so she has that extra push to clean it and she will know that it does bother you. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    We had neighbors that did this when we lived in apartments years ago. They actually let their dog poop in the breezeway, making damn near impossible not to step in it. Reporting them to the management didn't help. We left them a gift of it on their doorstep. They got the message.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like KJ's answer. Don't bother with the note. Just pick it up and put it on her door step. (You might want to use gloves.) Even better, eat a lot spicy food one evening, get up around 3:00 am, and take a dump on her door step.

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